Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Posting to mostly me is stalking. And you admitted that in this case you are doing it because it’s “fun”. Why? You’re a loser with no friends, Fido.


You're counting my posts, GayShortBus???

Your obsession with me is worse than I realized. :ack-1:
I accept your surrender, butt sniffer. Back to your crate, Fido.


Now I've reduced you to trolling your own thread.

Now you’re just making stuff up, Fido. Pretty sick

I didn't make anything up, GayShortBus. You claim I post mostly to you. The only way you can know that is by counting my posts.

You should seek professional help for your obsessions, GayShortBus. They're not healthy.
Once you post Trump dancing I know I have won. Too easy. Do better next time, Fido.


Yeah, GayShortBus, I control you to the point that I make you troll your own thread; and your deformed brain calls that winning.

I didn't make anything up, GayShortBus. You claim I post mostly to you. The only way you can know that is by counting my posts.

You should seek professional help for your obsessions, GayShortBus. They're not healthy.
I claim you mostly stalk me. Correct, Fido. You’re also unoriginal. Back to your crate.
Great, then since you trust Reuters, you know that only one state stopped counting and that was because they completed counting.
I trust Reuters who was told from a distance what happened because, as you well know, reporters were not at the polling stations.
I don't know there were no reporters at polling stations. Got proof of that?
Do you have proof that there were?
In Nassau County and Miami, reporters don't hang out after 9:00PM.
If you ever worked the polls you would know this.
Of course, I realize that being emotionally disturbed and mentally ill you will come out with any nonsense to "be right".
Do you have proof that there were?
In Nassau County and Miami, reporters don't hang out after 9:00PM.
If you ever worked the polls you would know this.
Of course, I realize that being emotionally disturbed and mentally ill you will come out with any nonsense to "be right".

It's your claim. If you can't prove it, I have no problem with dismissing your bullshit as lies.
It's your claim. If you can't prove it, I have no problem with dismissing your bullshit as lies.
Would you be saying the same if I stated there were reporters there?
Your mental illness is noted.
You now have the onus of proving that reporters hang out at polls in the middle of the night.
AZ never said the election was solen.
Now take your meds.
Had Arizona Republicans not wanted to pedal the idea that the election was stolen, they never would have hired Cyber Ninjas; Cyber Ninjas' review, backed by Trump-friendly Republicans and presented to the state Senate on Sept. 24, suggested there were problems with voter rolls in Maricopa County, where Biden won by more than 45,000 votes. But the audit did not surface evidence that widespread voter fraud affected the election outcome. Several independent fact-checking organizations have debunked those claims. What Republicans may have lacked in saying, wasn't backed up by their actions. Watch what they do, not what they say, or don't say.

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