Biden: You're Fired!!!!

Biden won. Fair and square. Just like Trump did in 2016.

Honestly, if I had to swallow four years of the most unconstitutional anti-American anti-democratic president in my life time you can swallow 4 years of Biden.
Trump ran the nation as moderate populist. Trying not to interfere with people Biden is now a Progressive Socialist Communist with his minions ready to put more tentacles into peoples lives. That is a big difference.

I don't know about that. You see, my crystal ball started just getting nothing but I Love Lucy reruns and I had to send it into the repair shop. Now they tell me that I need to go to Amazon and buy another one because the Repair Shop shut down due to Covid.
What did Trump do that was unconstitutional? How did Trump demonstrate anti-Americanism?
UnAmerican? For starters I'll take the most recent. His behavior regarding the election
So fighting for the integrity of our elections is unAmerican. I'm sorry MSNBC keeps telling you that Trump just refuses to leave because he's a bad loser.

Unconstitutional? ...DACA, LGBTQ rights, two attempts on the "Muslim ban" EO, several attempts to include immigration status in the census, multiple losses on his deregulation attempts...
Not one of those things is unconstitutional. In fact, I can't even believe you mentioned the census. The census is ABOUT collecting data on people to categorize their status on a whole range of categories, and knowing the percentage of immigrants and transients in a state is an important one.

Fighting for the integrity of our elections IS American.

It just doesn't happen to be what Trump & Co are engaged in.
There is simply no rational way to make that claim. So, naturally, you made it.

Coming from a person who is possibly not rational, I will assume this is just another symptom of your Trump Delusion Syndrome.
You know what they say when you assume:

You're an ass.
What did Trump do that was unconstitutional? How did Trump demonstrate anti-Americanism?
UnAmerican? For starters I'll take the most recent. His behavior regarding the election
So fighting for the integrity of our elections is unAmerican. I'm sorry MSNBC keeps telling you that Trump just refuses to leave because he's a bad loser.

Unconstitutional? ...DACA, LGBTQ rights, two attempts on the "Muslim ban" EO, several attempts to include immigration status in the census, multiple losses on his deregulation attempts...
Not one of those things is unconstitutional. In fact, I can't even believe you mentioned the census. The census is ABOUT collecting data on people to categorize their status on a whole range of categories, and knowing the percentage of immigrants and transients in a state is an important one.

Fighting for the integrity of our elections IS American.

It just doesn't happen to be what Trump & Co are engaged in.

WRONG. You've been deluded by MSNBC.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.
What I can't wrap my mind around is grown men (and women) raping babies and children up to 8 years old and older. And its happening as I type. Imagine a grown man raping a month old baby. You KNOW that baby dies afterwards, don't you? IN EXTREME pain, because a standard to 7 inch penis inserted into a 24 inch body, if even that, pierces organs and rips that baby apart. Yet nobody seems to gtive a damn. THAT is horrific.

Yes. It is.

Not sure how it relates to anything here though...
It relates. Somehow. And should relate. Because when Biden tears down that wall...more babies will die like that. And toddlers. And pre teens. And adults.
Totally disagree there.
Why? The Democrat plan is to invite more illegals in. Open borders. That gives traffickers a green light.
This has nothing to do with the convo either, but I am THRILLED I am a senior and hopefully will not live long enough to watch my country become socialist/communist. And if I happen to be cursed to see it...I will leave this world lickety split on my own. Thats how bad it upsets me.
  • Thanks
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refusal to CLEAR when requested to do so isdisorderly conduct
a cheap, photo op with a bible...

Maybe not his best but Obumma was the master of cheap photo ops; his favorite was using a bunch of children around him at every photo op.

Actually I disagree - he genuinely liked children, he was a real family guy. Some things, even when they are photo ops, are genuine.

Yet you can divine that Trump's desire to appear before the church was salacious?
What did Trump do that was unconstitutional? How did Trump demonstrate anti-Americanism?
UnAmerican? For starters I'll take the most recent. His behavior regarding the election
So fighting for the integrity of our elections is unAmerican. I'm sorry MSNBC keeps telling you that Trump just refuses to leave because he's a bad loser.

Unconstitutional? ...DACA, LGBTQ rights, two attempts on the "Muslim ban" EO, several attempts to include immigration status in the census, multiple losses on his deregulation attempts...
Not one of those things is unconstitutional. In fact, I can't even believe you mentioned the census. The census is ABOUT collecting data on people to categorize their status on a whole range of categories, and knowing the percentage of immigrants and transients in a state is an important one.

Fighting for the integrity of our elections IS American.

It just doesn't happen to be what Trump & Co are engaged in.
There was not one iota of integrity in being turned away from the church we have always voted in on account of "computer" problems, so on Nov. 3, I had to get back in my car and drive 10 miles, passing my farm uo, and going to a county annex, waiting 2 hours in a line until I finally got to vote. Now, I wonder if my vote represented the offices I voted for as it was also on a computer.
Trump and company ARE fighting for it. You are not.
Trump is fighting to stay in power. That's all.

I disagree. Trump is fighting to stay in power for the good of America because he knows what the Left are up to and because he knows he won the election and wants to see the real winner of the election in the WH, not some installed bum. If Trump felt in any way he really lost, he'd be out of there in 5 minutes.

Everything else, the media have beaten into you with 24/7 programming and incessant Trump-bashing.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
Sweety pie.....she made opinons based on what SHE feels is evidence to HER. She has no need to back up her opinions or beliefs. Same as you not needing to back up YOUR beliefs or opinions, so why do you demand it of others.
Personally, I hate the color pink. No linky either. Pink is ugly. But you might like that color. No linky needed.

Love and a soft kick,

No snookums, she made several allegations of fact, several of which I listed above. Declarative sentences.

An opinion would be "I like ice cream". An assertion of fact would be "there is no such thing as ice cream". The latter would require me to PROVE that there is no such thing as ice cream.

She can't do it.

You keep trying to shift assertions of fact into some weird kind of "opinion". They ain't.

I do not care for the color pink myself. But that's an entirely different thing from asserting that pink exists.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.
If someone agrees with Pogo that he's the smartest person in the room, he'll be happy.
I like Pogo. Its a love/hate thing. But his "linky" drives me about as batty as my "iggie" does for him I suppose.
How does the old saying go? Take what you like, leave the rest? Sometimes the rest that I leave I have to kick dirt over. :auiqs.jpg:

It cannot be simpler. If one makes an assertion, then one assumes the burden of proof OF that assertion.
Not rocket surgery.
My computer lost touch with its host, and I have been on phone for several months now. I'm sorry you can't seem to find the crowds shown at and with the No steal" signs they were carrying. My opinions I stand behind with all my heart. I too believe the election wzs a blatant steal because the shoe fits and I cannot acquit. The Supreme Court must follow their discipline of letting politicians deal with politics. There are several measures we will address along with patriots in all other uncompromised by hostile communists, and we have Eisenhower-inspired laws passed in 1954 against communism that we could use, and there are things we likely will utilize to dismiss the guy who cheated by proxy. Talk all you want, Biden the racketeer is not going to rule, along with the donkeys he rode in on. He is out. No criminal will ever rule this country.

Once again Becki ---- you made several assertions for which you have no basis, evidence or proof.

I don't need crowd pics. They would have no bearing on anything. You're old enough to know simply flinging assertions like so many turds doesn't make some alternate-universe reality suddenly spring to life from Frankenstein's table. If something happened, there's evidence that it happened. If something did not happen, there's none. It's as simple as that and those equations are non-negotiable.

There is no "steal", there is no "conspiracy", there is no grand "fraud". There is only a petulant man-child throwing tantrumps and scattershot lies to assuage his own ego at being a LOSER. Period, full stop. It's time to face the reality that you're being lied to. It's well past time.

And btw we have no "laws against communism" either. That's just wholly irrational.
Trump and company ARE fighting for it. You are not.
Trump is fighting to stay in power. That's all.

I disagree. Trump is fighting to stay in power for the good of America because he knows what the Left are up to and because he knows he won the election and wants to see the real winner of the election in the WH, not some installed bum. If Trump felt in any way he really lost, he'd be out of there in 5 minutes.

Everything else, the media have beaten into you with 24/7 programming and incessant Trump-bashing.

What the spoiled brat "wants' is completely irrelevant. (Over) 84 million voters just sent Rump packing. For some reason he's not packing but he's got to go.
It's not only the reality ---- it's the law.

You remember the law? The Constitution?
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
Sweety pie.....she made opinons based on what SHE feels is evidence to HER. She has no need to back up her opinions or beliefs. Same as you not needing to back up YOUR beliefs or opinions, so why do you demand it of others.
Personally, I hate the color pink. No linky either. Pink is ugly. But you might like that color. No linky needed.

Love and a soft kick,

No snookums, she made several allegations of fact, several of which I listed above. Declarative sentences.

An opinion would be "I like ice cream". An assertion of fact would be "there is no such thing as ice cream". The latter would require me to PROVE that there is no such thing as ice cream.

She can't do it.

You keep trying to shift assertions of fact into some weird kind of "opinion". They ain't.

I do not care for the color pink myself. But that's an entirely different thing from asserting that pink exists.
:auiqs.jpg: at snookums.

Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
Sweety pie.....she made opinons based on what SHE feels is evidence to HER. She has no need to back up her opinions or beliefs. Same as you not needing to back up YOUR beliefs or opinions, so why do you demand it of others.
Personally, I hate the color pink. No linky either. Pink is ugly. But you might like that color. No linky needed.

Love and a soft kick,

No snookums, she made several allegations of fact, several of which I listed above. Declarative sentences.

An opinion would be "I like ice cream". An assertion of fact would be "there is no such thing as ice cream". The latter would require me to PROVE that there is no such thing as ice cream.

She can't do it.

You keep trying to shift assertions of fact into some weird kind of "opinion". They ain't.

I do not care for the color pink myself. But that's an entirely different thing from asserting that pink exists.
:auiqs.jpg: at snookums.


I know, right? You DEFINITELY do not look like a Snookums. :love_ya4:
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
Sweety pie.....she made opinons based on what SHE feels is evidence to HER. She has no need to back up her opinions or beliefs. Same as you not needing to back up YOUR beliefs or opinions, so why do you demand it of others.
Personally, I hate the color pink. No linky either. Pink is ugly. But you might like that color. No linky needed.

Love and a soft kick,

No snookums, she made several allegations of fact, several of which I listed above. Declarative sentences.

An opinion would be "I like ice cream". An assertion of fact would be "there is no such thing as ice cream". The latter would require me to PROVE that there is no such thing as ice cream.

She can't do it.

You keep trying to shift assertions of fact into some weird kind of "opinion". They ain't.

I do not care for the color pink myself. But that's an entirely different thing from asserting that pink exists.
:auiqs.jpg: at snookums.


I know, right? You DEFINITELY do not look like a Snookums. :love_ya4:
I do too! And a Dear One, Sweetheart, Sugarplum, Sweety, Darling, etc etc etc.
Now that we grossed everyone out..back on topic.

I still hate pink. Prove why I shouldn't. Anyone? Hello?
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
Sweety pie.....she made opinons based on what SHE feels is evidence to HER. She has no need to back up her opinions or beliefs. Same as you not needing to back up YOUR beliefs or opinions, so why do you demand it of others.
Personally, I hate the color pink. No linky either. Pink is ugly. But you might like that color. No linky needed.

Love and a soft kick,

No snookums, she made several allegations of fact, several of which I listed above. Declarative sentences.

An opinion would be "I like ice cream". An assertion of fact would be "there is no such thing as ice cream". The latter would require me to PROVE that there is no such thing as ice cream.

She can't do it.

You keep trying to shift assertions of fact into some weird kind of "opinion". They ain't.

I do not care for the color pink myself. But that's an entirely different thing from asserting that pink exists.
:auiqs.jpg: at snookums.


I know, right? You DEFINITELY do not look like a Snookums. :love_ya4:
I do too! And a Dear One, Sweetheart, Sugarplum, Sweety, Darling, etc etc etc.

Well apparently I take you more seriously than you do :uhh:
Now that we grossed everyone out..back on topic.

I still hate pink. Prove why I shouldn't. Anyone? Hello?

You don't "prove" an opinion. "I hate pink" is a preference, not a statement of fact.

Can't imagine how this is like brain work to figure out.

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