Biden: You're Fired!!!!

What did Trump do that was unconstitutional?
Refuse Oversight from Congress
Violate the Emoluments Clause
Uh huh. If you don't like those things, you're REALLY not going to like the Biden Administration.

LOL! Just kidding. You'll excuse Pedo Joe anything because you've been told to.
You asked a question, I answered it. All the rest is your usual hand-waving.
I have accurately predicted your programmed response to the monumental clusterfuck the Biden Admin's going to be.
You asked a question, I answered it. You cannot refute my answer.
Not cooperating with leftist witchhunts is not unconstitutional.
Mischaracterizing it doesn't change their Constitutional duty.

Admit that you lost, punk. You asked, thinking no one could come up with anything. Because daveman is daveman's idea of what a smart person looks like.
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.
The cages were for the men. The families were deported.

I already posted the Sessions/Miller article. But keep on looking like a jackass. You're a natural.

They also conflate the issue of unaccompanied children with that of families with children in order to justify brutal policies.

Fuck Trump and the Party of Child Abuse.
obama kids cages.jpg

But's okay when Obama does it!
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.
The cages were for the men. The families were deported.

I already posted the Sessions/Miller article. But keep on looking like a jackass. You're a natural.
View attachment 429328
I was waiting for the bullshit photo that every wingnut posts showing men in cages but the wingnuts just call them children.
What did Trump do that was unconstitutional?
Refuse Oversight from Congress
Violate the Emoluments Clause
Uh huh. If you don't like those things, you're REALLY not going to like the Biden Administration.

LOL! Just kidding. You'll excuse Pedo Joe anything because you've been told to.
You asked a question, I answered it. All the rest is your usual hand-waving.
I have accurately predicted your programmed response to the monumental clusterfuck the Biden Admin's going to be.
You asked a question, I answered it. You cannot refute my answer.
Not cooperating with leftist witchhunts is not unconstitutional.
Mischaracterizing it doesn't change their Constitutional duty.

Admit that you lost, punk. You asked, thinking no one could come up with anything. Because daveman is daveman's idea of what a smart person looks like.
I'm sure that makes you feel better about lying about Obama putting kids in cages.

And that's what it is, a lie. Because you've been shown the truth before. So you're just lying.
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.

You are conflating two different issues.

One - how to handle the huge number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

Two - CREATING A POLICY to 100% separate families who cross the border.

Do you comprehend the difference here?
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.
The cages were for the men. The families were deported.

I already posted the Sessions/Miller article. But keep on looking like a jackass. You're a natural.
View attachment 429328
I was waiting for the bullshit photo that every wingnut posts showing men in cages but the wingnuts just call them children.
16-17 year olds are men?

You can't help but being wrong.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

Biden won. Fair and square.
Semantics. Biden will be officially recognized as president until he can't do the job anymore. I give the guy a few months to a year.

Just like Trump did in 2016.
NOTHING like Trump. Trump's election was held like every other election since Geo. Washington, not with a bunch of crazy exceptions and radical unfounded changes commissions have warned against for fifteen years as being fraught with corruption, and Trump's was cleanly decided without a doubt at 2AM a mere 6 hours after the polls closed, not six weeks later amid dozens of legal challenges.

Honestly, if I had to swallow four years of the most unconstitutional
You can't name a single thing unconstitutional about Trump. You must be thinking of Obumma who was slapped down thirteen times by the SC for exceeding his authority.

You can't name a single thing about Trump that is anti-American. Obama wouldn't even put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in and went around the world apologizing for and blaming America.

You are clearly suffering from cognitive disconnect.

My cognitive connections are quite fine thank you. I can't say the same for Trumplicans unfortunately.

But I'll offer these points for consideration.

Putting one's hands on the Bible has nothing to do with how American one is.

Case in point: using the military to violently clear away peaceful protestors in order to have PHOTO OP in front of a church with a bible.

When the Bible is merely a prop designed to cloak one's unAmerican actions in "Americanism" it isn't American.

refusal to CLEAR when requested to do so is
disorderly conduct-----how many people died
in the operation you describe? ------other than
possible deaths due to failure of emergency vehicles

inadequate time given to clear, completely unplanned...and using the military against civilians?????

all for a cheap, photo op with a bible...

no wonder he lost the election

With tear gas and rubber bullets no less...

someone has to do it. I liked the mounties that
stamped over the "civilian rioters" in my town---but
maybe there was a shortage of horses on SHORT
notice. How many people died from the tear gas and
rubber bullets?
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.

You are conflating two different issues.

One - how to handle the huge number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

Two - CREATING A POLICY to 100% separate families who cross the border.

Do you comprehend the difference here?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge that Obama started it?
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.

You are conflating two different issues.

One - how to handle the huge number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

Two - CREATING A POLICY to 100% separate families who cross the border.

Do you comprehend the difference here?

the policy to 100% separate families who cross the border? When did that happen?------I have run into scores of intact mexican or hispanic families "sin papeles"
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth. I have watched criminal Democrats practice and brag about their omerta dealings, how many times they voted, and other unwise doings and how they cover up until, like Bill Clinton, admit they did all those things they were accused of post high office service. I've watched the crook propensity grow and domino in the DNC alternative universe that excludes righteousness and caring for others. All those billions forked in, and Biden gives Three hundred bucks to charity.
What did Trump do that was unconstitutional?
Refuse Oversight from Congress
Violate the Emoluments Clause
Uh huh. If you don't like those things, you're REALLY not going to like the Biden Administration.

LOL! Just kidding. You'll excuse Pedo Joe anything because you've been told to.
You asked a question, I answered it. All the rest is your usual hand-waving.
I have accurately predicted your programmed response to the monumental clusterfuck the Biden Admin's going to be.
You asked a question, I answered it. You cannot refute my answer.
Not cooperating with leftist witchhunts is not unconstitutional.
Mischaracterizing it doesn't change their Constitutional duty.

Admit that you lost, punk. You asked, thinking no one could come up with anything. Because daveman is daveman's idea of what a smart person looks like.
I'm sure that makes you feel better about lying about Obama putting kids in cages.

And that's what it is, a lie. Because you've been shown the truth before. So you're just lying.
Do you have a boner right now? No? Then they are not children!
Are you accusing me of pedophilia? Because that would be a bad thing to do.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
What did Trump do that was unconstitutional? How did Trump demonstrate anti-Americanism?
UnAmerican? For starters I'll take the most recent. His behavior regarding the election
So fighting for the integrity of our elections is unAmerican. I'm sorry MSNBC keeps telling you that Trump just refuses to leave because he's a bad loser.

Unconstitutional? ...DACA, LGBTQ rights, two attempts on the "Muslim ban" EO, several attempts to include immigration status in the census, multiple losses on his deregulation attempts...
Not one of those things is unconstitutional. In fact, I can't even believe you mentioned the census. The census is ABOUT collecting data on people to categorize their status on a whole range of categories, and knowing the percentage of immigrants and transients in a state is an important one.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:

I said what I think is the truth.

What you have failed to say is any basis for it.

Again, you made assertions of alleged facts with zero evidence to back any of it up. Guess what that gets you.
Sweety pie.....she made opinons based on what SHE feels is evidence to HER. She has no need to back up her opinions or beliefs. Same as you not needing to back up YOUR beliefs or opinions, so why do you demand it of others.
Personally, I hate the color pink. No linky either. Pink is ugly. But you might like that color. No linky needed.

Love and a soft kick,
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.

You are conflating two different issues.

One - how to handle the huge number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

Two - CREATING A POLICY to 100% separate families who cross the border.

Do you comprehend the difference here?
Ok. Lets go with that. How do you know those kids are in FAMILIES and are not being trafficked?
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.

You are conflating two different issues.

One - how to handle the huge number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

Two - CREATING A POLICY to 100% separate families who cross the border.

Do you comprehend the difference here?
Ok. Lets go with that. How do you know those kids are in FAMILIES and are not being trafficked?

There are always a small number being trafficked, no one argues that. But it's not 100% or even close. Border agents are trained to look for signs of trafficking, that the children don't belong. Shouldn't we trust their trained judgement instead of choosing 100% to take children - hell even infants and toddlers - from their parents just to act as a deterrent? (that was the stated goal of the policy).

It's wrong. It really really is, and I can't bend on that one and every time some tries to defend it, I'm amazed.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.
If someone agrees with Pogo that he's the smartest person in the room, he'll be happy.
I like Pogo. Its a love/hate thing. But his "linky" drives me about as batty as my "iggie" does for him I suppose.
How does the old saying go? Take what you like, leave the rest? Sometimes the rest that I leave I have to kick dirt over. :auiqs.jpg:

It cannot be simpler. If one makes an assertion, then one assumes the burden of proof OF that assertion.
Not rocket surgery.
I hate pink. Prove why.
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
See what you miss when you stop reading, dumbass?

"There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€


Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

Your little tin god put kids in cages.

You are conflating two different issues.

One - how to handle the huge number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

Two - CREATING A POLICY to 100% separate families who cross the border.

Do you comprehend the difference here?
Ok. Lets go with that. How do you know those kids are in FAMILIES and are not being trafficked?

There are always a small number being trafficked, no one argues that. But it's not 100% or even close. Border agents are trained to look for signs of trafficking, that the children don't belong. Shouldn't we trust their trained judgement instead of choosing 100% to take children - hell even infants and toddlers - from their parents just to act as a deterrent? (that was the stated goal of the policy).

It's wrong. It really really is, and I can't bend on that one and every time some tries to defend it, I'm amazed.
Borrowed kids: DNA testing shows a third of those migrant 'families' aren't related

You can stop the fake outrage now. Turns out you really don't give a shit about trafficked kids.

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