Biden: You're Fired!!!!

The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Trump Cabinet officials voted in 2018 White House meeting to separate migrant children, say officials
"If we don't enforce this, it is the end of our country as we know it," said Trump adviser Stephen Miller, according to officials present at a White House meeting.


Miller saw the separation of families not as an unfortunate byproduct but as a tool to deter more immigration. According to three former officials, he had devised plans that would have separated even more children. Miller, with the support of Sessions, advocated for separating all immigrant families, even those going through civil court proceedings, the former officials said.

See what I mean, Gracie
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.

No, Gracie, it wasn't.

The policy, and it was a deliberate policy, to 100% separate families was Trump. Prior, it was done rarely - attempts were made to keep families intact and families were detained AS FAMILIES. This was Trump's policy and frankly his supporters need to own it.

Trump did not inherit it. He created it. Because his administration felt it would act as a deterrent. It is going down in history as one of the worst parts of his administration.
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€
DEPORT, not lock up in cages, dumbass.

But nice try.
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.
Oooooh, you shouldn't make such easily-disproved claims.

Cecilia MuƱoz, Who Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden has named President Obamaā€™s former top immigration adviser Cecilia MuƱoz to his transition team. During her time in the White House, MuƱoz often justified Obamaā€™s harsh immigration enforcement policies, including the administrationā€™s deportation of thousands of Central American children and its decision to kill an executive order that would have halted deportations. In 2011, MuƱoz was interviewed by PBSā€™s Maria Hinojosa.

Cecilia MuƱoz: ā€œAt the end of the day, when you have an immigration law thatā€™s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We donā€™t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.ā€

The Obama administration did not have a policy to separate families arriving illegally at the border. Family separations rarely happened under the Obama administration, which sought to keep families together in detention. Then, based on a court decision, it released families together out of detention.

Separations under Trump happened systematically as a result of his administrationā€™s policy to prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally. After mounting public pressure and criticism, Trump signed an executive order to stop separating families. Around 2,800 children have been reunited with their families because a court ordered the Trump administration to do so.

Trump repeatedly attempts to change the narrative about family separations, but the facts remain the same. Obama did not pass down to Trump a policy to separate families.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

Biden won. Fair and square.
Semantics. Biden will be officially recognized as president until he can't do the job anymore. I give the guy a few months to a year.

Just like Trump did in 2016.
NOTHING like Trump. Trump's election was held like every other election since Geo. Washington, not with a bunch of crazy exceptions and radical unfounded changes commissions have warned against for fifteen years as being fraught with corruption, and Trump's was cleanly decided without a doubt at 2AM a mere 6 hours after the polls closed, not six weeks later amid dozens of legal challenges.

Honestly, if I had to swallow four years of the most unconstitutional
You can't name a single thing unconstitutional about Trump. You must be thinking of Obumma who was slapped down thirteen times by the SC for exceeding his authority.

You can't name a single thing about Trump that is anti-American. Obama wouldn't even put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in and went around the world apologizing for and blaming America.

You are clearly suffering from cognitive disconnect.

My cognitive connections are quite fine thank you. I can't say the same for Trumplicans unfortunately.

But I'll offer these points for consideration.

Putting one's hands on the Bible has nothing to do with how American one is.

Case in point: using the military to violently clear away peaceful protestors in order to have PHOTO OP in front of a church with a bible.

When the Bible is merely a prop designed to cloak one's unAmerican actions in "Americanism" it isn't American.

refusal to CLEAR when requested to do so is
disorderly conduct-----how many people died
in the operation you describe? ------other than
possible deaths due to failure of emergency vehicles

inadequate time given to clear, completely unplanned...and using the military against civilians?????

all for a cheap, photo op with a bible...

no wonder he lost the election
He's on iggie now, but I can imagine what he said, beautress. More vomiting while giggling inanely while swatting at non existant flies before being rolled back to his room, I imagine.
Synth is a victim of TDS. He got it from his feelings of grandeur when his fellow Dimmies do something rotten and get away with it.
The horror and human tragedy of 100% policy on forced family separation. Children lost in the system and still not reunited. It's unforgivable, and please don't start on the "but Obama".
No. This was done under Obama. How can you not know this? Trump inherited it.
None of it was done under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Jacob Soberoff uncovered Trumpy memos that formulated the family separation scheme. Sessions and the ratfucker Stephen Miller cooked it up.

I am intrigued. What is "the family separation
scheme" -----the fact that people from south
america have been LYING about family connections
in order to smuggle people into the USA----for many reasons INCLUDING PAYOFF-------is something that even little-old uninvolved me-----knew about DECADES ago-----because of my excellent hearing. I knew about it------but ----have to admit-----I didn't care
until very recently. It's not just south-america---another important issue
He's on iggie now, but I can imagine what he said, beautress. More vomiting while giggling inanely while swatting at non existant flies before being rolled back to his room, I imagine.
Synth is a victim of TDS. He got it from his feelings of grandeur when his fellow Dimmies do something rotten and get away with it.
TDS? Trump Defense System?
My cognitive connections are quite fine thank you.
The question is what are they connected to?! :omg:

I can't say the same for Trumplicans unfortunately.
Is that a Pelican holding a trumpet?

Putting one's hands on the Bible has nothing to do with how American one is.
I was raised to know that IN GOD WE TRUST. Anyone who doesn't trust God you need to worry about. Anyone afraid to put his hand on a book ain't wrapped too tight and shouldn't be president where here in America WE PUT OUR HAND ON THE BIBLE. (In fact, afterwards, Obama was REQUIRED to put his hand on the Bible to take the oath or he wasn't president. Check it out)

using the military to violently clear away peaceful protestors in order to have PHOTO OP in front of a church with a bible.
Trump used federal police to clear crazy radicals who were a security risk to him away from a place where they had no business being because they wouldn't leave on their own. Probably the same bunch of bused in crazies that attacked Rand Paul and his family and assaulted him.

BTW, Merry Christmas.
Biden won. Fair and square.
Since semantics means "the meaning of words", yes - Biden won, fair and square.
No, Biden won by deception, conspiracy of the desperate House Screamer, I mean criminal speaker whose evil deed of celebrating a phony impeachment she proffered by passing out gold pens celebrating her asswipe. :puke:
Cry more. Tissues are FREE under new Biden Socialist Paradise!
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

Biden won. Fair and square.
Semantics. Biden will be officially recognized as president until he can't do the job anymore. I give the guy a few months to a year.

Just like Trump did in 2016.
NOTHING like Trump. Trump's election was held like every other election since Geo. Washington, not with a bunch of crazy exceptions and radical unfounded changes commissions have warned against for fifteen years as being fraught with corruption, and Trump's was cleanly decided without a doubt at 2AM a mere 6 hours after the polls closed, not six weeks later amid dozens of legal challenges.

Honestly, if I had to swallow four years of the most unconstitutional
You can't name a single thing unconstitutional about Trump. You must be thinking of Obumma who was slapped down thirteen times by the SC for exceeding his authority.

You can't name a single thing about Trump that is anti-American. Obama wouldn't even put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in and went around the world apologizing for and blaming America.

You are clearly suffering from cognitive disconnect.

My cognitive connections are quite fine thank you. I can't say the same for Trumplicans unfortunately.

But I'll offer these points for consideration.

Putting one's hands on the Bible has nothing to do with how American one is.

Case in point: using the military to violently clear away peaceful protestors in order to have PHOTO OP in front of a church with a bible.

When the Bible is merely a prop designed to cloak one's unAmerican actions in "Americanism" it isn't American.

refusal to CLEAR when requested to do so is
disorderly conduct-----how many people died
in the operation you describe? ------other than
possible deaths due to failure of emergency vehicles

inadequate time given to clear, completely unplanned...and using the military against civilians?????

all for a cheap, photo op with a bible...

no wonder he lost the election

"INADEQUATE TIME"------he left out the 30 day notice? "Military against civilians"------how do
you define "military" ? The one time I saw the
NATIONAL GUARD stamping in their thousands thru
my, then, town in response to disorderly CIVILIANS,
my first response was relief-----and THEN--TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE (as in -----what took so DAMNED LONG??
He's on iggie now, but I can imagine what he said, beautress. More vomiting while giggling inanely while swatting at non existant flies before being rolled back to his room, I imagine.
Synth doesn't occupy any space under my nails, dear friend. I was just trying to soften as the days unfold giving Biden justice for his past and multiple secret thefts from the poor. What he did is equivalent to stealing from a church poverty drive that collected just enough to keep the hungry alive with good peoples' freewill donations.
Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow. You and your party cheated your butts off, you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi, and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.

You are not welcome to lead good and honest people the American taxpayers and voters.

Pitoo on you, you dervish creep.

I just saw Republicans outraged in the streets of the city, and everyone has you and the voter fraud machines all over this country on Newsmax reporting. I especially liked the signs, "No STEAL"

Decline the phony win. If you don't you and the entire Demonrat Party are going to take a huge smashin' from within.

And Hannity has a message for you at the top of the next hour.

And yet .......................................... no linky.

No evidence.

No nothing.

Just hallucination.

She doesn't need a link for her own opinion, Pogo.

No she doesn't. She needs them for her assertions.

Assertions like:

  • Joe Biden, you did not win anything, and you're getting your walking papers tomorrow.
  • You and your party cheated your butts off
  • you got mass copied votes put in by treasonous Democrat precinct chairmen who were taking order from screamstress Pelosi,
  • and Joe will not get inserted into the Presidency because he is a liar, a cheater, and a thieving extortionist.
Those are direct quotes.

With no links, no evidence, no basis at all.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:


Later.... that same thread....

I'm just telling you the bad end Biden will be confronted with if he continues his arrogant theft in conspiracy with other criminals

See? She just did it AGAIN.

WAY too many yahoos think they can just declare their own reality and take no responsibility for it.
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