Bidenomics is Booming

Why are energy prices sky high then?

sigh....because oil and NG are global commodities and the price we pay depends on how much is being produced all around the world, not just in the US. Many parts of the world are still behind where they were prior to COVID. Saudi Ariba for example has not gone back to pre=COVID levels since slashing them after Trump threatened them into doing so.

Plus there is the embargo against Russian oil and NG.

This is pretty basic stuff
sigh....because oil and NG are global commodities and the price we pay depends on how much is being produced all around the world, not just in the US. Many parts of the world are still behind where they were prior to COVID. Saudi Ariba for example has not gone back to pre=COVID levels since slashing them after Trump threatened them into doing so.

Plus there is the embargo against Russian oil and NG.

This is pretty basic stuff
They aren't spiking elsewhere. Oil prices have always been higher throughout the world save for the OPEC countries thanks to sky high taxes.

Literally the day after Biden took office the gasoline prices began climbing.

Why was that?

Be specific.
They aren't spiking elsewhere. Oil prices have always been higher throughout the world save for the OPEC countries thanks to sky high taxes.

Of course they are, everywhere pays the same amount for a barrel of oil.

How do you not know these things?

Literally the day after Biden took office the gasoline prices began climbing.

Why was that?

They were climbing since June of 2020 with a tiny one month dip in Oct 2020.

You have been lied to and are too stupid to look for yourself.
Of course they are, everywhere pays the same amount for a barrel of oil.

How do you not know these things?

They were climbing since June of 2020 with a tiny one month dip in Oct 2020.

You have been lied to and are too stupid to look for yourself.
Squeals the liar. You don't fool anyone, chuckles.
Squeals the liar. You don't fool anyone, chuckles.


This has been great for low- and middle-income workers, especially those on a fixed income!

Republicans don't care about those people so don't try to pretend to care now. Biden is doing things that are improving their lives. And unions are fighting for them. So don't you start worrying about the takers now. We know when Bush/Trump were in charge, you didn't concern yourselves with blue collar. Trump panders to uneducated white people that's all.

You considered labor an expense not an asset. Labor was a dirty word to you. We cost your corporate profits.

What happened to "we are paid what we are worth"?
Republicans don't care about those people so don't try to pretend to care now. Biden is doing things that are improving their lives. And unions are fighting for them. So don't you start worrying about the takers now. We know when Bush/Trump were in charge, you didn't concern yourselves with blue collar. Trump panders to uneducated white people that's all.

You considered labor an expense not an asset. Labor was a dirty word to you. We cost your corporate profits.

What happened to "we are paid what we are worth"?

Low-wage workers are getting bigger raises than bosses
DECEMBER 27, 2019 / 1:51 PM
  • The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November.
  • That outpaced a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers.
  • Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.


Trump Celebrates Lowest Ever Black Unemployment On MLK Day
20 Jan 2020

Donald Trump celebrated the historically low rate of black unemployment on Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

Black unemployment fell to the lowest annual level ever last year, averaging 6.1 percent in 2019. Black unemployment also hit the lowest level ever last year, falling to 5.4 percent in August.

Julia Pollak

Jan 20, 2020

Black Americans saw large labor market gains in 2019—the black prime-age employment-population ratio rose from 75.1% to 77.2% and wages for black full-time workers rose more than 4% after inflation. Here’s to building on those gains in 2020. #MLKDay2020


Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low
Maggie Fitzgerald@MKMFITZGERALD


There have never been more Black and Hispanic Americans in the workforce, Friday’s Labor Department job report showed.

The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%.

Was $2.00 under Trump and you could get a couple bags of groceries for under $20.00. Good ole days.
Young people with a good income could buy a house under Trump. Not under Joe Biden. They have to have a great income.

Of course Biden wants to spend our tax dollars to ”solve“ the problem. Under Trump things were definitely better.

Young people with a good income could buy a house under Trump. Not under Joe Biden. They have to have a great income.

Of course Biden wants to spend our tax dollars to ”solve“ the problem. Under Trump things were definitely better.

Yes, I agree.

It actually shows that in the past 12 months, the U.S. economy has seen the number of full-time jobs decline by 1.3 million while adding 1.09 million part-time positions.

Lib math… :auiqs.jpg:
Unemployment is at 3.1 % and GDP is well over 3%

Economy is doing well.

Oh yeah and gas is down around $3/ gal

Just ahead of the 2020 election, Trump claimed that a Biden victory would lead to “a stock market collapse the likes of which you’ve never had.”

Instead, the stock market has recovered from post-COVID lows ― and on Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped 40,000 for the first time.
Did you see the stock market is doing great? If we truly want to help uneducated blue collar workers we need to support them as they organize into unions. Like Mercedes workers in Alabama.

Let me give you a little story about the stock market being up.
It is a story - The actual stock market is not involved, but if you pay attention, you may get it.

Middle Class Wife lets Husband go out and gamble 1 night.
Middle Class Husband loses $20,000 from their bank account that night.
He knows that the wife is going to lose her mind.
He goes to a loan shark and borrows $40,000.00 and puts the $40,000.00 in their account.
He then shows his wife that he was able to double their money.

That is the scheme that the Administration is using to make everything seem fine.

They are printing/digitizing money instead of going to an actual loan shark, but in the end, it is the same ugly outcome.
Just ahead of the 2020 election, Trump claimed that a Biden victory would lead to “a stock market collapse the likes of which you’ve never had.”

Instead, the stock market has recovered from post-COVID lows ― and on Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped 40,000 for the first time.
Yeah, the rich do great, the middle class gets crushed.
Let me give you a little story about the stock market being up.
It is a story - The actual stock market is not involved, but if you pay attention, you may get it.

Middle Class Wife lets Husband go out and gamble 1 night.
Middle Class Husband loses $20,000 from their bank account that night.
He knows that the wife is going to lose her mind.
He goes to a loan shark and borrows $40,000.00 and puts the $40,000.00 in their account.
He then shows his wife that he was able to double their money.

That is the scheme that the Administration is using to make everything seem fine.

They are printing/digitizing money instead of going to an actual loan shark, but in the end, it is the same ugly outcome.
We are using the same play book Bush and Trump used. Funny it's okay for them but not Bill, Obama or Biden

You know when I turned permeanently against Republicans? It was the 90's. They said Clinton sucked. Anything good that happened, they gave credit to Newt. That's when I realized Republicans were just jealous bitches.

“You know you look at the country then,” he continued. “The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”

And I knew you Republicans knew Bush lied us into Iraq but you spent years saying he didn't. Only one guy was publicly vocal about it from 2008 to 2016 and that was Trump

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
We are using the same play book Bush and Trump used. Funny it's okay for them but not Bill, Obama or Biden

You know when I turned permeanently against Republicans? It was the 90's. They said Clinton sucked. Anything good that happened, they gave credit to Newt. That's when I realized Republicans were just jealous bitches.

“You know you look at the country then,” he continued. “The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”

And I knew you Republicans knew Bush lied us into Iraq but you spent years saying he didn't. Only one guy was publicly vocal about it from 2008 to 2016 and that was Trump

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
So the fact that they actually found WMD's escapes you, they also found russian made migs buries in the desert which was against the cease fire, as was the night vision they were using during the fight against the US. They never abided by the cease fire agreement

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