Bidenomics is Booming

So, if UPS laid off employees while Trump was president, and Macy's closed stores while Trump was president, and Rite Aid closed stores while Trump was president, then it is Trump's fault, right?
Provide a link to such Data.
Easily, and you didn't even ask me!

Graphics show how Americans' total credit card debt reached record high

George Petras

Credit card debt, the amount owed by all Americans on their credit cards, rose to a record $1.13 trillion at the end of last year, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported Tuesday.

Card balances increased by about $50 billion, or 4.6%, in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Look you stupid shit, no one said the economy was perfect. Yes, rent, mortgages, and food cost are up, although food cost is starting to trickle down. But I got a big surprise for you.

Why holy awesome economy Batman, wage growth has outstripped inflation. I mean look, I get it, if you are laying around on your fatass collecting disability, yeah, things might be getting a little tougher. Sucks to be you. But if you are like most of us, actually out there digging every day to make a living, well you are experiencing income levels that you couldn't have imagined when the fat orange man was in charge.

I mean I will be honest, if I was making what I made when the fat man was in charge, yeah, I would be hurting. But my income has increased by almost fifty percent. You think inflation is approaching that. A few months ago my daughter in law quit work to become a full-time mom, she has a masters in nursing and was head of training for a large hospital. But my son has seen his income increase to the point that he made more alone than what he and her made under the fat orange man.

And it is not just him. Quite simply, I have six kids with one on disability. None of the other five could even dream about making six figures under the fat orange man. Today, only the youngest hasn't hit that mark, Pops does all their taxes.
What did Biden do to screw it up?
As you know, President Biden immediately signed 94 Executive Orders reversing virtually every Trump policy out of spite rather than reason.

As you know, too, he also invited illegal aliens to charge our borders. Hey, what could go wrong?
Yeah it is jackass. And diesel ain’t gas
its fuel, dipshit. and it is refined from crude which now is coming from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Russia while our oil fields are unused. We have more underground crude than the rest of the world combined, Why is Biden forcing us to buy crude from our potential enemies and transferring billions of dollars to them? He is either insane or treasonous-------or both.

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