Biden’s 20 shell LLC companies: What business were they in?

You are a liar.

Saudis did not give Kushner $2 billion.
They gave it to Jared's company? What other clients does Jared have? How much do those investors invest in Kushner Co? Anyone ever give him $1 billion? How about $500 million? How about even $100 million. No? So then why did the Saudis give Jared Corp $2 billion?
They gave it to Jared's company? What other clients does Jared have? How much do those investors invest in Kushner Co? Anyone ever give him $1 billion? How about $500 million? How about even $100 million. No? So then why did the Saudis give Jared Corp $2 billion?
Nine of your questions mean Jack shit.

You lied.
As much as you have on Biden. I fact we have 25x the evidence. Trump has 500 shell companies Biden has 20.

Once again like I asked the asshole saying ByeDon's shell corps are illegal I am asking you for proof of now 500 shell corps for Fatboy. Interestingly that grew from 300 to 500 now. So you have proof as well correct?
What a rookie. Trump has over 300 shell companies. All engaged in money laundering. 100 of them just for Saudi money. Another 100 for Russian money, and the other 100 split between Chinese money, and laundering operations for political donor money.

Let‘s tally it up…….The number of legitimate businesses the Biden Crime Family has is now: ZERO.

20 shell LLCs that has had millions funneled thru them and into numerous Biden Crime Family member bank accounts, and still not a single hint of any one of them having any legitimate business purpose.
I recall reading awhile back that two of them were loan out companies. Basically it is a way to deduct things as business expenses that you cannot deduct as such on your personal returns and to avoid FICA taxes. When he or she would do a paid appearance, the money was being paid to the company and the company would "loan" their employees Joe or Dr. Jill to the event organizer and buy them a new suit or dress for the event that the LLC could deduct as an expense but not them individually. They are pretty common in the entertainment/content creation world. I think this came up in the last presidential election campaign when they were being accused of evading over $100K in FICA taxes. Sometimes people take these things too far which is a big part of the reason reality stars Todd & Julia Chrisley are sitting in federal prison.

It also wouldn't surprise me if they have their house in an LLC or other properties in LLC's. Old rich people do that a lot for each of their properties so they can start gifting interests while they are still alive and preserve their lifetime gift tax exclusion amount. Currently the annual exclusion amount is $17,000.00. So you have a $170K rental you want your grandkids to get tax free. You could gift 7of them a 10% interest and not have to pay gift taxes. You could gift one of them 10% interest in the LLC per year for 8 0r 9 years and they would own the underlying asset tax free. May can do it faster. Just depends on how much the annual exclusion amount is each year and whether you can get a valuation that shows that 1/10 of an interest in the LLC is worth less than 1/10th the value of the underlying asset.

Now all that said, I am sure Biden is crooked as hell. Just having a lot of LLC's alone isn't proof of that.
only if you had any idead what you are trying to say ... when you use conspiracy theorist bull sit ... biden has no shell companies nor does he deal with LLC thats all conspiracy bull shit ...
Let‘s tally it up…….The number of legitimate businesses the Biden Crime Family has is now: ZERO.

20 shell LLCs that has had millions funneled thru them and into numerous Biden Crime Family member bank accounts, and still not a single hint of any one of them having any legitimate business purpose.
and yet you can't seem to come up with one name for these shell companies ... biden had no money invested in schell companies ... when he took office he stop several pipelines and oil companies with offshore accounts he started to stop that too ... what happened was all of a sudden he was using shell companies to make millions of dollars ... this was a lie it was all started to make something out of nothing by conspiracy theorist

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds and short-term debt; they typically invest in a range of companies and industries.

The form says Jill Biden had several whole life insurance policies and a number of investment funds. She held between $15,001 and $50,000 in the BNY Mellon IP Technology Growth; and between $1,001 and $15,000 each in Invesco VI Health Care, Guggenheim VIF High Yield, Guggenheim VIF Styleplus Mid Growth, Guggenheim VIF Small Cap Value, Guggenheim VIF All Cap Value, Guggenheim VIF S-Mid Cap Value, Janus Henderson VIT Enterprise, Janus Henderson VIT Research. All of those are mutual funds.

She also had between $1,001 and $15,000 each in a utility fund, MFS VIT Utilities, which includes electric, natural gas and telephone service providers; and in a bond fund, Western Asset Variable Global High Yield. A bond fund is a company that invests primarily in bonds. When you buy a bond, you are lending to the issuer, which may be a government, municipality, or corporation.

this is all they had there were no shell companies and like I said you can't point out one name ... heres why... if there was a name of that shell company as you like to imply in the shell ... it will have a paper trail and you can follow that paper trail ... that's why you don't post a name in any shell company because it will prove out to be a lie ... so keep making a fool of yourself... we gett it ya anin't got nuttin'
What's made up? Maybe it's time for you to start accepting FACTS. Enter slowly or you may get disoriented and fall down or worse.
nothing here you have has any kind of fact to it at all frove these alligations of yours starting with
  • Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
  • Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
  • Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocated for it.
  • Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
  • Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
  • Flew multiple times to China and Ukraine to help his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals.
  • The truly shocking story of how Biden used U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian government fire the very prosecutor investigating him and his son.
  • Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
  • Read more at: Newsmax TV | Live News | Videos - Bad Decisions
nothing here you have has any kind of fact to it at all frove these alligations of yours starting with
  • Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
  • Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
  • Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocated for it.
  • Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
  • Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
  • Flew multiple times to China and Ukraine to help his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals.
  • The truly shocking story of how Biden used U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian government fire the very prosecutor investigating him and his son.
  • Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
  • Read more at: Newsmax TV | Live News | Videos - Bad Decisions
You're hopen and wishin' aren't you! Good luck, the dominoes have started to fall!
nothing here you have has any kind of fact to it at all frove these alligations of yours starting with
  • Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
  • Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
  • Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocated for it.
  • Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
  • Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
  • Flew multiple times to China and Ukraine to help his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals.
  • The truly shocking story of how Biden used U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian government fire the very prosecutor investigating him and his son.
  • Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
  • Read more at: Newsmax TV | Live News | Videos - Bad Decisions
Here's what you said Biden said about bin laden ... openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency. he never said this ... what was said to Obama by Biden ...shouldn't we make sure Osama is in the compound .... in no way was he opposing going in ...he just want it to be sure Osama was there ... Obama listen to him still decided to go in ... out of this action of the VP to be sure you guys use he was against in going in ... that's why i called you on your lying post ... all of these accusations are bull shit from the right... hoping huh guess you were wrong on this one ...
you posted biden Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocated for it.

in the 2006 video clip, Biden boasted about voting for a 700-mile fence, a vote he said he made mainly to fight drug trafficking, not illegal immigration like Trump voted for, again a distortion of the facts ... shell I go on and point out what a fool you are ???? I'll be happy to ...
biden Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.

what was being done at the time was the Republicans were passing a bill to give amnesty to all illegals without any checking into their background .. he got it added and then he accepted Regans' bill for amnesty ... you righties say he opposed it ... then he was for it ... like I said all distortions on the right ... you sir are a fool for the right ... because you never fact check anything ... you take their word for it ... you make a good little sheep for the right-wing handlers ...hows that nose ring working for you these days ...
and yet you can't seem to come up with one name for these shell companies ... biden had no money invested in schell companies ... when he took office he stop several pipelines and oil companies with offshore accounts he started to stop that too ... what happened was all of a sudden he was using shell companies to make millions of dollars ... this was a lie it was all started to make something out of nothing by conspiracy theorist

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds and short-term debt; they typically invest in a range of companies and industries.

The form says Jill Biden had several whole life insurance policies and a number of investment funds. She held between $15,001 and $50,000 in the BNY Mellon IP Technology Growth; and between $1,001 and $15,000 each in Invesco VI Health Care, Guggenheim VIF High Yield, Guggenheim VIF Styleplus Mid Growth, Guggenheim VIF Small Cap Value, Guggenheim VIF All Cap Value, Guggenheim VIF S-Mid Cap Value, Janus Henderson VIT Enterprise, Janus Henderson VIT Research. All of those are mutual funds.

She also had between $1,001 and $15,000 each in a utility fund, MFS VIT Utilities, which includes electric, natural gas and telephone service providers; and in a bond fund, Western Asset Variable Global High Yield. A bond fund is a company that invests primarily in bonds. When you buy a bond, you are lending to the issuer, which may be a government, municipality, or corporation.

this is all they had there were no shell companies and like I said you can't point out one name ... heres why... if there was a name of that shell company as you like to imply in the shell ... it will have a paper trail and you can follow that paper trail ... that's why you don't post a name in any shell company because it will prove out to be a lie ... so keep making a fool of yourself... we gett it ya anin't got nuttin'
Well then, there you have it folks.

Jill Biden had some insurance policies……so nothing to see here. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

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