Biden’s 20 shell LLC companies: What business were they in?

Can anyone explain the business each of these 20 shell companies were in? Jie Biden nor any family member has attempted to explain it.

What products did they produce? What products did they sell?

What service did they provide?

I see only one reason to have so many LLCs with zero legitimate business activity. Money laundering.

What a rookie. Trump has over 300 shell companies. All engaged in money laundering. 100 of them just for Saudi money. Another 100 for Russian money, and the other 100 split between Chinese money, and laundering operations for political donor money.
What a rookie. Trump has over 300 shell companies. All engaged in money laundering. 100 of them just for Saudi money. Another 100 for Russian money, and the other 100 split between Chinese money, and laundering operations for political donor money.

Any proof of this?
Have you also noticed that NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC...... are not interested in the Joe Biden corruption scandal?
Are the late night TV talk shows making jokes about Biden's corruption, because I don't know because I don't watch them.
The Democrat Party is dependent upon people being ignorant.
They count on people being wise to the Republican witch hunts....and wise people also know accusations without evidence of wrong doing is political shenanigans, the weaponization of government against political foes.....

Wise people also learned a lot during the 1st Trump impeachment that this is just regurgitation of Giuliani's unproven bull crap he created in Ukraine to hurt Joe Biden, his opponent in the 2020 election and now again, in 2024..... :rolleyes:
The Saudis didn’t give Kushner $2 billion, liar.

Shit, how many times are you clowns going to lie about that?
Oh yes they did. And the Saudi investment firm told the prince it was a bad deal. But the prince overrid his financial advisors and said give Jared the money. Because a deal is a deal. This is the best way to explain why I'm/we're giving Trump $2 billion dollars. Clearly we are doing it because of all the weapons and nuclear technology President Trump sold them.

And MAYBE they will make a couple bucks too investing in Jared. I doubt it though. So do the prince's financial advisers.

And then there's this

Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought​

They count on people being wise to the Republican witch hunts....and wise people also know accusations without evidence of wrong doing is political shenanigans, the weaponization of government against political foes.....

Wise people also learned a lot during the 1st Trump impeachment that this is just regurgitation of Giuliani's unproven bull crap he created in Ukraine to hurt Joe Biden, his opponent in the 2020 election and now again, in 2024..... :rolleyes:
Republicans are playing dirty politics but doing a bad job of it. Their October Surprises are too obvious now that we know they're going to unleash one every 2 years.
Oh yes they did. And the Saudi investment firm told the prince it was a bad deal. But the prince overrid his financial advisors and said give Jared the money. Because a deal is a deal. This is the best way to explain why I'm/we're giving Trump $2 billion dollars. Clearly we are doing it because of all the weapons and nuclear technology President Trump sold them.

And MAYBE they will make a couple bucks too investing in Jared. I doubt it though. So do the prince's financial advisers.

And then there's this

Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought​

Nope. No gift.
Can anyone explain the business each of these 20 shell companies were in? Jie Biden nor any family member has attempted to explain it.

Certainly, those shell companies are there to hide taxable income and dealings that might not be totally honest/ethical or politically advisable.
Certainly, those shell companies are there to hide taxable income and dealings that might not be totally honest/ethical or politically advisable.
They could just appear to be shady. Like the $2 billion dollar Jared/Saudi deal. 4 months after Trump left office. After 4 years of selling them weapons and nuclear technology.

Imagine the spin you would have put on it if Obama did this.

Remember you guys cried for years that the Clinton Foundation was corrupt? Yet after all these years it's still doing great? But since then, Trump Foundation was a fraud/scam/money laundering slush fund.

You cons should be ashamed of yourselves. You're pathetic.
Not even the right continent. But accuracy has never been one of your available attributes.
Point is you guys are not above saying outlandish and sometimes racist shit that doesn't have any roots in reality. And I wonder how many people that works on. How many people would have voted for Obama if they didn't think he was born in Kenya? Or were none of them ever going to vote for him?

But it could be people show up for the other guy because of the Kenya lie.

Same thing with this 20 LLC's. I wonder if anyone is buying it. I think those people are going to vote for Trump already. Ignorant and racist vote he has locked down.
Certainly, those shell companies are there to hide taxable income and dealings that might not be totally honest/ethical or politically advisable.

Just remember when Republicans ask what Hunter did to get $10 million dollars over the course of 20 years. That ain't that much.

Then remember that the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion dollars. How much is $1 billion?

One billion is equivalent to 1000 million

What is Jared doing for them that's worth 2000 million dollars?
They could just appear to be shady.
Could be. But why go through the time, effort, and trouble to create and use these things if not for tax evasion or for hiding activites that the Bidens do not want to be made public? Looks suspicious.

Like the $2 billion dollar Jared/Saudi deal. 4 months after Trump left office. After 4 years of selling them weapons and nuclear technology.
Maybe the Biden Admin is investigating this or has already and is waiting for the right time to make it public. If any of Jared's dealings were shady then why hasn't he been indicted? Don't know, but if not then STFU, you don't know shit.

Remember you guys cried for years that the Clinton Foundation was corrupt? Yet after all these years it's still doing great?

It is? I bet it ain't doing as well as when Hillary was the SoS. Why do you suppose that is? Maybe she ain't got the influence she could sell any more?

But since then, Trump Foundation was a fraud/scam/money laundering slush fund.

That so? Prove it.

You cons should be ashamed of yourselves. You're pathetic.
What a coincidence, I was thinking the same thing about you.
Could be. But why go through the time, effort, and trouble to create and use these things if not for tax evasion or for hiding activites that the Bidens do not want to be made public? Looks suspicious.

Maybe the Biden Admin is investigating this or has already and is waiting for the right time to make it public. If any of Jared's dealings were shady then why hasn't he been indicted? Don't know, but if not then STFU, you don't know shit.

It is? I bet it ain't doing as well as when Hillary was the SoS. Why do you suppose that is? Maybe she ain't got the influence she could sell any more?

That so? Prove it.

What a coincidence, I was thinking the same thing about you.
Take a business class you'll learn why people open up LLC's. I even opened one up once. And if you have several ideas, you may open up 10 or 20. And many of them may never make any money.

You're ignorant.

I'll stfu about Jared if you stfu about Hunter.

Notice the words you use in every sentence. Could be, maybe, I bet, maybe again, asking why do I suppose?

Sounds like you got nuthin. A nuthin burger.
Just remember when Republicans ask what Hunter did to get $10 million dollars over the course of 20 years. That ain't that much.

Then remember that the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion dollars. How much is $1 billion?

One billion is equivalent to 1000 million

What is Jared doing for them that's worth 2000 million dollars?
You are a liar.

Saudis did not give Kushner $2 billion.
Can anyone explain the business each of these 20 shell companies were in? Jie Biden nor any family member has attempted to explain it.

What products did they produce? What products did they sell?

What service did they provide?

I see only one reason to have so many LLCs with zero legitimate business activity. Money laundering.

Here is an example of how Republicans are trying to make something out of nothing. Just like they're doing with Hunter's 20 LLC's. They have nothing but that won't stop them from making shit up.

Gateway Pundit posted a “bombshell” about Judge Merchan’s daughter, who apparently worked at a company whose clients included the Biden-Harris campaign. The next day, the right-wing site Breitbart picked up the story and quoted from a tweet from Trump’s son Eric. Later, Donald Trump Jr. shared a link to the Breitbart piece—which prominently displayed what appears to be a picture of the judge with his daughter—on Twitter and Truth Social, calling her “yet another connection in this hand picked democrat show trial.” Junior left the implication hanging there, but when Trump Sr. returned to Florida last night, he connected that final dot, asserting that the judge’s daughter is now personally on Joe Biden’s campaign payroll.

There is no subtlety here. Or truth to it. Trump and the people who fashioned this non-story into a “bombshell” knew exactly what they were doing. Making such accusations while spreading the daughter’s picture around the right-wing media swamps is dangerous. But Trump and the family’s various enablers were all sending a message to the judge: You have a lovely daughter, Your Honor, and we know who she is and where she is.

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