Biden's 8.1 Million Vote Landslide Win

The only reason the election isn't over is the loser has refused to concede. He wants the opportunity to scam a few more shekels from the faithful for his 'legal challenges(LOL)'.
Forgetting the Red State Agenda--zero support for parents of the newborn--is shown! Instead there are the prayers: Matt 25: 14-30!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, more clearly states the arithmetic of Pharaoh's atrocities: And clearly not foreign aid!)

Where (allegedly) did Michael Moore and Donald Trump meet for the first time?

Answer: A Planned Parenthood fundraiser.

Extra credit:

How many abortions has Donald Trump paid for?
Trump lost, and it's not even very close. The cult is strong in these denialists.
I thought Biden might reach 70 million votes, but I was expecting Trump to top out around 50 million

Apparently this country is far more divided than it appeared from my vantage point?

No doubt right-wing voter fraud helped Trump record as many votes as he did.
Just looking at the Red States, and their prayers: You wonder if there must have been some giant mistake! California is widely known a home for the refugees from all over, for example.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, more clearly states the arithmetic of Pharaoh's atrocities: And clearly not foreign aid!)
Most of the left believe the biggest mistake in US history was made four years ago

Trump's chronic dishonesty was well-known long before he became POTUS; you will need a lot more than prayers to make up for that mistake.
8 million votes is far from a landslide in the United States. In the 1980 election (the first one I followed closely) they defined a popular vote "landslide" as winning the people vote by double digit percentage points (thus at least 10%) which of course Ronald Reagan did (barely) over Jimmy Carter.
I should have put shock quotes around 'landslide.'
Obviously, Biden won't reach that ten percent threshold.
With the country as divided as it is today, I seriously doubt we'll ever see another true landslide.
Are you ready to give up democracy for Donald Trump?
^^^ Naked fear drives people to spew this BS.

Idiots posting stupidity like your Amy Barrett poster promote it. No matter - you'll turn against democracy if Trump tells you to.
Idiot or liar? which are you?

Trump lost, by a lot. Are you ready to give up democracy to keep Trump in the White House? Don't be timid, dummy.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."
Are you a Democrat or Progressive Socialist Communist?
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."
So the President must have gotten a good share of the illegal votes too then
What does your stated opinion have to do with following the voting and election laws ?
When a pathological liar and life-long con man whose entire life has been devoted to marginalizing laws and regulations occupies the White House loses an election, following election laws has at least two distinct meanings. When Trump stops lying about voting fraud, it will become much easier for all sides to follow election law.
Will be overturned. You cheated. No one will trust these machines or The Democrat Party again.

Snip from an article on how you are doing it. I saw it with my own eyes within 30 seconds, I believe I saw a state go from 97% reporting down to 85% reporting, and then the vote tallies for Trump were transferred to Biden. At the time I just thought it was some misreporting or something, but now seeing all these other stories about the same thing, all these voting machines better be under lock and key and subpoena and better be disconnected from the internet and audited by cybercrime forensic experts.

We will never be able to have fair elections again thanks to The Democrat Party.

What Roscoe B. Davis brings to the table is a claim from two cyber–forensic investigators. They told him that all the stuff we’re talking about — the secretive poll-counting, the cemetery voters, the ballot dumps — is a distraction. The real issue is that the important changes are happening at the level of computer tabulation. The forensics investigators believe that these changes occur offshore, mostly at Scytl’s headquarters in Barcelona, and maybe in Frankfurt, Germany.” – American Thinker

It’s possible that 2020’s election fraud is way bigger than we thought
By Andrea Widburg

November 9, 2020

Two massive Twitter threads contend that serious computer fraud two years ago in Texas, which turned strong red districts blue, was essentially a trial run for what’s been playing out across America in this election. This post summarizes the core claims in those threads, along with interlineations of information I found.

One Twitter thread comes from Roscoe B. Davis, the other from Bad Kitty.

Scytl is a Barcelona-based company that provides electronic voting systems worldwide, many of which have proven vulnerable to electronic manipulation. Scytl has (or had) Soros and Democrat party connections. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital has invested $40 million in Scytl.

In 2012, Scytl acquired all the assets of SOE Software, which was then America’s largest voting machine and software vendor. Scytl also acquired the trade name “Clarity Elections” and rebranded its American operations as “Clarity,” with a data process domain at

Everything on the Clarity site is unsecured on Amazon Web Services. By 2018, Scytl, using the Clarity network, supported elections in more than 12 states and 900+ jurisdictions, covering 70 million voters.

The electronic voting software in Dallas came from Electronic Software & Systems, Inc. (ES&S), the largest manufacturer of voting machines in the U.S. (4,500 localities in 42 states and two territories). ES&S maintains all its data as unsecured files on the domain, which is processed through Scytl servers in Barcelona. General election voting records are automatically forwarded to DNS addresses that include ES&S, Scytl in Barcelona, Smartmatic12 in London, and a Russian server at South Ural State University in Chelyabinsk.

In Dallas County, Texas, a deep red county, there was a sudden, unexpected blue wave in 2018. The computer logs revealed that ES&S technicians repeatedly overrode thousands of error codes for “time stamp mismatch” and “votes exceed ballots.” Essentially, they replaced votes. Then ES&S ignored the requirement that the data be saved for 22 months and destroyed everything.

Investigators also found an Excel spreadsheet file with Scytl algorithms projecting voting results on the NGP Van website. NGP Van does voter database and analytics for the DNC. It also works closely with ActBlue and Shared Blue.

While the real data manipulation in Dallas occurred at the electronic level, it’s worth noting that the election was also plagued by obstructing poll-watchers, flash memory cards that showed up with new votes, and shuffled computer logs, among other things.

In 2019, the same anomalies in Dallas showed up in Kentucky, which was also using Clarity. The most notable was an instantaneous decrease of 560 votes for Bevin, a Republican, and an increase of 560 votes in favor of Beshear, a Democrat. This occurred at the Clarity level, which was funneled to, and played out on, CNN.

In-depth analyses show that Clarity’s systems in Kentucky were a Spanish operation. Scytl, through Clarity, had the final control over vote-counting and reporting.

Since Scytl and Clarity ultimately provide the software and analytics for elections across America, this means that many American elections are run, counted, and controlled by an overseas company. Another company, SGO Smartmatic, headquartered in London, plays a role similar to Scytl’s vis-à-vis American elections. There’s more at the Bad Kitty thread, and you really should work your way through it.

What Roscoe B. Davis brings to the table is a claim from two cyber–forensic investigators. They told him that all the stuff we’re talking about — the secretive poll-counting, the cemetery voters, the ballot dumps — is a distraction. The real issue is that the important changes are happening at the level of computer tabulation. The forensics investigators believe that these changes occur offshore, mostly at Scytl’s headquarters in Barcelona, and maybe in Frankfurt, Germany.

As far as I can tell, what’s important is that, across America, machines maintained by giant multinational corporations handle our elections and have already provably manipulated elections in Texas and Kentucky. These are the kind of systems that can be manipulated with Hammer and its Scorecard program or gamed (as they seem to have been in Texas) by employees overriding the people’s will.
What does your stated opinion have to do with following the voting and election laws ?
When a pathological liar and life-long con man whose entire life has been devoted to marginalizing laws and regulations occupies the White House loses an election, following election laws has at least two distinct meanings. When Trump stops lying about voting fraud, it will become much easier for all sides to follow election law.
When you make these statements you have to have people believe you. Biden made multiple lies and denials about what he is going to do.

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