Biden's 8.1 Million Vote Landslide Win

8 million votes is far from a landslide in the United States. In the 1980 election (the first one I followed closely) they defined a popular vote "landslide" as winning the people vote by double digit percentage points (thus at least 10%) which of course Ronald Reagan did (barely) over Jimmy Carter.

Not as sure of what constitutes an "electoral vote landslide" but I have a vague recollection of it involving winning at least 350 or 375 electoral votes minimum.

Personally, It was a solid win rather than a landslide... Would have needed Florida and North Carolina (and maybe Ohio) to start calling it anything like that...

The fraud allegations are embarrassing and shows the Trump supporters as the snowflakes.

Trump always tried to project himself as a strong leader when it looks like he is very weak personally... Biden is acting like how a strong leader behaves, no need to do anything rash at the moment the country needs to heal and that can start as soon as Trump acknowledges that he lost. If he doesn't in such over whelming evidence then looks detached from reality.
Are you ready to give up democracy for Donald Trump?
^^^ Naked fear drives people to spew this BS.

Idiots posting stupidity like your Amy Barrett poster promote it. No matter - you'll turn against democracy if Trump tells you to.
Idiot or liar? which are you?

Trump lost, by a lot. Are you ready to give up democracy to keep Trump in the White House? Don't be timid, dummy.
Liars always repeat their lies. Stupid is as stupid does.

acb nice win.jpg
Are you ready to give up democracy for Donald Trump?
^^^ Naked fear drives people to spew this BS.

Idiots posting stupidity like your Amy Barrett poster promote it. No matter - you'll turn against democracy if Trump tells you to.
Idiot or liar? which are you?

Trump lost, by a lot. Are you ready to give up democracy to keep Trump in the White House? Don't be timid, dummy.
Liars always repeat their lies. Stupid is as stupid does.

View attachment 414685

I don't mind if you're afraid to answer. There's nothing a Trumpkin won't turn against at a signal from Trump - including democratic processes.
8 million votes is far from a landslide in the United States. In the 1980 election (the first one I followed closely) they defined a popular vote "landslide" as winning the people vote by double digit percentage points (thus at least 10%) which of course Ronald Reagan did (barely) over Jimmy Carter.

Not as sure of what constitutes an "electoral vote landslide" but I have a vague recollection of it involving winning at least 350 or 375 electoral votes minimum.

Personally, It was a solid win rather than a landslide... Would have needed Florida and North Carolina (and maybe Ohio) to start calling it anything like that...

The fraud allegations are embarrassing and shows the Trump supporters as the snowflakes.

Trump always tried to project himself as a strong leader when it looks like he is very weak personally... Biden is acting like how a strong leader behaves, no need to do anything rash at the moment the country needs to heal and that can start as soon as Trump acknowledges that he lost. If he doesn't in such over whelming evidence then looks detached from reality.
It's actually a solid FRAUD----------trump is going to file against and the supreme court is going to act to end this charade.
Strictly my opinions. Speaking as a Trump supporter.

1) In my opinion, President Trump effectively lost the election when he lost Wisconsin and Michigan.
2) Even without evidence, I have no doubt that Joe Biden won fewer votes overall than he is credited with and that Donald Trump won more votes than have been counted for him.
3) That said, I honestly don't believe that there are enough of both combined to shift enough states from Biden to Trump in order for Trump to win.
4) Republicans/Trump supporters should simply accept a key fact. The courts were never going to intervene in big enough way to shift the election to President Trump. If the disputes were concentrated in one state (like Florida in 2000), maybe. Two states, the courts might be inclined to do so.

But four or five states? No way. No way. The courts at all levels including the Supreme Court are never going to be willing regardless of evidence to be the final arbiters of presidential elections in the U.S. Not on the scale of four, five or more states simultaneously anyway.

5) This country desperately needs to get control of the problems we're having with our presidential elections. Though I consider myself conservative I might be willing to consider federalizing presidential elections and taking them away from being administered by the individual states.
Audit CA and we'll see how many of those 10MM Biden votes are legal

:auiqs.jpg: How sad and pathetically predicable you guys are

They'll blame it on illegal aliens voting and ballots being thrown in the trash.

Trump Tards will ignore all the numbers (including abysmal fund raising) and on election night when they lose they will blame illegal aliens voting, which they won' be able to prove, and Democrats cheating with mail in ballots, which they also won't be able to prove.
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Once again, the ONLY reason you scum are spewing this bullshit is that you are TERRIFIED Trump gets 4 more years.
Can you think of any good reason why a candidate who lost the popular vote by 5 million to 8 million ballots deserves another four years of abject failure?
Why yes I can you lying traitor. It's called the electoral college where the popular vote NEVER elected a president! Here is an example so you can see how a pro spews bullshit.

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8 million votes is far from a landslide in the United States. In the 1980 election (the first one I followed closely) they defined a popular vote "landslide" as winning the people vote by double digit percentage points (thus at least 10%) which of course Ronald Reagan did (barely) over Jimmy Carter.

Not as sure of what constitutes an "electoral vote landslide" but I have a vague recollection of it involving winning at least 350 or 375 electoral votes minimum.

Personally, It was a solid win rather than a landslide... Would have needed Florida and North Carolina (and maybe Ohio) to start calling it anything like that...

The fraud allegations are embarrassing and shows the Trump supporters as the snowflakes.

Trump always tried to project himself as a strong leader when it looks like he is very weak personally... Biden is acting like how a strong leader behaves, no need to do anything rash at the moment the country needs to heal and that can start as soon as Trump acknowledges that he lost. If he doesn't in such over whelming evidence then looks detached from reality.
This time we will watch your families get slaughtered. Better yours then ours. The weapons are there. Burn your own down and stay away from us.
Trump always tried to project himself as a strong leader when it looks like he is very weak personally... Biden is acting like how a strong leader behaves, no need to do anything rash at the moment the country needs to heal and that can start as soon as Trump acknowledges that he lost. If he doesn't in such over whelming evidence then looks detached from reality.
Keep lying chinaman, you are losing.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."
Vote totals do not matter. 100th time I have explained this to you. Please learn to read
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."
We the People have spoken. Again. That's twice now. Plus Biden got over 50%.

The Trumpsters have to lie to themselves about this, but that's how they get through a day anyway.

Let them.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."
Vote totals do not matter. 100th time I have explained this to you. Please learn to read
That traitor can read just fine. he or she or them is paid to lie and try to influence the vote.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."
We the People have spoken. Again. That's twice now. Plus Biden got over 50%.

The Trumpsters have to lie to themselves about this, but that's how they get through a day anyway.

Let them.
^^^ Goebbels.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."

Audit CA and we'll see how many of those 10MM Biden votes are legal

Please do Frank. You sit down with all the ballots in CA. and prove your claim. In the meantime I will watch the Biden Transition Team do more to protect the citizens of the U. S. than Trump has done in four years. In fact, Trump's childish and vindictive egregious behavior during the next 70 days will endanger all of us.

Grow up Frank, you are too old to play this dangerous game* to destroy democracy in America.

*The GOP Strategy to suppress the vote.

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