Biden's 8.1 Million Vote Landslide Win

Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."

Audit CA and we'll see how many of those 10MM Biden votes are legal

Please do Frank. You sit down with all the ballots in CA. and prove your claim. In the meantime I will watch the Biden Transition Team do more to protect the citizens of the U. S. than Trump has done in four years. In fact, Trump's childish and vindictive egregious behavior during the next 70 days will endanger all of us.

Grow up Frank, you are too old to play this dangerous game* to destroy democracy in America.

*The GOP Strategy to suppress the vote.

rectal use only.jpg
The plurality is the guard against any recount creating any different outcome. The difference is not a usual basis for recounts: A few dozens of data.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The Fable-Maker instead shows that 1/3 of lives in the one story, Matt 25: 14-30, do not matter at all!)
Three percent of those consulted in a recent poll believe Trump won the election; are you among them?
The only reason the election isn't over is the loser has refused to concede. He wants the opportunity to scam a few more shekels from the faithful for his 'legal challenges(LOL)'.
Trump may be counting on his faithful to fund his post-election trails and tribulations?

"President Trump isn’t really trying to overturn the election. He’s simply running one more scam before he leaves office that would enable him to enrich himself."
Popular vote doesn't determine an election. Just because Sleepy Joe got the illegal votes padded in California and New York doesn't mean he won. It's the electorates. I love it how dembots keep harping on popular vote numbers.
Bait and Switch.

“They’re trying to STEAL this Election,” declared one such Trump campaign fundraising missive Wednesday afternoon. from “Donald J. Trump, President of the United States.” “I promise you my team is fighting the clock to DEFEND the integrity of this Election, but we cannot do it alone. We need EVERY Patriot, like YOU, to step up and make sure we have the resources to keep going. … Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to DEFEND the Election.”

"But at the provided link to the “OFFICIAL ELECTION DEFENSE FUND,” the legalese at the end says something rather different:
Sixty percent of the contribution, up to $5,000, goes to “Save America,” Trump’s newly created leadership PAC. And 40 percent of the contribution up to $35,500, goes to the Republican National Committee’s operating account, its political (not legal) fund.

"Only after reaching the first maximum would a single penny go to Trump’s “Recount Account,” and only after reaching the second maximum would a penny go to the RNC’s legal account.

“It’s a straight-up bait and switch,” Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause, tells me."
Just think of all these uneducated low information low IQ hate filled idiots that voted for this Biden asshole. The scum of America.

"Earlier versions of the 'election defense fund' email solicitations indicated the funds were to be used to retire Trump’s campaign debt. 'Presumably he raised enough to retire that debt,' says Ryan, 'and he’s building this new slush fund.'"

Biden's voice might not be the voice of's not deep enough, it's not scary enough even, but surely, Biden's voice is the voice of heaven, my friends!
Biden's voice might not be the voice of's not deep enough, it's not scary enough even, but surely, Biden's voice is the voice of heaven, my friends!
Which for The Godless is a burning eternal Hell. Biden is down with the 666 economy, and you are too.

Invest in fire proof underwear
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
what a load of crap
"Over the last several days, the president, members of his administration, congressional Republicans and right wing allies have put forth the false claim that the election was stolen from Mr. Trump and have refused to accept results that showed Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the winner.":eek:

The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud
You should work for the media, you can lie as easily as they do. Once again, the ONLY reason you scum are spewing this bullshit is that you are TERRIFIED Trump gets 4 more years. I think he has it in the bag, in spite of all you traitors/chinamen/liars/dem-scum. Now for another first by Trump, where he cuts harris off at the knees!

View attachment 414659
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: This Langley shill is an expert at lying,all he ever does is parrot the msm media propaganda and always ignores whistleblowers.yeah it’s obvious he is terrified he will win and be in office another four years.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::thup::up:

Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."


didn't your Momma ever tell you?
So the President must have gotten a good share of the illegal votes too then
How many illegal votes were there in 2020.
Show your work.
To a shill who only sees what he wants to see Would be useless and a complete waste of time,there have been threads all over the place exposing this as you already know you biased troll.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
You are right thst it was a landslide win,just incorrect that it was

Biden that won the landslide, :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:but you already knew that as we both know.
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