Biden's 8.1 Million Vote Landslide Win

This country desperately needs to get control of the problems we're having with our presidential elections. Though I consider myself conservative I might be willing to consider federalizing presidential elections and taking them away from being administered by the individual states.
Would you consider this?

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

"The Compact ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

"The Compact is a state-based approach that preserves the Electoral College, state control of elections, and the power of the states to control how the President is elected."

I'm pretty far from conservative, but I would be willing to consider a national voter ID with the same level of security as your ATM card even though some believe such a card would eliminate the private vote.
I'd prefer to refer to it as a septic tank overflow
I hear Russia's nice this time of year
As a twice Trump voter, I agree that probably the election was (by American standards) reasonably honest.

So hearty congratulations to all those people who voted for the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to (nominally) lead this nation, come that glorious day of January 20.

And my deepest sympathies when some of his administration policies come to bite some of those people (and especially their grandchildren) in the posterior. No crying, please!
Why yes I can you lying traitor. It's called the electoral college where the popular vote NEVER elected a president!
Is this your idea of "We the People"?

"State sizes based on campaign events in 2016

"State winner-take-all statutes adversely affect governance.

"'Battleground' states receive 7% more federal grants than 'spectator' states, twice as many presidential disaster declarations, more Superfund enforcement exemptions, and more No Child Left Behind law exemptions."

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
Vote totals do not matter. 100th time I have explained this to you. Please learn to read
"In his second national contest Donald Trump has maintained — and among some demographic subsections increased — his hold on a majority of white voters.

"The 2020 election thus confirms the tentative verdict of 2016: that majorities of whites will vote their race–side with the White Man’s Party — when the electoral contest is waged mainly on racial terms.

"The Electoral College system, which was baked into the U.S. Constitution to protect the interests of slave states , continues to give white 'race' voters an oversized punch in national contests."

"Trump bet that he could replicate his 2016 Electoral College win over Hillary Clinton even if he still trailed by nearly three million in the popular vote, as he did the first time.

"Win or lose, Trump’s racial calculation was well-grounded and rational–as proven by the tightness of the 2020 race."

MR Online | Corporate Democrats want to run against Trump-like Republicans forever
The Trumpsters have to lie to themselves about this, but that's how they get through a day anyway.
Trump has hidden behind the presidency for the last four years, so I wonder how his base will react when evidence for all his POTUS crimes becomes public AFTER he LEAVES office with his tail between his legs?
Popular vote doesn't determine an election. Just because Sleepy Joe got the illegal votes padded in California and New York doesn't mean he won. It's the electorates. I love it how dembots keep harping on popular vote numbers.
How many illegals voted in California and New York?
How does the Electoral College function WITHOUT a popular vote in our current winner-take-all system?

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

"The Compact ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

"The Compact is a state-based approach that preserves the Electoral College, state control of elections, and the power of the states to control how the President is elected."
This country desperately needs to get control of the problems we're having with our presidential elections. Though I consider myself conservative I might be willing to consider federalizing presidential elections and taking them away from being administered by the individual states.
Would you consider this?

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

I'm against this. I like the electoral vote system we have today just fine.
The Trumpsters have to lie to themselves about this, but that's how they get through a day anyway.
Trump has hidden behind the presidency for the last four years, so I wonder how his base will react when evidence for all his POTUS crimes becomes public AFTER he LEAVES office with his tail between his legs?
Same shit you posted back in 2016. Go back to licking uncle Putin's ass clean of Dingleberries. This belongs in the flame zone.

I'm curious why all of a sudden The Moderators are allowing Flame Bait threads that are nothing but ad hominem attacks in "Politics"

Way too many of these.
If there were a national popular vote, we wouldn't be doubting the outcome of the election for months on end.

Biden won in a landslide. There'd be no denying it.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."

It is a good victory in new elect Biden and Harris infact this are what Obama wanted in break of menial 2017 of white house grasp ...
Are you ready to give up democracy for Donald Trump?
^^^ Naked fear drives people to spew this BS.

Idiots posting stupidity like your Amy Barrett poster promote it. No matter - you'll turn against democracy if Trump tells you to.
Idiot or liar? which are you?

Trump lost, by a lot. Are you ready to give up democracy to keep Trump in the White House? Don't be timid, dummy.
Yes, they are. They'd be overwhelming eager to sacrifice democracy to keep Impeached Trump in office 4 more years.

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