Biden's 8.1 Million Vote Landslide Win

I think Trump was planning to sow discord and distrust in the election from months ago in case he was losing; just to do what he's doing now. And if all else fails, try to get electors to cast deviant votes on December 14th to make him the president.
It's possible Trump was expecting to lose in 2016, yet expecting victory in 2020? I'm wondering if Trump will attempt to self-pardon or resign and let President Pence do the honor. Hopefully, he spends the rest of his life in courtrooms and jail cells.
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."

Wow, you commies sure have a talent for accentuating the IRRELEVANT. If biden holds on for the win it will be with 46 fewer electoral votes than Trump got in his victory.

I think Trump was planning to sow discord and distrust in the election from months ago in case he was losing; just to do what he's doing now. And if all else fails, try to get electors to cast deviant votes on December 14th to make him the president.
It's possible Trump was expecting to lose in 2016, yet expecting victory in 2020? I'm wondering if Trump will attempt to self-pardon or resign and let President Pence do the honor. Hopefully, he spends the rest of his life in courtrooms and jail cells.
I seriously doubt the SCOTUS would allow a president to pardon themselves. Since the Constitution doesn't say if this is permissible or not, it would be up to the SCOTUS to decide. They would have little choice other than to put the kibosh on such a patently absurd notion.

The reason being, if a president were allowed to pardon themselves, they would be able to commit any crime at all, knowing they could simply pardon themselves immediately upon committing a crime, as long as they do so before being impeached since they can't issue a pardon in cases involving impeachment. If that were allowed, Trump literally could murder someone on 5th Avenue in cold blood and then simply pardon himself. Just as long as the pardon came before the impeachment.
CIA shill George is obviously terrified thst trump could win in the courts and serve a second term the way he has gone to great lengths to lie and try and convince not only us but himself vote fraud never happened. :laughing0301: Here is some more butthurt for George to chew on,a Pennsylvania judge ruled today in favor of trump thst the votes were illegally counted turning away people who were assigned to monitor the votes.George’s nose grows larger and larger. This news has got to very unsettling to him:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Dean Baker offers to following numbers in support of his claim that Joe Biden will ultimately win the White House by more than 8,000,000 ballots:

"NOVEMBER 11, 2020
The 8.1 Million Vote Landslide
CounterPunch Front Page -
"Some folks are seeing this election as a squeaker for Biden since we saw close races in key states.

"This has concealed the fact that Biden actually is winning the popular vote by a large margin.

"Since many votes are still not counted across the country I thought I would do a simple exercise where I projected margins for the votes outstanding in each state."

Wow, you commies sure have a talent for accentuating the IRRELEVANT. If biden holds on for the win it will be with 46 fewer electoral votes than Trump got in his victory.


How do you figure?

Trump had 304 Electoral Votes in 2016 and if Biden holds on to what he is projected to have he will have 306 which will be two more electoral votes than Trump had in 2016...

Also if Biden had 46 less Electoral Votes it would put him at 260 which would make him the loser...

So I do not know where you are getting your math on how many Electoral College votes Trump had in 2016 but it was 304 from what I see...

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If that were allowed, Trump literally could murder someone on 5th Avenue in cold blood and then simply pardon himself. Just as long as the pardon came before the impeachment.
Even Trump would not be able to pardon himself for state and local crimes like murder; although, I suppose there are some good arguments his Covid policies have killed thousands of innocent New Yorkers?
It was close, Biden won. to use tricks to change the outcome would not be in the best interest of our country.
Here is some more butthurt for George to chew on,a Pennsylvania judge ruled today in favor of trump thst the votes were illegally counted turning away people who were assigned to monitor the votes.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Which will do absolutely nothing

The Trump campaign on Thursday won a case that attempted to disqualify a small number of mail-in ballots for first-time Pennsylvania voters who were unable to confirm their identification by Nov. 9.

These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania.

seriously doubt the SCOTUS would allow a president to pardon themselves. Since the Constitution doesn't say if this is permissible or not, it would be up to the SCOTUS to decide. They would have little choice other than to put the kibosh on such a patently absurd notion.
By what margin do you think the current Supreme Court would decide against Trump?

Why Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court would be a climate disaster
Over whether or not a president could pardon themselves? I'd say 9-0 against. Pardoning one's self is far bigger than Trump. The implication is it gives a president the ability to commit any crime and get away with it. While they could still face impeachment and get thrown out of office, a president could literally walk into a crowded venue with an AR-15, empty their magazine, and then pardon themselves. Not that I expect a president would ever do such a thing, but that highlights the extent of how serious of a crime a president could commit. I don't believe allowing crime was the intent of the Framers when they put pardoning power into the Constitution and I don't believe even the justices Trump put on the bench would allow that.
Here is some more butthurt for George to chew on,a Pennsylvania judge ruled today in favor of trump thst the votes were illegally counted turning away people who were assigned to monitor the votes

Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
So says the lying CIA shill who evades facts,we all know you And your handlers there are terrified. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You are butthurt that trump is the only president that has ever told the truth that the msm media controlled by your company Langley,is indeed fake news
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
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Biden's 8.1 Million Vote Landslide Win

Biden currently has a lead of 5.1 million with very little left to count. He's not going to come close to the 8 million mark, but it was a historic turnout nonetheless.
I thought Biden might crack the 70 million mark, but I expected Trump to drop to around 50 million. If it's true 2020 saw about seven in ten of the voting age population casting a ballot, I wonder what changes if 90% of Americans find someone worth voting for?
Oh and as always,trolls can only post negative smileys when they can’t refute facts on a rigged election. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
See what happens when you back a bigot with serious honesty issues?
An ironic question considering who is claiming the presidency before all the votes are counted.
Biden a bigot? Check. Kamala Harris thought so when she was in the democrat primaries.'
'Middle Class" Joe eulogized a Klansman. His casual racism is a Biden trademark.

Does Biden have serious honesty issues? Big Check!
From the plagiarism of campaign speeches from Robert Kennedy and some English member of Parliament
to absolute disproved claims of no knowledge of Hunter Biden's "jobs" in China, Ukraine, etc. Biden's status
as a consistent liar is an unqualified fact!

See what happens when you yourself lie?

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