Biden's Adolph Hitler Moment: Despite 'Unity Pledge', Biden Dragging America Into A Very Dangerous Place

They really really are slaves to the trump religion, aren't they? They have to be triggered by something as simple as this:

They really hated that.
You mean just because we said it's a total lie and the ultimate hypocrisy?
Despite his campaign pledge to bring UNITY to the nation, President Biden has driven the country to the brink of a civil war by attacking and vilifying parents, Conservatives, Trump supporters, and anyone who does not remain silent, anyone who opposes the radical, Un-Constitutional, criminal, tyranical agenda, failed policies, and rule of the Democratic party.

After participating in a failed coup attempt, after working with his treasonous DOJ & FBI to brand parents 'Domestic Terrorists', after his 'Gestapo' perpetrate a 1st-ever, historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed raid of the home of a US President - his top political opponent, Biden just crossed into 'A VERY DANGEROUS PLACE', dragging the cou try down with him.

Im a speech reminiscent of Hitler, Biden declared half of the American people to be extremely dangerous enemies of the state.

The only thing missing was the mustache.

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Carlson noted the irony of Biden accusing his opponents of being dangerous extremists while flanked by members of the military and bathed in a blood-red light:

“Yeah, they’re (Conservatives / Trump supporters) a threat, says the guy with the blood-red Nazi background and Marines standing behind him,” the FNC host said. “It’s a complete outrage this is being sanctioned as a White House event."

If you point out Democrats (Hillary, Obama, Biden, and their administration attempted a failed coup and perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in US history, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you opposed an Impeachment based on zero crime, sero evidence, zero witnesses, and zero bi-partisanship, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you even QUESTION / want to discuss an election in which problems and issues with machines, voting, etc... existed, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If GOP Reps oppose certifying an election - lime the Democrat leader of the J6 Committee has done in the past - YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you oppose liberal racist, divisionist CRT, Transgender indoctrination, and liberal 'Nazi Youth' training (telling kids to lie / hide things from / turn in their parents) YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation...a 'Domestic Terrorist'..

If you oppose failed policies that have resulted in Inflation, almost doubled gas prices, loss of near energy independence, Un-Constitutional / illegal Open Borders and 2 million illegals (to include Cartel members, mules, human / child / sex traffickers, terrorists, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, violent gangs members, thieves, etc...) into the US with tax payers paying for the cost of their medical, food, housing, education, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you oppose US govt agencies being transformed into partisan Gestapo to protect and defend criminal, tyranical Democrats and their continued rule, being used to take down the political enemies of our President, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you support and defend the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, and demand EQUAL JUSTICE to be applied to everyone, including our self-appointed rulers, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you are against censorship, oppose this tyrannical govt disarming American citizens, and oppose Un-Constitutional criminal mandates not based on science but on the will to control the people - mandates that have put millions of Americans out of work, shut down businesses, destroyed & lives, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you dare embrace any other personal or political philosophy, opinions, policies other than those of the Democrat Party, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

In Biden's speech, the most dangerous speech ever given by a US President to the American people, Der Fuhrer vilainized, vilified, and labeled over half the American people as threats to this nation.

The man who only has the support of 38% (less than 4 out of 10) of Americans declared 'If you do not support me / the Democrat Party, if you oppose what I, Democrats, and my administration' are doing, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation, YOU are the e emy of the state, YOU are 'domestic terrorists'.

Hitler would have been proud of Joe Biden.

Howz about instead ... " If You " we all spruce it up a wee bit.
As in ... If He ... Make doggone sure and place the onus where it belongs.
This is ALL On the current Potus.A complete jackass of an American.
What "projection?" what didn't Biden and the Dims do?
Explain to said schmuck we're { real Americans } are well past
debating how Projection,Gaslighting and Doublethink { doublespeak }
operate.We have entered into a darker phase of :
Mass Formation Psychosis or the beginnings of complete
Totalitarianism { every Dictator the last century and a half used }
From Stalin to Hitler to Mao and even Fidel Castro }.
I completely agree. The anti-Trump cult has violated Constitution, Rule of Law, and Oaths of office.

They have violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans, the President, and his team.

They have committed Perjury withheld exculpatory information, criminally altered documents, manufactured false evidence against a President in an attempt to overthrow the govt by illegally removing the President from office.

They have initiated and conducted a failed coup attempt as part of rhe largest criminal political scandal in US history.

They attempted multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crimes, zero evidence, zero witnesses, and 100% partisanship. Pelosi even argued crimes, witnesses, and evidence are not needed to Impeach a President.

They have weaponized government agencies into partisan political units to take down political threats / enemies.

They have been trying to set up / take down Trump for going on 7 years now.

....and the anti-Trump foot soldiers and apologists like you defend it.

Biden just gave the most divisive speech from a US President in US History in a theatrical scene from hell, black and blood red, with US Marines in the background as a prop.

The setting, scene, and ranting was dark, ominous, threatening, and straight out of some dark cult or cheesy movie about a tyrannical threat to freedom.

Definitely a twisted, dangerous cult.

EVERY ONE of these points is provably true and accurate.

Don't let the leftards deflect to Trump.


Then be ready for a conniption, cause they won't like what they see.
These people hold jobs in academia. Why aren’t they in jail? I can’t make up 3,000 professors. Can you?

Couldn't care less where they work now. The left does not hold either of them in esteem. Your lunacy is noted and summarily discarded.
What "projection?" what didn't Biden and the Dims do?
Nothing Good.Quite historically a first for this republic.
Where a Potus thinks that he can outflank We the People
with a mountain of lies and harmful polices as if no one
then wiser.I think most { a majority of } Americans are now
past saddened.It has progressed beyond that simple emotion.
They are shocked,dismayed and almost speechless.This is
the stuff of Devilry.Getting close to what the Movie :
- The Devils - { 1971 } an account by Aldous Huxley from his
novel { The " Devils of Loudin " } played to supreme effect by
Vanessa Redgrave and Oliver Reed .
17th Century France and the infamous dictates of
His Red Eminence { Cardinal Richelieu }
Not at all. Thank God someone is calling out the number one terrorist group in America. The MAGA Thugocracy!
MAGA Republicans aren't the ones burning, looting, throwing Molotovs at cops, terrorizing little children in residential neighborhoods, sitting down on freeways.

You sir, are dumber than a stump.
Yeah, they just try to overthrow duly elected governments...

You have absolutely ZERO proof this government was duly elected.
Couldn't care less where they work now. The left does not hold either of them in esteem. Your lunacy is noted and summarily discarded.
You are hung up on my opinion about the esteem part yet if any January 6 participant was teaching now at a higher education institution with the support of 3,000 colleagues you would care. Don’t lie to yourself.
You are hung up on my opinion about the esteem part yet if any January 6 participant was teaching now at a higher education institution with the support of 3,000 colleagues you would care. Don’t lie to yourself.

Probably true. But in 2070 if a "January 6 participant" was teaching at a university, nobody would care.
Probably true. But in 2070 if a "January 6 participant" was teaching at a university, nobody would care.
People care 200 years later that names of figures from the past are on school buildings. Im sure they would care 50 years from now.
People care 200 years later that names of figures from the past are on school buildings. Im sure they would care 50 years from now.

Doubtful. Just like with Ayers, 50 years later, few give a shit.
When you're done laughing, show me the audit trail, ignorant leftie fucktard.


You need to be shown reality??

Dayum, you're one brain-dead con.

You are hung up on my opinion about the esteem part yet if any January 6 participant was teaching now at a higher education institution with the support of 3,000 colleagues you would care. Don’t lie to yourself.
You would then have to explain with proof Unlike Biden who
still insists that January 6th Insurrectionist Killed a few Capitol
cops.Big fat Lie.Not one Firearm was collected nor used on
January 6th.We were also lied to about Capitol cop Brian Sicknik
being killed by hitting over the head with a Fire Extinguisher.
He died a little over a day later from 2 back to back strokes.
There is also Video { of the more than 14,ooo hrs taken } of
Folks being ushered into the Capitol bldg. and very casually walking
around { some with little American flags } as if in a museum.
Won't see that anywhere near the January 6th Stasi hearing.
Tucker Carlson played back footage,Thankfully.Due to months later
a Judge gave the order to release some of those 14,ooo hrs.
Now why was there only scripted release of the Videos showcasing
the storming of the Capitol.Where early on { within a week } of January
6th there was Video of the crowd storming in and Ashli Babbett getting
pushed in with the crowd and then a shot was heard.And a few second
video glimpse of Babbett falling down.That Video I don't believe was
every entered in as evidence with this Bogus one-sided January 6th
Stasi hearing.
So? That only proves you're a flamin' nut as there were no swastikas there. And this is how it actually looked when cameras were not zoomed in...


You're really offended by Independence Hall lit up in red, white & blue, huh?

Very telling.
The MAGAt-cult is very offended by anything patriotic that doesn't have trump front and center. Have you seen how they desecrate American flags?
During January 6th, they torn down the American flag at the Capitol and raised a trump flag instead.

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