Biden's Adolph Hitler Moment: Despite 'Unity Pledge', Biden Dragging America Into A Very Dangerous Place

If everyone posting on this forum is typical of Americans in general this country is on the brink of civil war
The camera which was set up by Biden's people showed only red the whole speech... I never saw the blue and white until this morning...
Someone wanted that ominous deep CCP red shown....
So your beef is with that person.....

Biden's people work for the media??

Are you ever not a rambtard?

Yep, Pedo Peter has gone ultra pedo and is now Pedo Hitler.

You give pedo peter a pass for molesting his daughter?
Give Pedo Hitler a break it's not every administration that supports schools giving out sex toys to children.

Especially children that can't read, write or do simple arithmetic. Sex slaves don't need to know that stuff and that's what enemy democrats are raising your children to be.
Biden's people work for the media??

Are you ever not a rambtard?

The entire stage setting is planned and choreographed by the white house staff stupid shit for brains....
Anyone in this era who votes Democrat is a pedo or a pedo supporter weather they admit it or not.

Democrats expose children to sexually activities they want them to engage in as adults, or earlier...
That's the least of what enemy democrats do. They made a fortune selling baby body parts through planned parenthood. You know the cartels are giving them a hefty cut of this Biden slammed for 'immoral' open-border policy after human trafficker describes what happens to children
The entire stage setting is planned and choreographed by the white house staff stupid shit for brains....

No it's not, rambtard. All "Biden's people" do is set up an area from where the media can record. The media is responsible for what they record.
No it's not, rambtard. All "Biden's people" do is set up an area from where the media can record. The media is responsible for what they record.
Wrong they don't let CNN set the stage you the white house has a staff of personnel that does that job...
They wanted red to be the only color seen on television....
Wrong they don't let CNN set the stage you the white house has a staff of personnel that does that job...
They wanted red to be the only color seen on television....

I didn't say set the stage. I said what they choose to record. If they aired only a zoomed in shot where the blue and white was not in frame, that is on the networks airing it.
I didn't say set the stage. I said what they choose to record. If they aired only a zoomed in shot where the blue and white was not in frame, that is on the networks airing it.
I just watched on CNN they said the networks didn't use their cameras... they used the feed from the white house camera... Buuuaaahahaha you are wrong again Fauny....
Hey..... why does making America great offend you?... just curious....
Despite his campaign pledge to bring UNITY to the nation, President Biden has driven the country to the brink of a civil war by attacking and vilifying parents, Conservatives, Trump supporters, and anyone who does not remain silent, anyone who opposes the radical, Un-Constitutional, criminal, tyranical agenda, failed policies, and rule of the Democratic party.

After participating in a failed coup attempt, after working with his treasonous DOJ & FBI to brand parents 'Domestic Terrorists', after his 'Gestapo' perpetrate a 1st-ever, historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed raid of the home of a US President - his top political opponent, Biden just crossed into 'A VERY DANGEROUS PLACE', dragging the cou try down with him.

Im a speech reminiscent of Hitler, Biden declared half of the American people to be extremely dangerous enemies of the state.

The only thing missing was the mustache.

View attachment 690424

Carlson noted the irony of Biden accusing his opponents of being dangerous extremists while flanked by members of the military and bathed in a blood-red light:

“Yeah, they’re (Conservatives / Trump supporters) a threat, says the guy with the blood-red Nazi background and Marines standing behind him,” the FNC host said. “It’s a complete outrage this is being sanctioned as a White House event."

If you point out Democrats (Hillary, Obama, Biden, and their administration attempted a failed coup and perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in US history, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you opposed an Impeachment based on zero crime, sero evidence, zero witnesses, and zero bi-partisanship, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you even QUESTION / want to discuss an election in which problems and issues with machines, voting, etc... existed, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If GOP Reps oppose certifying an election - lime the Democrat leader of the J6 Committee has done in the past - YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you oppose liberal racist, divisionist CRT, Transgender indoctrination, and liberal 'Nazi Youth' training (telling kids to lie / hide things from / turn in their parents) YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation...a 'Domestic Terrorist'..

If you oppose failed policies that have resulted in Inflation, almost doubled gas prices, loss of near energy independence, Un-Constitutional / illegal Open Borders and 2 million illegals (to include Cartel members, mules, human / child / sex traffickers, terrorists, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, violent gangs members, thieves, etc...) into the US with tax payers paying for the cost of their medical, food, housing, education, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you oppose US govt agencies being transformed into partisan Gestapo to protect and defend criminal, tyranical Democrats and their continued rule, being used to take down the political enemies of our President, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you support and defend the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, and demand EQUAL JUSTICE to be applied to everyone, including our self-appointed rulers, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you are against censorship, oppose this tyrannical govt disarming American citizens, and oppose Un-Constitutional criminal mandates not based on science but on the will to control the people - mandates that have put millions of Americans out of work, shut down businesses, destroyed & lives, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

If you dare embrace any other personal or political philosophy, opinions, policies other than those of the Democrat Party, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation.

In Biden's speech, the most dangerous speech ever given by a US President to the American people, Der Fuhrer vilainized, vilified, and labeled over half the American people as threats to this nation.

The man who only has the support of 38% (less than 4 out of 10) of Americans declared 'If you do not support me / the Democrat Party, if you oppose what I, Democrats, and my administration' are doing, YOU are the dangerous threat to the nation, YOU are the e emy of the state, YOU are 'domestic terrorists'.

Hitler would have been proud of Joe Biden.

Biden, September, 2022:

"I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa....

But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise....

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic....

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself....

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country....

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy....

And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy....

And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy...."

Hitler, 1922:

"It is a battle which began nearly 120 years ago,...

That is the lurking danger, and the Jew can meet it in one way only – by destroying the hostile national intelligentsia. That is the inevitable ultimate goal of the Jew in his revolution. And this aim he must pursue; he knows well enough his economics brings no blessing: his is no master people: he is an exploiter: the Jews are a people of robbers. He has never founded any civilisation, though he has destroyed civilisations by the hundred. He possesses nothing of his own creation to which he can point....

Everything that he has is stolen. Foreign peoples, foreign workmen build him his temples, it is foreigners who create and work for him: it is foreigners who shed their blood for him. He knows no ‘people’s army’: he has only hired mercenaries who are ready to go to death on his behalf. He has no art of his own: bit by bit he has stolen it all from the other peoples or has watched them at work and then made his copy. He does not even know how merely to preserve the precious things which others have created: as he turns the treasures over in his hand they are transformed into dirt and dung. He knows that he cannot maintain any State for long. That is one of the differences between him and the Aryan...."

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