Bidens agenda/campaign promises vanished quicker than a dollar bill in a strippers gstring

How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?
Inept Biden has to rely on walking dead Schumer and whack job Pelosi while fending off attacks from the bimbo squad. It's f'ing hilarious what a clown car the Dem party is. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't know why y'all are complaining?

President Trump got nothing passed but the tax cut for primarily the wealthiest, a tax cut he promised would not be for the rich, when he was campaigning, about a year after he was in office.

Yeah, Biden has his hands filled, but so far...he's kept his cool and is keeping the widespread differences of democrats in check.... And he has not lost his cool with republicans trying to stop his agenda, so far.....

For me, he's much easier to watch than Trump's bombastic, vindictive, threatening, hateful, boisterous, management style.
Trumps tax break gave most everyone who actually paid taxes a taxcut..
bidens agenda is to steal tax money----these trillions $$$ being spent most wind up in billionaires pockets who then donate to bidens ass via his family and soon to be presidential libraries..
Boy are you off base, 3/4s or more of his tax cut went in to the pockets of the wealthiest and corporations, a smidgen went to the hundreds of millions of citizens left...

How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
Your party is in control.
So you think the Senate democrats should get rid of the filibuster????
The filibuster they created? Lol, your party is in control and your party owns this mess 100%.
What mess? It's all working out just fine.... other than moving a little slower.... And in my personal opinion, slower, is good... !!!! Not bad, as others may see it!
View attachment 494203
Republicans are really good at creating "make believe" talking points, and memes!!!
It's all true, by the end of Biden's term people will be begging Trump to run.
Okie dokie!


Good news for our massive debt.
Public option? DEAD
Infrastructure? DEAD (at least till winter or next year?)

Essentially Biden will accomplish NOTHING in his first term because the GOP should take control in 2022.


"Bwuhahahahahahahaha! Good one!""
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?
Inept Biden has to rely on walking dead Schumer and whack job Pelosi while fending off attacks from the bimbo squad. It's f'ing hilarious what a clown car the Dem party is. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't know why y'all are complaining?

President Trump got nothing passed but the tax cut for primarily the wealthiest, a tax cut he promised would not be for the rich, when he was campaigning, about a year after he was in office.

Yeah, Biden has his hands filled, but so far...he's kept his cool and is keeping the widespread differences of democrats in check.... And he has not lost his cool with republicans trying to stop his agenda, so far.....

For me, he's much easier to watch than Trump's bombastic, vindictive, threatening, hateful, boisterous, management style.
Nobody is complaining strawman-opotamus :itsok:

Calling the Administration a "failure" four months into the term is most definitely "complaining", and bitterly at that.

But you people deny anything and everything you do and you are so this is hardly surprising.

Good news for our massive debt.
Public option? DEAD
Infrastructure? DEAD (at least till winter or next year?)

Essentially Biden will accomplish NOTHING in his first term because the GOP should take control in 2022.

As it turns out, the following principles aren’t really working are they?
I’m not the mean orange guy who had you kicking ass
Make America Mexico again
Chicks with dicks are sooo cool
Hate evil whitey
Blacks are America’s greatest asset
Make America energy dependent again

The poor old almost dead puke has nothing but Mac1958 and his ilk will tell you their FEELZ feel soooo much better as they pay $4 per gallon at the pump.
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?

covid relief,
infrastructure, voter rights, immigration, gun violence and the environment

Why do folks ALWAYS want to change the rules when you don't get your way?
Doing the oppisite of Trump was a bad idea
agreed, but when you have a anti-AMERICA, corrupted piece of shit in DC, AMERICA is going to be screwed
revolution #2 coming
the scum demonRATS have to be stopped 1 way or another....we'll call the group....WHITE LIVES MATTER
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?
Inept Biden has to rely on walking dead Schumer and whack job Pelosi while fending off attacks from the bimbo squad. It's f'ing hilarious what a clown car the Dem party is. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't know why y'all are complaining?

President Trump got nothing passed but the tax cut for primarily the wealthiest, a tax cut he promised would not be for the rich, when he was campaigning, about a year after he was in office.

Yeah, Biden has his hands filled, but so far...he's kept his cool and is keeping the widespread differences of democrats in check.... And he has not lost his cool with republicans trying to stop his agenda, so far.....

For me, he's much easier to watch than Trump's bombastic, vindictive, threatening, hateful, boisterous, management style.
Nobody is complaining strawman-opotamus :itsok:

Calling the Administration a "failure" four months into the term is most definitely "complaining", and bitterly at that.

But you people deny anything and everything you do and you are so this is hardly surprising.

Actully no, we just deny your stupid allegtaions.
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?

covid relief,
infrastructure, voter rights, immigration, gun violence and the environment
covid relief---provided by TRUMP
immigration--open borders, positive cases of chinese flu welcomed in AMERICA by scum demonRATS
gun violence---and lots of it under xiden and the scum demonRATS
environment---yup, those trees and streams are going to hire alot of people
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?
Inept Biden has to rely on walking dead Schumer and whack job Pelosi while fending off attacks from the bimbo squad. It's f'ing hilarious what a clown car the Dem party is. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't know why y'all are complaining?

President Trump got nothing passed but the tax cut for primarily the wealthiest, a tax cut he promised would not be for the rich, when he was campaigning, about a year after he was in office.

Yeah, Biden has his hands filled, but so far...he's kept his cool and is keeping the widespread differences of democrats in check.... And he has not lost his cool with republicans trying to stop his agenda, so far.....

For me, he's much easier to watch than Trump's bombastic, vindictive, threatening, hateful, boisterous, management style.
That's because you're not real bright.
Says the burnt out bulb!!! :)
he's right, you aren't very bright

Good news for our massive debt.
Public option? DEAD
Infrastructure? DEAD (at least till winter or next year?)

Essentially Biden will accomplish NOTHING in his first term because the GOP should take control in 2022.

As it turns out, the following principles aren’t really working are they?
I’m not the mean orange guy who had you kicking ass
Make America Mexico again
Chicks with dicks are sooo cool
Hate evil whitey
Blacks are America’s greatest asset
Make America energy dependent again

The poor old almost dead puke has nothing but Mac1958 and his ilk will tell you their FEELZ feel soooo much better as they pay $4 per gallon at the pump.

Except that Biden has NOTHING to do with the price of gas. Absolutely NOTHING.

You fools continue to demonstrate your abject ignorance of what the President does and does not control. Gas prices went up when Trump was first elected too. You blamed Obama.
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
What major legislation has the Senate fillibustered since Biden took office?

covid relief,
infrastructure, voter rights, immigration, gun violence and the environment
covid relief---provided by TRUMP
immigration--open borders, positive cases of chinese flu welcomed in AMERICA by scum demonRATS
gun violence---and lots of it under xiden and the scum demonRATS
environment---yup, those trees and streams are going to hire alot of people

What Covid relief? There were food lines for hours under Trump and McConnell was refusing to provide ANY more money.

As for the rest of your right wing bullshit talking points, you need some new material than those old lies.
Last edited:
How did Biden completely squander his so called "honeymoon" phase???
distorted rules of the Senate, the filibuster
Your party is in control.
So you think the Senate democrats should get rid of the filibuster????
The filibuster they created? Lol, your party is in control and your party owns this mess 100%.
What mess? It's all working out just fine.... other than moving a little slower.... And in my personal opinion, slower, is good... !!!! Not bad, as others may see it!
View attachment 494203
and the brain dead---it ain't TRUMP-- mentality (scum demonRATS), has screwed AMERICAN citizens and AMERICA
What Covid relief? There were food lines for hours under Trump and McConnell was refusing to provide ANY more money.

And now they are being provided a lot of money. That's why there are so many jobs around and nobody to take them. Government is competing with industry for their workers to stay home.

I know a woman who owns a limo company. She was looking for drivers for months with no luck. When our Governor announced he was halting federal unemployment additions, she got 18 applications for driving positions the next day.

Good news for our massive debt.
Public option? DEAD
Infrastructure? DEAD (at least till winter or next year?)

Essentially Biden will accomplish NOTHING in his first term because the GOP should take control in 2022.

As it turns out, the following principles aren’t really working are they?
I’m not the mean orange guy who had you kicking ass
Make America Mexico again
Chicks with dicks are sooo cool
Hate evil whitey
Blacks are America’s greatest asset
Make America energy dependent again

The poor old almost dead puke has nothing but Mac1958 and his ilk will tell you their FEELZ feel soooo much better as they pay $4 per gallon at the pump.

Except that Biden has NOTHING to do with the price of gas. Absolutely NOTHING.

You fools continue to demonstrate your abject ignorance of what the President does and does not control. Gas prices went up when Trump was first elected too. You blamed Obama.

You’re dependent nations always pay less at the pump for fuel.

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