Biden's America ..

It could be the wide open borders, it could be the lousy economy, it could be the drug culture, it could you posting all the wonderful things Biden represents to you..

I haven't quite decided yet and at this point it's rarely my choice anyway.. ;)
All that was going on before Biden, Trump or even Obama, so what is your point again?
It could be the wide open borders, it could be the lousy economy, it could be the drug culture, it could you posting all the wonderful things Biden represents to you..

I haven't quite decided yet and at this point it's rarely my choice anyway.. ;)
It could be rich bastards buying out suburbs and letting them sit idle or making a housing shortage ramping up the prices of homes.
One things for sure .. the Biden economy and blah blah blah... makes Democrats grumpy.. ;)
It could be the wide open borders, it could be the lousy economy.......,

First, a couple of false assumptions from poster Lumpy: No, the borders are not wide-open. Be it the Canadian border, or the Mexican border. The arrests, the long lines, all attest that the border ain't wide-open. That is a silly statement indicative of a type of thinking that wants it to be open so he has a legitimate hook to hang his sense of grievance and xenophobia on.

Second, America does not have a lousy economy. True, it may be lousy for poster Lumpy and his particular skill-set, but for the rest of America it is a strong economy. Jobs are plentiful, hell, we have a labor shortage. Profits are strong in wide sectors of the economy....record-profits in some. Housing prices are strong and rising. Inflation exists because people have money to spend and that is putting demand pressure on the supply of a number of items. But, inflation overall is beginning to taper. That is what rising prices do.....they lessen demand.

If poster Lumpy thinks today's economy is lousy.....I would conjecture he/she is very young and inexperienced in such things, is simply unaware of a wider world than his own narrow view, or......he/she is just plain incorrect.

RE: Homelessness. It is worth noting that the communities with the most homeless are often those communities with the least affordable housing.

Biden increased spending on affordable housing.
First, a couple of false assumptions from poster Lumpy: No, the borders are not wide-open. Be it the Canadian border, or the Mexican border. The arrests, the long lines, all attest that the border ain't wide-open. That is a silly statement indicative of a type of thinking that wants it to be open so he has a legitimate hook to hang his sense of grievance and xenophobia on.

Second, America does not have a lousy economy. True, it may be lousy for poster Lumpy and his particular skill-set, but for the rest of America it is a strong economy. Jobs are plentiful, hell, we have a labor shortage. Profits are strong in wide sectors of the economy....record-profits in some. Housing prices are strong and rising. Inflation exists because people have money to spend and that is putting demand pressure on the supply of a number of items. But, inflation overall is beginning to taper. That is what rising prices do.....they lessen demand.

If poster Lumpy thinks today's economy is lousy.....I would conjecture he/she is very young and inexperienced in such things, is simply unaware of a wider world than his own narrow view, or......he/she is just plain incorrect.

RE: Homelessness. It is worth noting that the communities with the most homeless are often those communities with the least affordable housing.


I do not see things like record profits and rising housing costs as a sign of a good economy. You champion high costs of housing as a positive thing and then note it's why so many are homeless.
Lack of affordable housing didn't start with Biden.

The real problem is the government switched from building public housing to just giving poor people vouchers no one wants.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Actually, it's none of those things.

The economy is in fairly good shape. The undocumented have no problem finding work, as we have a labor shortage.

The problem is, of course, that we didn't invest in affordable housing in this country.
I get what you are saying. As a pragmatist in many agendas we see, I believe that impoverishment will not be eliminated however it can be reduced. Progs promote anything for anything not good as the republican's fault. If we wised up. We can cut expenditures in a huge way just to keep it the same. The major problem is infants born out of wedlock. And abortions coming from it. The economy will collapse quickly if the owners of the economic and financial nations with fiat currency central banks of the world decided to do so.
So this didn't exist there before he was President? Is that really the "point" here
I thought the point was pretty obvious. We're blowing money in Ukraine rather than dealing with our own problems with that money.

I honestly thought the point was quite obvious but I guess I need to take into account that we have a few retards on this forum
I thought the point was pretty obvious. We're blowing money in Ukraine rather than dealing with our own problems with that money.

I honestly thought the point was quite obvious but I guess I need to take into account that we have a few retards on this forum
Ah, so you think we can only look at one issue at a time.

I don't.

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