Biden's biggest mistake?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Trump did that. apparently. Biden administration (and the MSM) is blaming Trump for the train wreck in East Palestine environmental catastrophe. Not the Norfolk and Southern RR. They bombed the resultant wreck and caused this; Biden could have changed the laws. Buttigieg could have also stood up and changed the laws. But they did like any coward would do : BLAME THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION.
I have said this repeatedly.

When Biden whines about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share.…THE DEMS HAD THE WH, HOUSE AND SENATE FOR 2 YEARS! WHY DIDNT THEY MAKE SWEEPING TAX REFORMS?

As always, they are full of shit.
Biden's biggest mistake, among many, is our open southern border. That is the worst thing I have ever seen ANY President do.
Trump did that. apparently. Biden administration (and the MSM) is blaming Trump for the train wreck in East Palestine environmental catastrophe. Not the Norfolk and Southern RR. They bombed the resultant wreck and caused this; Biden could have changed the laws. Buttigieg could have also stood up and changed the laws. But they did like any coward would do : BLAME THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION.
Here is what the previous administration did which helped lead to the accident in East Palestine, and possibly many other accidents, especially if as disastrous as this one:

The Trump Administration reversed a previous rule that would require trains carrying certain hazardous materials to be equipped with electronic pneumatic brakes. According to HuffPost, the rule would not have applied to the train in East Palestine, although better brakes might have reduced the impact of the accident.

The Trump Administration also sided with the rail industry to block a proposed rule that would have required two crew members on every freight train. Experts also noticed an uptick in waivers that exempted rail companies from certain rules, including from some inspections. “It was unprecedented how many of them they asked for and it was also disturbing how quickly they were approved,” says Greg Hynes, the national legislative director of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART), a union which assists the National Transportation Safety Board with rail investigations.

ccording to Hynes and Jared Cassity, SMART’s chief of safety, there were other rollbacks to rail safety during the Trump years. For instance, the time that a train could go without an inspection off air—with its air brake system depressurized—was expanded from 4 hours to 24 hours.

While the NTSB’s investigation on the East Palestine derailment is ongoing, public reportssuggest that the derailment was caused by a mechanical issue with an axle—the sort of problem that might be prevented by some of the rail regulations Trump’s Administration slashed. “For me, the lack of frequency in inspections, and the lack of quality of inspections is a very major, major deal and very well could be a contributing factor here,” Cassity says.

Trump did that. apparently. Biden administration (and the MSM) is blaming Trump for the train wreck in East Palestine environmental catastrophe. Not the Norfolk and Southern RR. They bombed the resultant wreck and caused this; Biden could have changed the laws. Buttigieg could have also stood up and changed the laws. But they did like any coward would do : BLAME THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION.
That's been their MO from day one. Attack Trump for not taking any responsibility while president and now they don't take any responsibility for anything themselves. It's always someone else's fault. Hell, they're still blaming Reagan for things.
Biden's biggest mistake, among many, is our open southern border. That is the worst thing I have ever seen ANY President do.
Biden has made so many mistakes that it is hard to keep track of them all.
Here is what the previous administration did which helped lead to the accident in East Palestine, and possibly many other accidents, especially if as disastrous as this one:

The Trump Administration reversed a previous rule that would require trains carrying certain hazardous materials to be equipped with electronic pneumatic brakes. According to HuffPost, the rule would not have applied to the train in East Palestine, although better brakes might have reduced the impact of the accident.

The Trump Administration also sided with the rail industry to block a proposed rule that would have required two crew members on every freight train. Experts also noticed an uptick in waivers that exempted rail companies from certain rules, including from some inspections. “It was unprecedented how many of them they asked for and it was also disturbing how quickly they were approved,” says Greg Hynes, the national legislative director of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART), a union which assists the National Transportation Safety Board with rail investigations.

ccording to Hynes and Jared Cassity, SMART’s chief of safety, there were other rollbacks to rail safety during the Trump years. For instance, the time that a train could go without an inspection off air—with its air brake system depressurized—was expanded from 4 hours to 24 hours.

While the NTSB’s investigation on the East Palestine derailment is ongoing, public reportssuggest that the derailment was caused by a mechanical issue with an axle—the sort of problem that might be prevented by some of the rail regulations Trump’s Administration slashed. “For me, the lack of frequency in inspections, and the lack of quality of inspections is a very major, major deal and very well could be a contributing factor here,” Cassity says.

How does any of that absolve Quid Pro? He spent the first few days undoing everything TRUMP! did, whether smart or not. How did he miss this one? C'mon, man, he had two years to fix this, so if you're going to blame a president, there's suspect number one.
Trump did that. apparently. Biden administration (and the MSM) is blaming Trump for the train wreck in East Palestine environmental catastrophe. Not the Norfolk and Southern RR. They bombed the resultant wreck and caused this; Biden could have changed the laws. Buttigieg could have also stood up and changed the laws. But they did like any coward would do : BLAME THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION.
How does any of that absolve Quid Pro? He spent the first few days undoing everything TRUMP! did, whether smart or not. How did he miss this one? C'mon, man, he had two years to fix this, so if you're going to blame a president, there's suspect number one.
When did Biden undo the deregulation of the train safety laws? How was it supposed to happen? With Congress? Enough votes for it?

Trump DID deregulate those laws necessary to keep trains safe. Now he is blaming Biden and everyone else?

And this is what Trump does:

Trump was pictured alongside several crates of water bottles bearing his name that had already arrived; he said more would be arriving on trucks.

"We have big tractor-trailers full of water; I think you're going to have water for a long time maybe," he said.

However, it was quickly claimed that the water was over a decade out of date, and therefore could pose its own risk to drinkers' health.

"He goes to East Palestine and brings them Trump Water that might actually be at least 13 years old (the business went under in 2010)?" Tristan Snell, a lawyer who, as an assistant attorney general for New York was part of the legal team that prosecuted Trump University, tweeted. "Got it."

Quite a gimmick from Trump. "I am here to help you with 13 year old water"
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I have said this repeatedly.

When Biden whines about the rich and corporations not paying their fair share.…THE DEMS HAD THE WH, HOUSE AND SENATE FOR 2 YEARS! WHY DIDNT THEY MAKE SWEEPING TAX REFORMS?

As always, they are full of shit.

The same reason the Repubs did not make sweeping immigration reform or wall building when they had the THE WH, HOUSE AND SENATE FOR 2 YEARS!
When did Biden undo the deregulation of the train safety laws? How was it supposed to happen? With Congress? Enough votes for it?

Trump DID deregulate those laws necessary to keep trains safe. Now he is blaming Biden and everyone else?

And this is what Trump does:

Trump was pictured alongside several crates of water bottles bearing his name that had already arrived; he said more would be arriving on trucks.

"We have big tractor-trailers full of water; I think you're going to have water for a long time maybe," he said.

However, it was quickly claimed that the water was over a decade out of date, and therefore could pose its own risk to drinkers' health.

"He goes to East Palestine and brings them Trump Water that might actually be at least 13 years old (the business went under in 2010)?" Tristan Snell, a lawyer who, as an assistant attorney general for New York was part of the legal team that prosecuted Trump University, tweeted. "Got it."

Quite a gimmick from Trump. "I am here to help you with 13 year old water"
What has Quid Pro done? You're desperately eager to blame this on TRUJMP! and to ignore what he's doing to help, but you don't mention Quid Pro, whose administration has had control over the very elements that caused this disaster for two years and did precisely nothing. Now he can't be found anywhere near the sight, doesn't offer any relief to the citizens impacted, yet you remain silent about it. Why is that, do you think?
Trump did that. apparently. Biden administration (and the MSM) is blaming Trump for the train wreck in East Palestine environmental catastrophe. Not the Norfolk and Southern RR. They bombed the resultant wreck and caused this; Biden could have changed the laws. Buttigieg could have also stood up and changed the laws. But they did like any coward would do : BLAME THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION.

Not speaking to you personally....but just in general.
We can complain and point out their injustice all week long and twice on Sunday........
and it will make no difference.

Fact is...America (and you) are going down.

Until most Americans are desperate, personally affected, going hungry, losing everything......
Americans will continue to do nothing as their oppressors continually stack the deck in their favor, making the fight that must eventually come exponentially more costly. What would have been an easy and comparatively quick win and turn around for the nation a few decades ago, is now a massive beast that will cost millions of lives and inflict massive damage on the nation......and it will only get more costly with time.

If you thought your freedom was "free", you are sadly mistaken. Everyone is waiting for someone ELSE to save them. Not gonna happen that way.
What has Quid Pro done? You're desperately eager to blame this on TRUJMP! and to ignore what he's doing to help, but you don't mention Quid Pro, whose administration has had control over the very elements that caused this disaster for two years and did precisely nothing. Now he can't be found anywhere near the sight, doesn't offer any relief to the citizens impacted, yet you remain silent about it. Why is that, do you think?
I am not blaming Trump, per se. Only pointing out all the safety precautions he took away during his administration which would have kept many train accidents from happening. Nothing wrong with that. Is he not responsible for the deregulation of much needed laws?

Be as disrespectful to the President as you like, call him by any names you like. It will not change what the deregulation, meant for Companies to get away with doing things they should not, has done.

And train deregulation is not the only deregulation Republicans like. They like to deregulate everything, for the sake of the Companies which want to make more profits. It is true in Texas and all the deregulation laws passed in all other Republican led States, to follow the Companies needs, not that of safety, or health or anything else.

Do yourself a favor. This, he cannot be found, is nothing but Republican BS. We are not in the 17th century. The administration sent all the people and help needed at the time, the Minister of Transportation is there today. All will be well, you accept that or not.

How does Trump bringing 13 year old water, which should have been thrown away how long ago, helps the people of that city?

Trump has the money to bring much needed fresh water to the community but Trump Water sounded better to him. Why?

If one comes to a city to help, bring things which actually are going to help.

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