Biden's Crimes Same as Cuomo (But Worse)

No American mistake surpasses what the illegal Iraq invasion and war wrought. That qualifies the "Bush league" as the worst administration ever. That said, anyone who thinks Obama was great doesn't understand greatness. Anyone who thinks Trump was great doesn't understand much of anything.
2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.

America’s trade gap soared under Trump, final figures show
As Trump tamped down on imports from China, U.S. companies turned to other foreign suppliers.
No American mistake surpasses what the illegal Iraq invasion and war wrought. That qualifies the "Bush league" as the worst administration ever. That said, anyone who thinks Obama was great doesn't understand greatness. Anyone who thinks Trump was great doesn't understand much of anything.
And what is sad is you can see the obvious pay off after they commit their crimes.
No American mistake surpasses what the illegal Iraq invasion and war wrought. That qualifies the "Bush league" as the worst administration ever. That said, anyone who thinks Obama was great doesn't understand greatness. Anyone who thinks Trump was great doesn't understand much of anything.
And what is sad is you can see the obvious pay off after they commit their crimes.
Sadder still is to have seen the crime coming and watch your fellow countrymen commit fatal folly.
Biden and Obama are the worst and the country won't recover until their supporters realize it. Compared to them the rest you mentioned are saints.
By opening up the border, and creating the massive influx of UNVETTED illegal aliens, and then turning them loose with Catch & Release, Biden may way wind up killing MILLIONS of Americans, in Covid contagion spreading, nationwide.

What Cuomo did in New York, might look small in comparison. This is what happens when you put an idiot in the White House.
No American mistake surpasses what the illegal Iraq invasion and war wrought. That qualifies the "Bush league" as the worst administration ever. That said, anyone who thinks Obama was great doesn't understand greatness. Anyone who thinks Trump was great doesn't understand much of anything.
Looks like YOU don't understand (or even are aware of) Trump's long list of accomplishments. Been watching CNN ?
Biden and Obama are the worst and the country won't recover until their supporters realize it. Compared to them the rest you mentioned are saints.
By opening up the border, and creating the massive influx of UNVETTED illegal aliens, and then turning them loose with Catch & Release, Biden may way wind up killing MILLIONS of Americans, in Covid contagion spreading, nationwide.

What Cuomo did in New York, might look small in comparison. This is what happens when you put an idiot in the White House.
Make up your mind they are either being held in detention camps or caught and released, it is the same thing that has gone on in the US for decades.
2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.

America’s trade gap soared under Trump, final figures show
As Trump tamped down on imports from China, U.S. companies turned to other foreign suppliers.
Biden numbers. Ho hum.
So Biden thinks that Cuomo should resign if harassment claims get confirmed. These Biden lunacies and hypocrises seem to have no end. Serious as they MAY be, the nursing home scandal is far worse, and that is what Biden, and everyone, should be talking about.

What Cuomo appears to be guilty of, Biden himself is also guilty of the same 2 things (scandals).

1. Cuomo caused the Covid infections and deaths of tens of thousands of seniors in nursing homes...BUT, Biden, by opening up the Mexican border and inviting hundreds of thousands of Democrat VOTE migrants to the border, then reinstating Obama's "Catch & Release" policy (thereby injecting hundreds of thousands of UNVETTED, illegal alien migrants into the country, many infected with Covid), Biden may be killing far more Americans than Cuomo could be held responsible for.

Biden's crazy border policies could result in the death of HUNDREDS of thousands (or even MILLIONS) of Americans, nationwide, not just in one state.

2. However apparent Cuomo's sexual indiscretions may be, they still are open to investigation, and thus as yet, unconfirmed. In contrast, Biden's sexual and perverted actions are viral in photographs and videos all over the internet (I have posted many of them here in USMB). Biden has long had an above the law, arrogance, in which he has made no effort to hide his groping, kissing, hugging, sniffing, and grabbing of anyone he sees fit to molest, including quite often, children. His sex crimes need no investigation. They are public record., as creepy Joe has long been too free with his nose, lips, and hands.

If Biden thinks Cuomo should resign, then he must think exactly that of himself.

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Biden's not groping anyone sexually. In front of cameras? C'mon.
The reactions and looks on the women and little girls faces say they think otherwise. He obviously doesn't realize how deeply into peoples space he gets. The man is a fool.
Make up your mind they are either being held in detention camps or caught and released, it is the same thing that has gone on in the US for decades.
NO it's NOT. Trump abolished Catch & Release. Biden has reinstated it. You don't know what you're talking about.
The reactions and looks on the women and little girls faces say they think otherwise. He obviously doesn't realize how deeply into peoples space he gets. The man is a fool.
I think you are right. It is just plain stupidity.
Are you gonna tell me that Trump did zero catch and release?
For some period of time in his reign, yes, that is what I'm telling you, I think you heard me right.

Why do you ask? Your leftist media told you otherwise? What a surprise.
Are you gonna tell me that Trump did zero catch and release?
For some period of time in his reign, yes, that is what I'm telling you, I think you heard me right.

Why do you ask? Your leftist media told you otherwise? What a surprise.
No leftist media you dipshit you can attain immigrations records by Trump officials and the number is around 50% on catch and release under Trump.
Not one did they release them but they also didn't tell them when to show up.

The government acknowledged in a court filing that “almost 100 percent” of “notices to appear omit the time and date of the proceeding over the last three years.”

Seems that you messiah Trump was lying to you and you ate his lies.
I've certainly not been impressed recently, but no one is perfect, and it's a helluva tough job. I agree 100% with encouraging Independents to run, break the damned stranglehold that the 2 parties have. More viable parties with good candidates and ranked choice voting, ditch the EC.

I don't think our Presidents have done that bad a job, though. Except the last one.
The last one (Trump) was the best ever, with the longest list of accomplishments, and that you think he did a bad job, shows how massively ignorant you are. What about Biden ? He's wrecking the country. You don't know that either ? Sheesh.

And why would you want to ditch the EC ? It's one of the smartest and best things our founding fathers gave us. You want California to rule the country ?
Trump was the worst and the country won't recover until his supporters realize it. Compared to him the rest you mentioned are saints.
Trump spoke like a Prog. And you didn't like it. You doubled down on him for 4 years. So much more could have been done. Now the Progs are in control and acting like they are keeping their own in line. which is a farce. We know the truth.
The duopoly only offers candidates that serve the duopoly, so the only choice left to voters in this binary political atmosphere is one or the other "evil", not even a lesser. Biden should never have been President. Trump should never have been President. Obama and "W." should never have been. Just imagine how much different things would be if Gore (who was also not spectacular) had become President over twenty years ago! The electorate has to do a better job and demand better politicians.
Gore? The Al Gore who was revealed to be diseminating failed eco science features to rob every treasury in the EU of the big bucks? Smart countries banned future Gore disinformation content in the anger when they found out he had omitted inconvenient cooling off years to obtain disinformation about alleged the certainty that mankind had put a pox on earth to produce "Global Warming" <shudder>.

The Europeans banned Gore from spewing lies in place of affirmed science that supports cycles of cooling and warming, not forever warming due to pollution with a let's stop it when man's influence does not affect the cycles of nature, not cow farts nor car exhaust. Another scientist showed that cows contribute to rains and can convert a ruined desert into watered farmlands by their observations. So a meat-free diet for everyone that diminishes the cattle demand can actually bring deserts into being. That is why farmers are beneficial to a great environment. We get iron from beef and few but significant plants that makes us strong enough to do physical pursuits.
This dipshit doesn't even know he's mauling little girls and women. He taped his extortion of the Ukraine dude and saw no problem when it was played on national TV. His family is a dysfunctional mess and he has been busted robbing, lying and cheating many times. So how do we allow someone with such bad judgement to be President? If we can't trust him around little girls, how can we trust him to negotiate with some of the most ruthless leaders in the world? Biden and Harris just aren't ready for this job. That makes the American people the losers.
Are you gonna tell me that Trump did zero catch and release?
For some period of time in his reign, yes, that is what I'm telling you, I think you heard me right.

Why do you ask? Your leftist media told you otherwise? What a surprise.
No leftist media you dipshit you can attain immigrations records by Trump officials and the number is around 50% on catch and release under Trump.
Not one did they release them but they also didn't tell them when to show up.

The government acknowledged in a court filing that “almost 100 percent” of “notices to appear omit the time and date of the proceeding over the last three years.”

Seems that you messiah Trump was lying to you and you ate his lies.
You don't have the qualifications to distinguish allegiance to the creator and admiration for a wise investor who helped create millions of high-paying jobs for hard-working Americans.

President Trump is not guilty of your pompous lies.
Are you gonna tell me that Trump did zero catch and release?
For some period of time in his reign, yes, that is what I'm telling you, I think you heard me right.

Why do you ask? Your leftist media told you otherwise? What a surprise.
No leftist media you dipshit you can attain immigrations records by Trump officials and the number is around 50% on catch and release under Trump.
Not one did they release them but they also didn't tell them when to show up.

The government acknowledged in a court filing that “almost 100 percent” of “notices to appear omit the time and date of the proceeding over the last three years.”

Seems that you messiah Trump was lying to you and you ate his lies.
You don't have the qualifications to distinguish allegiance to the creator and admiration for a wise investor who helped create millions of high-paying jobs for hard-working Americans.

President Trump is not guilty of your pompous lies.
You may disagree with Moon, but B, he's the least pompous poster here.

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