Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

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Sounds like Obama will endorse him to maintain his dignity.

When I read this article it was a reminder of what the black community have been told the last 4 years "you're EXPECTED to vote for Dems", will this backfire? I can see how such a radical position would in the eyes of many, especially when they see Trump fighting the communists and global socialist abusers.
Dude. You're going to see millions of closeted Trump supporters vote. Reason for being closeted? Don't want to lose their careers, friends, relatives, get fake legal charges, ruin your life.INFINITY
But you crackers
Biden is right. If you vote for trump, you ain't black. And I do think that young blacks are a little ignorant in their approach. Because by their standards they can't vote for Bernie sanders and almost all of the CBC. They have been infected by some idiocy created by a guy nicknamed Tine and a UCLA professor named Yvette Carnell. Compare trumps years on race to Bidens and there is no question that Biden is the best choice for black people.
Right on cue! :lol:
Damn right. Because I can compare trumps and Bidens record, on race and Biden is the best choice.
How so?

Be specific.

I thought you took a better look at things than you actually do. You are a fucking lemming.

You're even worse. You're a goddamn communist.


You have zero credibility.

You have no integrity.


I have more integrity than you and could care less about having credibility in an online forum. All you guys do is lie about the republican party and if I don't agree with anything trump or republicans say I have to be a lemming. Biden was vice president and worked under and at the command of the only black president we have had. trump was pushing birtherism. That's all I need to show as proof.

You are here trying to make this into a white man telling a black person how to vote when all you guys do is try telling me how I should vote republican every day. Then you brag about how trump is going to get all the black vote when he tells blacks how to vote so fuck you.
Biden said yall are going to remain in chains. Were you chained to your basement when he said that?

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

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Its not dementia. The left actually believes this shit.
Yeap. He just lost a significant portion of the black vote with that remark.

Go ahead kiddies, try spinning this any way you can!

You spent several days trying to explain why Arbery bought his death upon himself and I am supposed to listen to your ass. You lost all credibility with me right there. So you can take texas right wing punk racist ass on boy, because I was wrong about you.


Number 1 most racist state in America

Top 10 Most Racist States in America 2019

I should have known better. But this is what happens to us blacks when we treat whites like individuals.
Wonder how IM2 feels about a rich old white dude telling blacks how to vote.
As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.


Don't try talking for me white boy.
Scared to answer, black boy?
Go ahead, throw all your rhetoric away for partisanship, dumbfuck.
Do it, i dare ya! :lol:

What do I have to be scared of white boy? Some shit you take out of context because you suck trumps dick and want blacks to join you sucking on it? Biden is right. Your white ass ass had no problem with trump asking blacks what do we have to lose and that wasn't considered telling blacks how to vote so then drop the double standard bitch.
Did you really just try to equate "What do you have to lose" by voting for Trump to Biden telling millions of blacks they aren't black unless they vote for him?

Did you really just do that? HOLY SHIT! :abgg2q.jpg:
Biden is right. If you vote for trump, you ain't black. And I do think that young blacks are a little ignorant in their approach. Because by their standards they can't vote for Bernie sanders and almost all of the CBC. They have been infected by some idiocy created by a guy nicknamed Tine and a UCLA professor named Yvette Carnell. Compare trumps years on race to Bidens and there is no question that Biden is the best choice for black people.
Right on cue! :lol:
Damn right. Because I can compare trumps and Bidens record, on race and Biden is the best choice.
Show us Biden's record on race. Be specific.
Wonder how IM2 feels about a rich old white dude telling blacks how to vote.
As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.


Don't try talking for me white boy.
Scared to answer, black boy?
Go ahead, throw all your rhetoric away for partisanship, dumbfuck.
Do it, i dare ya! :lol:

What do I have to be scared of white boy? Some shit you take out of context because you suck trumps dick and want blacks to join you sucking on it? Biden is right. Your white ass ass had no problem with trump asking blacks what do we have to lose and that wasn't considered telling blacks how to vote so then drop the double standard bitch.
Let's see:

"What do you have to lose?"


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If I become a Democrat can I tell you how to vote?


Biden is not telling me how to vote nor did he tell the guy on the radio how to vote. Butyou crackers will keep repeating that.

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You are just a blatant racist supporting another blatant racist.
Biden is right. If you vote for trump, you ain't black. And I do think that young blacks are a little ignorant in their approach. Because by their standards they can't vote for Bernie sanders and almost all of the CBC. They have been infected by some idiocy created by a guy nicknamed Tine and a UCLA professor named Yvette Carnell. Compare trumps years on race to Bidens and there is no question that Biden is the best choice for black people.
Right on cue! :lol:
Damn right. Because I can compare trumps and Bidens record, on race and Biden is the best choice.
How so?

Be specific.

I thought you took a better look at things than you actually do. You are a fucking lemming.

You're even worse. You're a goddamn communist.


You have zero credibility.

You have no integrity.


I have more integrity than you and could care less about having credibility in an online forum. All you guys do is lie about the republican party and if I don't agree with anything trump or republicans say I have to be a lemming. Biden was vice president and worked under and at the command of the only black president we have had. trump was pushing birtherism. That's all I need to show as proof.

You are here trying to make this into a white man telling a black person how to vote when all you guys do is try telling me how I should vote republican every day. Then you brag about how trump is going to get all the black vote when he tells blacks how to vote so fuck you.
See, this is the difference.

I am not a Trump supporter.

I am not a Republican.

You know this!

You have even backed me up when I criticize Trump. When his orange ass deserves it, he gets it for me. When anyone I support or don't support says or does something that is complete bullshit, I called him out.


Consistency and integrity. I have principles. I stick by those principles.

You know good and goddamn well it was an asshole move by Joe Biden to say something like that. And yet, you still back his ass up. You even go so far as to agree with it.

What the fuck?

This is exactly the kind of bullshit you have criticized other white dudes for doing. I don't care if you support Joe Biden or not. That support does not have to be 100%. You can criticize that motherfucker when he does something stupid as fuck like this.

And yet, you say nothing. You back him up even further. You forget how condescending and paternal that bullshit is, all because Joe Biden is your guy. Tell me I'm wrong.

That is what I mean by having no integrity.

Too much tribalism. Not enough criticism of even those we support. This is the problem with America. We don't hold the ones we support accountable.

I would not blame you one bit for your continued support of Joe Biden, had you at least called him out on his covert racism.

You know I'm right.

Charlamagne responded by saying "it has nothing to do with Trump," but that rather "I want something for my community."

What a shock. Another black man that doesn't want to work for anything, but wants free stuff for his community.
Biden is right. If you vote for trump, you ain't black. And I do think that young blacks are a little ignorant in their approach. Because by their standards they can't vote for Bernie sanders and almost all of the CBC. They have been infected by some idiocy created by a guy nicknamed Tine and a UCLA professor named Yvette Carnell. Compare trumps years on race to Bidens and there is no question that Biden is the best choice for black people.
Kind of humorous that the board's resident race baiter can spend months complaining how "The Man" has screwed over blacks but then get behind someone who's been in Washington making policy for the better part of half a century! If Joe Biden isn't "The Man"...then who is? Duh?
Biden is really dumb

This is one part of him that is smart. He knows he can say anything derogatory or insulting to Blacks and won’t be called out on it by Democrats or Blacks. I hope Obama at least took Biden aside and read him the riot act about his back handed comment on Obama being “clean and articulate” and emphasizing it as “storybook”.

The reality is that Democrats and Blacks look foolish when they call out Republicans for specious “dog whistles” yet ignore blatant comments like these from their own.
Biden is right. If you vote for trump, you ain't black. And I do think that young blacks are a little ignorant in their approach. Because by their standards they can't vote for Bernie sanders and almost all of the CBC. They have been infected by some idiocy created by a guy nicknamed Tine and a UCLA professor named Yvette Carnell. Compare trumps years on race to Bidens and there is no question that Biden is the best choice for black people.

Your entire life, the one thing you wanted more than anything else was to be white.

Now you have your chance...
When Joe Biden starts saying that windmills cause cancer, that injecting bleach will cure the coronavirus, and that America is building a "super duper Space Force missile", THEN I'll know he has dementia.
Trump never said any of that, liar.

He literally said all of that. God you Trumptards have gotten especially stupid in the hiatus I took from this site.

Fucking liar.

Allah you Stalinists are desperate little cocksuckers. The facts won't support your CCP controlled ass, so you flat out lie.

What a dumbfuck.
Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

And finally Biden didn't say that. He did say this:

Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."

And he is right. If you have a problem figuring out of if you are fr a man with a racial discrimination finding on his record, a man who wanted innocent black and Hispanic kids dead and still does so even after they were proven innocent by a confession of the man who actually did it, the man who decided that Obama was not American, the man who said Mexicans were rapists and murderers, the man who call black governed countries shitholes, the man who was going to send troops into black communities, the man who said that good people existed in the neo nazis at Charlottesville, the man who told 4 women of color to go back to where they came from, the man who is consistently rude to black and reporters of color at press conferences, the man who said a long time black congressional member was low IQ, a man who attacked a black community calling it rat infested, a man who has gutted the civil rights department, relaxed enforcement of civil rights laws and created a fake name for black groups who protest against injustice while taking white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list, then you ain't black.


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