Biden's economy

Lol, I'm not crying. When it all goes down, I will be okay. Will you?
My people (Cherokee and African) have survived much worse.
Yes, but the Democrats have forgotten about you. Their new babies are illegal immigrants. Which we are about to be flooded with.
Democrats and Republicans have never cared for us.
I agree, that's why I wanted Hillary to go down. We could restart the government with people who aren't bought and paid for. Because almost all politicians would go down if one does.
140,000 jobs lost in December. This is the democrat new economy.
Trump is still president. Its his economy. What is he doing?
Crying like a bitch.
And ignoring the 4000 covid deaths a day, ignoring vaccinations not taking pace
at the speed needed, ignoring the biggest security breach by the Russian in our HISTORY...

And instead he is spending his time Lying about his loss in the election and brainwashing his flock, that he won by a landslide, and convincing them our untied states of America Is shit....only he can save them, from this evil Nation..... :(

That evil doer 45 can kiss my grits!
Biden losing 140,000 jobs right off the bat. Not looking good. When they pass the green new deal, it's only going to get worse.

Yup his green shit will bankrupt the country. Apparently the lefty loons on this board never bothered to look up jack asses list to see what he will be doing. I've seen it and its a doozey. Hope the country can survive that Jack ass and the whore.
Job numbers were growing till Biden got elected. From now on out you own it all.
That's not how it works fool. That's not how any of this works.
His policies that businesses know that are going to kill them. They are just doing what they have too, and yes that's how it works. Biden has already said he wants a nationwide shutdown. The green new deal, you screwed the pooch. We will miss the Trump years.
140,000 jobs lost in December. This is the democrat new economy.
Trump is still president. Its his economy. What is he doing?
Crying like a bitch.
And ignoring the 4000 covid deaths a day, ignoring vaccinations not taking pace
at the speed needed, ignoring the biggest security breach by the Russian in our HISTORY...

And instead he is spending his time Lying about his loss in the election and brainwashing his flock, that he won by a landslide, and convincing them our untied states of America Is shit....only he can save them, from this evil Nation..... :(

That evil doer 45 can kiss my grits!
Biden losing 140,000 jobs right off the bat. Not looking good. When they pass the green new deal, it's only going to get worse.

Yup his green shit will bankrupt the country. Apparently the lefty loons on this board never bothered to look up jack asses list to see what he will be doing. I've seen it and its a doozey. Hope the country can survive that Jack ass and the whore.
I know, they know nothing about Harris. I told them about her wanting everyone to be equal as in pay. They say I'm crazy, but she said it.
140,000 jobs lost in December. This is the democrat new economy.
Trump is still president. Its his economy. What is he doing?
Crying like a bitch.
And ignoring the 4000 covid deaths a day, ignoring vaccinations not taking pace
at the speed needed, ignoring the biggest security breach by the Russian in our HISTORY...

And instead he is spending his time Lying about his loss in the election and brainwashing his flock, that he won by a landslide, and convincing them our untied states of America Is shit....only he can save them, from this evil Nation..... :(

That evil doer 45 can kiss my grits!
Biden losing 140,000 jobs right off the bat. Not looking good. When they pass the green new deal, it's only going to get worse.

Yup his green shit will bankrupt the country. Apparently the lefty loons on this board never bothered to look up jack asses list to see what he will be doing. I've seen it and its a doozey. Hope the country can survive that Jack ass and the whore.
I know, they know nothing about Harris. I told them about her wanting everyone to be equal as in pay. They say I'm crazy, but she said it.

Yup and she's a hard lefty. Not someone I'd vote for, for anything.
140,000 jobs lost in December. This is the democrat new economy.
Trump is still president. Its his economy. What is he doing?
Crying like a bitch.
And ignoring the 4000 covid deaths a day, ignoring vaccinations not taking pace
at the speed needed, ignoring the biggest security breach by the Russian in our HISTORY...

And instead he is spending his time Lying about his loss in the election and brainwashing his flock, that he won by a landslide, and convincing them our untied states of America Is shit....only he can save them, from this evil Nation..... :(

That evil doer 45 can kiss my grits!
Biden losing 140,000 jobs right off the bat. Not looking good. When they pass the green new deal, it's only going to get worse.

Yup his green shit will bankrupt the country. Apparently the lefty loons on this board never bothered to look up jack asses list to see what he will be doing. I've seen it and its a doozey. Hope the country can survive that Jack ass and the whore.
I know, they know nothing about Harris. I told them about her wanting everyone to be equal as in pay. They say I'm crazy, but she said it.

Yup and she's a hard lefty. Not someone I'd vote for, for anything.
Lol, democrats think the same. She was the first one to drop out of the presidential race. But as always they did what they were told to do and voted her into office.
Democratic presidents always hand the new Republican presidents a GOOD, STRONG, ECONOMY.

Republican presidents most always hand over a disastrous economy to the new Democratic presidents...

Trump leaving Biden with a disaster, is simply Par for the Course.
Wacko Bizarro World for you libbers, where the opposite is the truth.
140,000 jobs lost in December. This is the democrat new economy.

Leave it to the dishonest, reprehensible right to blame others for yet another Trump failure.
Businesses know what's coming. Just like the economy improved once Trump won.
You're a liar, like most on the right, dishonest and corrupt.
No lie, the economy to a turn up with Trump's election because Trump promised to lower taxes and reduce regulations. Now Biden is promising a raise in taxes, more regulations, and the green new deal. We are screwed and your party gets all the blame. You got all three houses.
Personally, I am convinced that the economic policies that Biden and the democrats will pursue will lead to a very slow, low growth economy, and probably a recession if not a depression. And I am equally convinced that they will blame Trump and the GOP for their failures. You just can't tax and spend your way to prosperity, it's never been done. Of course, when you have the media and academia behind you then you can lie like hell about what's happening, and many lib/dem supporters will believe it.
140,000 jobs lost in December. This is the democrat new economy.
Biden hasn't been sworn in yet.
Those lost jobs are all on the MAGA Virus

I went to CPAC, and all I got was exposure to the coronavirus
We will soon see who the actual failure is.

March 17, 2021​
Many readings on the economy show progress one year removed from the dramatic decline in GDP in the second quarter of 2020 as the nation locked down to battle the coronavirus. With the winter surge in coronavirus cases having ended, rollouts of vaccines accelerating and additional stimulus from Congress, the economy has significantly improved from the beginning of the year.
Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 11.45.34 AM.png
The job market is improving, manufacturing is strong and consumer spending, while taking a breather in February amid a record cold spell, should improve as the year goes on. Many forecasters, both in the private and public sector, have raised their estimates of GDP for 2021 to as high as 8%.
"We have revised up our forecast for full-year GDP growth for 2021 to 6.4%," Wells Fargo wrote in a note to clients last week. "That rate is not only above the consensus expectation, but if realized it would make the fastest pace of growth for the U.S. economy since 1984."
And while there are still 9 million unemployed, that is way below the 22 million who lost their jobs in March and April of last year – a drop of a magnitude never seen before.
Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 11.39.14 AM.png
"So, it turns out that I was a big pantload for the economy!
My goons will just deny the empirical reality!"

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