Biden's energy secretary laughs and cedes all control to OPEC when asked about oil prices

Isn’t it funny how often Repubs demand gov action?
Au contraire, moron. It was government action that created the problem. Need I remind you of the flurry of executive orders affecting the oil industry by dementia Joe his first week in office. No, we want a free market--not one that is regulated in order to promote price gouging by a foreign entity. It isn't funny how libs try to misdirect blame for what they are guilty of.
You have some imagination…
"As difficult as this is for consumers right now, is, in fact, high gas prices what we need to let the market work, a line incentive so that we do shift to alternative means of energy?"
President Obama 2008
So you admit President Biden had nothing to do with the drop in Production.

Didn't say he did.

Ask an oil field engineer why the Saudis have a spigot that is easier to turn on and off.

Hahahahaha I love ya man, you guys are hilarious.

So my choices are that Biden caused everything or he caused nothing. Bull shit. moron, those are not my only choices. My God you're stupid. Let the dog talk for you, he's smarter
It was government action that created the problem. Need I remind you of the flurry of executive orders affecting the oil industry by dementia Joe his first week in office.
Oil production had already been cut as there was a world wide glut of oil in 2020. The EO's he signed didn't cause that. Nor have they hampered the industries ability to restart production.
So my choices are that Biden caused everything or he caused nothing. Bull shit. moron, those are not my only choices. My God you're stupid. Let the dog talk for you, he's smarter
Refining oil in America is good for US workers and the US economy

True, but just so you know, it's dubious to transport tar pit oil. It is very corrosive and there are way more pipeline leaks and they are more damaging than regular oil pipelines. It's a mixed blessing environmentally
China owns most of Canada's tar sands so Keystone XL would benefit China.
Cite your source

Mine say 52% is US owned

X Report shows 70 percent of Canadian oilsands production is owned by foreign companies and shareholders

More than 52 percent of "oilsands production" is owned by American shareholders, which is more than twice the level of Canadian ownership, she added. Another 5.2 percent of production is owned by Chinese state-owned companies, according to the report.
Joe doesn’t have the power to strongly effect the price of gas. It’s market driven.

Wow, today's announcement of Biden shutting down the Michigan pipeline shows how full of shit you are. LOL, you're not a Democrat. You still have never written a post I've seen where you ever criticize Democrats
So you chose a horse rather than your dog to be you, huh? That works, either one is smarter than you are.

BlindBoob: Well which is it, kaz? Is Biden responsible for everything or nothing?

Stupid fuck
It's a famous horse. It's all you.
It's a famous horse. It's all you.

Well, no one saw that coming.

BlindBoob: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. You are kaz, I'm not, you are, you are! Bam!

Well, no one but your third grade classmates who have been on the playground with you. I'd say good one, but I'm not in the third grade anymore. So do they think you'll pass enough classes this time to move on to the fourth grade finally?
We all know Joe Biden is in bed with his middle eastern pals, but for his energy secretary to flat out laugh in the faces of people struggling to pay for gas right now is despicable. These people are garbage.

Please explain to us how Biden controls OPEC, Marvin? I need a good laugh. What mystical hold does Trump have over the OPEC Nations?

What would the USA do if OPEC told YOU to raise the price of oil? Think about that before you answer.
Please explain to us how Biden controls OPEC, Marvin? I need a good laugh. What mystical hold does Trump have over the OPEC Nations?

What would the USA do if OPEC told YOU to raise the price of oil? Think about that before you answer.

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