Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

What a load of shit-------------Trump would not have done and did not do this crap that Biden is doing...........fleeing, not warning anyone that we are leaving, leaving brand new weapons for the Taliban who are using them to kill. Trump hated that Bush/Biden got us into the war------------despised the war but realize you just couldn't turn tail and run much leaving terrorists weapons.

Fleeing? We withdrew exactly as Biden AND TRUMP promissed we will.

Are you saying Trump would not withdraw from Afganistan? thats what you belive?

Because it's been made clear at this point - after 20 years, this is exactly what happens as soon as we leave, today or tommrow or next year.
The Biden administration is screwing this up just because they need to do the opposite as the Trump administration.
This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021.

By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security.

I agree that we should be providing air cover for Government forces. In the long run, we should create first world infrastructure for that nation-State. What economy would be worse off with another trading partner in our global economy?
I agree that we should be providing air cover for Government forces. In the long run, we should create first world infrastructure for that nation-State. What economy would be worse off with another trading partner in our global economy?
Afghanistan is an un-governable country. There’s never going to be a functional nation state there. Nation building doesn’t work there.
The left? This is the very action Trump called for.
that's funny why did biden destroy everything the Trump administration did but yet keep this one thing in place?
You are seeing in 7 months the total destructive effect of leftism policies.
that's funny why did biden destroy everything the Trump administration did but yet keep this one thing in place?
You are seeing in 7 months the total destructive effect of leftism policies.

Sorry, was this supposedly a denial that this is exactly what Trump called for?
Any president with Balls and we've only had one of those in the past 20 years would bomb the hell out of these terrorist scum.
Media doesn't want you seeing biden lies about the condition in Kabul. Makes me sick. THIS Is America under democrat rule. OWN IT.

Biden has left these people at the mercy of the terrorists and they will be searched out and killed. WHat a mess. President Trump would not have allowed this to happen. BIden is a moron, incompetent, clueless. Elections have consequences. Bad Idea Democrats elected Nutball

Only thing we can hope for now is for someone to step up and do the job this resident is incapable or unwilling to do.
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THANK GOD for Americans and some other nations who are doing the job that the cowardly, incompetent boobs in the Biden Regime Cannot/willnot do AND THAT IS to rescue the RIGHT people out of this developing HellHole.
President A. H. is on tv now...bringing up Beau...trolling for that sympathy. Talking about we will hunt you down.> words are cheap dick. ANd that's all you got. Words. You ain't gonna do NOTHING.
He will get his afghan allies!!! He has screwed THAT UP!!

BALD FACED LIES outta this moron. OH..blaming the commanders...none of joe's doins.....insinuating it is them.

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