Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

For Afganistan...

US should have told the Taliban to give up Osama pronto or they will start airstrikes against the leadership of the Taliban...
Also send special forces and support to the various tribal leaders who support the US...

Special Forces are there for training and have a relatively low exposure to risk...

Give the Tribal Leaders Air support and hammer any troop movements by the Taliban...

Low Cost solution...

Ditto for Iraq... CIA has been at this stuff for years, don't get your hands dirty...

Drones are great... Buy a few Drone launching ships as well... Can decommission Cruiser class to pay for them or convert them if you can...
Can run a nice cost effective war with little risk and maximum pain on the enemy... Boots on the ground is stupid, that's what the locals are for...
Want to meet a warlord fly in and have a meeting, Marines do that all the time in Iraq...

Simple Shit, Smart Shit...
Failed how? We got rid of Saddam and his larvae. That's a big big win.
If you were a Kurd you'd also call it a big big win.
You do know who helped us beat ISIS in Syria and Iraq?
So is Iraq a better place now overall than before we destroyed the country?
This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021.

After repeatedly calling for withdrawal from Afghanistan over many years...

... the Former Guy criticized the President's target date of September 11. He insisted that it should be sooner, and the President accommodated his wish:

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png

"I wish Joe Biden wouldn't use September 11 as the date to withdraw
our troops from Afghanistan, for two reasons.
First, we can and should get out earlier.
Nineteen years is enough, in fact, far too much and way too long!"

April 19, 2021

Yes. Iraq is much better without Saddam and his larvae running it.
Their oil economy is doing well with the high price per bbl.

Right. Oil recovered 8 years after Bush won the war in Iraq.
It looks like it's going to be a freaking mess. Loyal Afghans will be imprisoned and killed and we won't do a thing about it except maybe to apologize for the inconvenience.
Bush put us there. No one else. No spin matters.

There is no spin. You seriously need to educate yourself. It's hard to believe people like yourself vote with such ignorance to what is really going on.


At the same time, [Obama ]added, “the counterterrorism challenges are real.” As bleak as Afghanistan’s prospects were, the United States could not afford to walk away and allow the country to become a seedbed for extremists again.

A few weeks later, the president halted the withdrawal and announced that he would leave thousands of American troops in the country indefinitely.

“This is a war that we have to win,” [Obama ]declared. He promised to send at least two more combat brigades, or roughly 10,000 soldiers, to Afghanistan.

The Taliban are not now nor have they ever been a threat to the US. We can gather intelligence on Afghanistan without troops on the ground.

Right. So I should believe an anonymous internet person over two Presidents from opposite parties who received intelligence briefings and both followed the same path. Gotta love the internet! LOL :)
There is no spin. You seriously need to educate yourself. It's hard to believe people like yourself vote with such ignorance to what is really going on.


At the same time, [Obama ]added, “the counterterrorism challenges are real.” As bleak as Afghanistan’s prospects were, the United States could not afford to walk away and allow the country to become a seedbed for extremists again.

A few weeks later, the president halted the withdrawal and announced that he would leave thousands of American troops in the country indefinitely.

“This is a war that we have to win,” [Obama ]declared. He promised to send at least two more combat brigades, or roughly 10,000 soldiers, to Afghanistan.

Bush put us there. Not Obama.

You call others ignorant but don't even know THAT.
Right. So I should believe an anonymous internet person over two Presidents from opposite parties who received intelligence briefings and both followed the same path. Gotta love the internet! LOL :)

The Taliban are LOCAL.. not international.
For Afganistan...

US should have told the Taliban to give up Osama pronto or they will start airstrikes against the leadership of the Taliban...
Also send special forces and support to the various tribal leaders who support the US...

Special Forces are there for training and have a relatively low exposure to risk...

Give the Tribal Leaders Air support and hammer any troop movements by the Taliban...

Low Cost solution...

Ditto for Iraq... CIA has been at this stuff for years, don't get your hands dirty...

Drones are great... Buy a few Drone launching ships as well... Can decommission Cruiser class to pay for them or convert them if you can...
Can run a nice cost effective war with little risk and maximum pain on the enemy... Boots on the ground is stupid, that's what the locals are for...
Want to meet a warlord fly in and have a meeting, Marines do that all the time in Iraq...

Simple Shit, Smart Shit...
ummmmm .... nevermind. The Taliban weren't giving us OBL. But that was still no reason to try nation building where nation building has failed for at least 200 years.

Some of James Michener's later work was pretty formulistic but Caravans captured some of the mystery of why a society would just self-isolate. jmo
This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021.

By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security.

Veggie Joe fucks up anything he touches.
3,000 US Marines, soldiers to land in Kabul, as captures Afghan govt forces outside capital

3,000 US Marines, soldiers to land in Kabul, as captures Afghan govt forces outside capital

President vacations as Afghanistan's fall sparks rising fears of 'Saigon moment'

President vacations as Afghanistan's fall sparks rising fears of 'Saigon moment'

Biden can RUN, but he can't get away from the FACT that he has been wrong about EVERY foreign policy decision he has ever made.....He's used to it, so he doesn't need to stick around while this latest one unfolds.

W put us there as an army of occupation. I thought Obama was wrong is even trying to find a way that war was winnable.
W put us there...Barry kept us there.....
W put us in Iraq...Barry kept us there...
Barry put us in Syria...and Barry Kept us there...
Biden put MORE in Syria

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