Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

Every time I think of Afghanistan, I think of the scene from The man Who Would Be King where they are playing polo with a human head. These are drooling inbreds, here, and their culture (if you can call it one) preculdes any possibility of western-style democracy.

As with the Arab world which is also inbred beyond redemption, there are only two possibilities for how the countries can operate. They are either run by a strong man type doctator who can keep a lock on all the sectarian violence caused by their being inbreds, or watch the worst religious zealots take over.

BOTH Bush and Obama have conttibuted to the disintegration of the middle east by not recognizing these people are simply not ready for democracy because they spend way too much time fucking their own family members.

After repeatedly calling for withdrawal from Afghanistan over many years...

... the Former Guy criticized the President's target date of September 11. He insisted that it should be sooner, and the President accommodated his wish:

Trying to blame Trump for Pedo Joe's clusterfuck? Seriously? :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
So far you're batting zero.

Pakistan remains a key US ally for two reasons: First, the army is the only force currently capable of flushing Islamist militant groups out of their sanctuaries in the tribal areas. Second, the US recognizes that they would need Pakistan to lean on the Afghan Taliban to initiate any kind of meaningful peace negotiations.
Why Pakistan will remain a key US ally | Asia | DW.COM ...

YOU are batting zero by saying that. I've already stated and proven my case, in one post after another >>

Post #s 3, 46, 49, 50, 52, 54.
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You're dumb as a stump. Most AQ left Afghanistan before 2011 and Pakistan is an important US ally.
FOOL! All it take for AQ to return to Afghanistan is what we're seeing right now. The removal of US and NATO troops.

As for Pakistan being a US ally, I never said they weren't. I said if/whenever that allied Pakistani government were TO FALL to jihadist elements, those jihadists would then have possession of Pakistan's 100+ nuclear warheads.

SO, to prevent that from happening, the plan has been to keep US troops close by in Afghanistan, where they could quickly enter Pakistan and seize the nukes, and secure them away from the jihadists. Got it now ?

You are DUMBER than a stump.
‘The real war is in Afghanistan” - Barack Obama

If Bush and Obama both agreed troops needed to be in Afghanistan then clearly there was reason to be there. Trump also did what needed to be done for national security. However, looks Biden if going to fck it up. How many lives will be lost now with this weak President?
Biden has already fcked it up.
The deal between the Trump administration and the Taliban was made in February 2020, and had arranged for an orderly, non-violent takeover by the Taliban, AS LONG AS US troops were out May 1, 2021.

So who was in charge of fulfilling that promise ? Joe Biden. And who DID NOT fulfill that promise ? Joe Biden.

So Biden upset the whole applecart, by not abiding by the terms of the deal. Well, everybody knows, if you don't keep your end of a deal, the other side is not going to keep their committment either. Now, that is exactly what is happening, with the Taliban marauding one city after another with beheadings and people being shot dead, thanks to screwball Biden. Total Biden blunder.

Even the leftist Washington Post is ragging scathing condemnations at Biden over this utterly stupid pile of incompetence.

Biden faces mounting blame for Afghan debacle (
The Taliban are not now nor have they ever been a threat to the US. We can gather intelligence on Afghanistan without troops on the ground.
So without the troops there, our intelligence would tell us that Al Qaeda IS THERE, and is conducting bomb-making schools, and making bombs. Great. we would have our intelligence to tell us of our impending DOOM.

Always good to know when you are about to be annihilated, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
The Taliban isn't a threat to the US.

Who Is Responsible for the Taliban? | The Washington Institute

The fight between the mujahidin forces commanded by Masud and the Taliban became a fight between those who had been beneficiaries of American assistance in the 1980s, and those who had sprung to prominence in the aftermath of American withdrawal from Afghan affairs.
Your first sentence ("The Taliban isn't a threat to the US.") is contradicted by your link which says >> "a safe haven for the world's most destructive terror network"

It is the Taliban that enables that destructive terror network to be there.
Bush put us there. No one else. No spin matters.
Good for Bush. Give him a medal. If he hadn't done that, how many bombs would have exploded in US cities, and how many Americans would have been killed ?
Your first sentence ("The Taliban isn't a threat to the US.") is contradicted by your link which says >> "a safe haven for the world's most destructive terror network"

It is the Taliban that enables that destructive terror network to be there.

The author is being dramatic. The Taliban does not export terrorism. They are strictly local.
Good for Bush. Give him a medal. If he hadn't done that, how many bombs would have exploded in US cities, and how many Americans would have been killed ?
I don't know, how many?

I can tell you for sure that many thousands of American lives, limbs and minds were lost over there, far too many young American families were destroyed, and far too many trillions of dollars were wasted.

Because that actually happened.

So without the troops there, our intelligence would tell us that Al Qaeda IS THERE, and is conducting bomb-making schools, and making bombs. Great. we would have our intelligence to tell us of our impending DOOM.

Always good to know when you are about to be annihilated, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:

By 1994 Al Qaeda had moved to Sudan.. after the Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship. The Taliban is NOT al Qaeda.

AQ was making bombs in Yemen.
You do know that Pakistan and Afghanistan are not the same country, don't you? Pakistan is a US ally.
"Ally" enough to allow Al Qaeda to hide there from US forces.

Anyone who sees Pakistan as an ally of the US, should read this article, and be cured.

That's ok - NOT creating disasters like Biden in doing in Afghanistan and NOT starting another war, like the 'Nobel Peace prize Winner' did, is better than what Barry did and Biden is doing.
Many analysts warned that Biden has been wrong on foreign policy for almost his entire career. It's not surprise Afghanistan has quickly turned into a shit show and Biden is begging the Taliban for mercy. Wow, just wow.
By 1994 Al Qaeda had moved to Sudan.. after the Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship. The Taliban is NOT al Qaeda.

AQ was making bombs in Yemen.
I already addressed that feeble comment. Are you reading my posts ?
Biden has already fcked it up.
The deal between the Trump administration and the Taliban was made in February 2020, and had arranged for an orderly, non-violent takeover by the Taliban, AS LONG AS US troops were out May 1, 2021.

So who was in charge of fulfilling that promise ? Joe Biden. And who DID NOT fulfill that promise ? Joe Biden.

So Biden upset the whole applecart, by not abiding by the terms of the deal. Well, everybody knows, if you don't keep your end of a deal, the other side is not going to keep their committment either. Now, that is exactly what is happening, with the Taliban marauding one city after another with beheadings and people being shot dead, thanks to screwball Biden. Total Biden blunder.

Even the leftist Washington Post is ragging scathing condemnations at Biden over this utterly stupid pile of incompetence.

Biden faces mounting blame for Afghan debacle (

UK defense secretary says that Trump's deal with the Taliban was 'rotten' and that the international community will likely 'pay the consequences'
I don't know, how many?

I can tell you for sure that many thousands of American lives, limbs and minds were lost over there, far too many young American families were destroyed, and far too many trillions of dollars were wasted.

Because that actually happened.

Well by toppling Saddam and allowing the Shiaa to genocide the Sunni in Iraq, we were very successful in luring AQ to Iraq. We couldn't have done much better even it that had been what we set out to do.

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