Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

Many analysts warned that Biden has been wrong on foreign policy for almost his entire career. It's not surprise Afghanistan has quickly turned into a shit show and Biden is begging the Taliban for mercy. Wow, just wow.
yes, 20 years in Afghan was a stroke of genius. God damn Biden for figuring that one out.
I don't know, how many?

I can tell you for sure that many thousands of American lives, limbs and minds were lost over there, far too many young American families were destroyed, and far too many trillions of dollars were wasted.

Because that actually happened.

If AQ, or any other jihadist group, were to acquire a nuclear bomb, that could kill 10 MILLION people in and around New York City in one day. Don't take my word for it, I got this from Obama.

Every time I think of Afghanistan, I think of the scene from The man Who Would Be King where they are playing polo with a human head. These are drooling inbreds, here, and their culture (if you can call it one) preculdes any possibility of western-style democracy.

As with the Arab world which is also inbred beyond redemption, there are only two possibilities for how the countries can operate. They are either run by a strong man type doctator who can keep a lock on all the sectarian violence caused by their being inbreds, or watch the worst religious zealots take over.

BOTH Bush and Obama have conttibuted to the disintegration of the middle east by not recognizing these people are simply not ready for democracy because they spend way too much time fucking their own family members.
Imo that's a bit oversimplistic. But I'd agree that any reading of Kipling (or even noticing what happened to the Soviets) should have dissuaded an even marginally educated president from stationing an occupying force there.

But Muslim countries operate with differing models. Imo some are oddly similar to the division between church and state in Middle Age Europe.
yes, 20 years in Afghan was a stroke of genius. God damn Biden for figuring that one out.
Not genius, just doing what has to be done. Now, because of not having troops there, we enter possibly the most dangerous era in US history, where the anti-US jihad may move from Asia, to our cities. Hopefully, not in nuclear proportions.
If AQ, or any other jihadist group, were to acquire a nuclear bomb, that could kill 10 MILLION people in and around New York City in one day. Don't take my word for it, I got this from Obama.

And invading Iraq stopped that how?
If AQ, or any other jihadist group, were to acquire a nuclear bomb, that could kill 10 MILLION people in and around New York City in one day. Don't take my word for it, I got this from Obama.

I'm just dealing with what actually happened, and it was a waste. Started by Bush.
"We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out! "— Trump, November 21, 2013

"We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives!" — Trump, March 1, 2013

"We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money -- rebuild the U.S.!" — Trump, January 14, 2013

"Get out now and re-build U.S.!" -Trump, December 6, 2012

"Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!" —Trump, August 21, 2012

“Afghanistan is a total and complete disaster!” - Trump, March 13, 2012

Let’s get with it, get out of Afghanistan. We’ve wasted billions and billions of dollars, and more importantly, thousands and thousands of lives — not to mention all of these young men and women that come home and they really have problems.” - Trump, March 13, 2012

"It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests." — Trump, February 27, 2012

etc., etc., etc.

Trying to blame Trump for Pedo Joe's clusterfuck?
Blame? You are confused. After Trump railed for years that the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan, the President cannot fault Trump for the advice he is following just because Trump failed to follow it.

The President even moved up the withdrawal date after Trump said it should be sooner.


Screen Shot 2019-11-05 at 8.56.52 AM-1.png

“I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw
our troops from Afghanistan. For two reasons. First,
we can and should get out earlier!
Nineteen years is enough.
in fact, far too much and way too long!”
APR 18, 2021

[Trump Criticizes Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline]

"We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out! "— Trump, November 21, 2013

"We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives!" — Trump, March 1, 2013

"We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money -- rebuild the U.S.!" — Trump, January 14, 2013

"Get out now and re-build U.S.!" -Trump, December 6, 2012

"Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!" —Trump, August 21, 2012

“Afghanistan is a total and complete disaster!” - Trump, March 13, 2012

Let’s get with it, get out of Afghanistan. We’ve wasted billions and billions of dollars, and more importantly, thousands and thousands of lives — not to mention all of these young men and women that come home and they really have problems.” - Trump, March 13, 2012

"It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests." — Trump, February 27, 2012

etc., etc., etc.

Blame? You are confused. After Trump railed for years that the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan, the President cannot fault Trump for the advice he is following just because Trump failed to follow it.

The President even moved up the withdrawal date after Trump said it should be sooner.


View attachment 525237
“I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw
our troops from Afghanistan. For two reasons. First,
we can and should get out earlier!
Nineteen years is enough.
in fact, far too much and way too long!”
APR 18, 2021

[Trump Criticizes Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline]

He had the Taliban set for a Camp David cookout!
Yeah, the thousands of lives, limbs and minds, the trillions of dollars, all wasted on Bush's wars should be ignored so we can focus on what was inevitable from the very beginning.
Maybe...but it is inexcusable that Biden is on vacation while Afghanistan turns into the next fall off Saigon.

I can't blame the man for the prior mess... But I can and do blame him for a lack of leadership during the current catastrophe.

Joe "Francesco Schettino*" Biden somehow accidentally fell into Marine One and is coordinating the rescue from shore...

*In the event you didn't get that reference...

This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021.

By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security.

I have long told my history students that as soon as U.S. troops withdraw Afghanistan will fall. We tried Vietnamization in the 1970's in South Vietnam and invaded Cambodia to give South Vietnamese Army time to train and take over bulk of the fighting. Then after U.S. troops pulled out the liberals on Capital Hill betrayed the ARVN and South Vietnam fell. We tried the "surge" in Iraq in 2003 and the Iraqi Army got it's ass kicked by ISIS ad soon as U.S. troops left. Obama sent an extra 19,000 troops to Afghanistan in order to knock down Taliban. Now that U.S. troops are leaving... Taliban winning victory after victory. Where the fuck is an Afghan version of Operation Linebacker I and II? Bring out the B-52's and close air support for Afghan Army. Biden is a pussy.
"We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out! "— Trump, November 21, 2013

"We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives!" — Trump, March 1, 2013

"We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money -- rebuild the U.S.!" — Trump, January 14, 2013

"Get out now and re-build U.S.!" -Trump, December 6, 2012

"Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!" —Trump, August 21, 2012

“Afghanistan is a total and complete disaster!” - Trump, March 13, 2012

Let’s get with it, get out of Afghanistan. We’ve wasted billions and billions of dollars, and more importantly, thousands and thousands of lives — not to mention all of these young men and women that come home and they really have problems.” - Trump, March 13, 2012

"It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests." — Trump, February 27, 2012

etc., etc., etc.

Blame? You are confused. After Trump railed for years that the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan, the President cannot fault Trump for the advice he is following just because Trump failed to follow it.

The President even moved up the withdrawal date after Trump said it should be sooner.


View attachment 525237
“I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw
our troops from Afghanistan. For two reasons. First,
we can and should get out earlier!
Nineteen years is enough.
in fact, far too much and way too long!”
APR 18, 2021

[Trump Criticizes Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline]

There is a right way and a wrong way to do it. And Veggie Joe always, ALWAYS, chooses the wrong way.

The Gulf States hate Communism. That's why they fought the Communists in Afghanistan. The Taliban were war orphans and were not in existence before 1994. They are NOT a threat to the US .. Strictly internal politics.
Never heard of 9-11?

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