Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

Al Qaeda an Bin Laden were "guests" of the Taliban. Do you know Al Qaeda translated means "The Base?"

Not exactly.. AQ fought the communists .. So did the Mujahideen... The Soviets pulled out. Then the US pulled out and Afghanistan was left broken and lawless. In 1994 the war orphans organized to restore order and just went too far.. But, they stopped the rapes and the carjackings and the Opium production.
Yeah, the thousands of lives, limbs and minds, the trillions of dollars, all wasted on Bush's wars should be ignored so we can focus on what was inevitable from the very beginning.
READ: The fact that the situation as is will get intolerably worse if we leave doesn't matter to me.

I wasn't a supporter of this either in the beginning. But the fact remains we are (were) there. And once again, we are abandoning a people we propped up - to be murdered/raped/abused by those we convinced them to fight.
Right now the Taliban are literally storming into people's houses and kidnapping their daughters to be sex slaves for soldiers. Mass murders are and will happen. Public hangings will return.
If you think people hated us before in this region, that hatred will boil down to pure fury now.
Not exactly.. AQ fought the communists .. So did the Mujahideen... The Soviets pulled out. Then the US pulled out and Afghanistan was left broken and lawless. In 1994 the war orphans organized to restore order and just went too far.. But, they stopped the rapes and the carjackings and the Opium production.
They make their $$$ off the heroin trade. Taliban is ran by drug smuggling war lord's and rape girls and boys on a regular basis.
This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021.

By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security.

This will forever be GWB’s failure; he alone is responsible for all that happens.
They make their $$$ off the heroin trade. Taliban is ran by drug smuggling war lord's and rape girls and boys on a regular basis.

Nope. The Taliban shut down Opium production.. You have your players mixed up.. The Taliban are NOT Mujahideen and now the Taliban are fighting them.

After repeatedly calling for withdrawal from Afghanistan over many years...

... the Former Guy criticized the President's target date of September 11. He insisted that it should be sooner, and the President accommodated his wish:

Trump would have a contingency plan to provide close air support. Biden has cut and ran like a coward.
Look Calvin Coolidge, where did isolationism get us? The Pearl Harbor attacks and we had the 18th largest army in the world. Romania and Sweden had larger military force. You do realize that there are groups and nation states around the world that want to kill Americans don't you?
Isolationism lol. We are so far from that it’s on the other side of the universe. How about we just stop the constant foreign interventions and imperialism?
"We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out! "— Trump, November 21, 2013

"We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives!" — Trump, March 1, 2013

"We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money -- rebuild the U.S.!" — Trump, January 14, 2013

"Get out now and re-build U.S.!" -Trump, December 6, 2012

"Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!" —Trump, August 21, 2012

“Afghanistan is a total and complete disaster!” - Trump, March 13, 2012

Let’s get with it, get out of Afghanistan. We’ve wasted billions and billions of dollars, and more importantly, thousands and thousands of lives — not to mention all of these young men and women that come home and they really have problems.” - Trump, March 13, 2012

"It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests." — Trump, February 27, 2012

etc., etc., etc.

Blame? You are confused. After Trump railed for years that the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan, the President cannot fault Trump for the advice he is following just because Trump failed to follow it.

The President even moved up the withdrawal date after Trump said it should be sooner.


View attachment 525237
“I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw
our troops from Afghanistan. For two reasons. First,
we can and should get out earlier!
Nineteen years is enough.
in fact, far too much and way too long!”
APR 18, 2021

[Trump Criticizes Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline]

Trump was pulling out of afghanistan

but a stolen election prevented him from doing what biden is doing now

and I supported the decision until very recently

but thankfully we dont yet have a CCP style controlled media where liberals on Washington, New York and Silicon Valley determine what we are allowed to think and say

what is truth and what is a lie that gets people banned from Twitter or FaceBook

so reading dissenting opinions I now think we should have remained in afghanistan as long as iran and china are military threats
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Isolationism lol. We are so far from that it’s on the other side of the universe. How about we just stop the constant foreign interventions and imperialism?
Um... that would be isolationism Ron Paul.
What a dumb statement.

And yet you could provide nothing to counter it. Let's imagine for a second that we minded our own business. That would mean we don't interfere in the Afghanistan/Russia mess. Let's say Russia wins. Do you think the Taliban sets up there? Does OBL have any beef with the U.S. if we had completely minded our own business all around?
This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021.

By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security.

You should go there and help out.
I'm just dealing with what actually happened, and it was a waste. Started by Bush.
I remember libs giving him hell about how we supported the resistance fighters when they were fighting the russians when Bush41 was president

but then abandoned the country when we no longer needed them

Bush43 being a bleeding heart “compassionate” conservative decided to stay and nation build when he should gave pulled out after 6 months and let the afghns return to their usual barbarism
1. I'm glad we are finally pulling out of AFG, 20-years was too long
2. Trump's "enhanced vetting" should have been good enough to protect the US from terrorism, but Xiden's "open borders" fucks that up.
3. We need to pull out of Europe next, let the EU fund their own defense, then Nord Stream 2 might look a bit different to them
No such thing as open borders.
No such thing as open borders.
Even Mayorkas admits the border is open. Listen to the tape,

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