Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

I remember libs giving him hell about how we supported the resistance fighters when they were fighting the russians when Bush41 was president

but then abandoned the country when we no longer needed them

Bush43 being a bleeding heart “compassionate” conservative decided to stay and nation build when he should gave pulled out after 6 months and let the afghns return to their usual barbarism

No he didn't. When his pipeline negotiations with the Taliban failed Dubya raced in to try and save ENRON.
They make their $$$ off the heroin trade. Taliban is ran by drug smuggling war lord's and rape girls and boys on a regular basis.
You’d think after 20 years of occupation that failed your kind would recognize the futility of a interventionist foreign policy, but no.

You do know what it means to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result?
By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security.
Afghanistan, "the graveyard of empires."

Of course, Biden failed in Afghanistan. Twenty years, two trillion dollars, tens of thousands of dead and wounded later this should come as no surprise. After all that, not a damn thing was accomplished. Yeah, Biden failed.

As did President Bush, and he started the war by invading Afghanistan. Bush was in office for eight years. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

President "The Right War" Obama also failed in Afghanistan. He was in office for eight years and ultimately sent in 85,000 troops to defeat the Taliban. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

President Trump also failed in Afghanistan. He was in office for eight years and all he did was order a retreat, trusting the Taliban would hold up their end of the bargain. Instead, the Taliban ignored the gullible American President. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

Biden has been in office for seven months and he inherited the failed Afghan war from three previous Presidents. A massive offensive against the Taliban was out of the question. Biden would either be impeached or lynched. He had no choice but to withdraw, retreat, evacuate, surrender, whatever term the reader wishes to use. They all mean the same thing -- something the White House should learn.

But why did all this happened? It happened because American Presidents completely misread the people of Afghanistan.

The Afghan security forces number over 300,000, and they have an air force. They also have billions of dollars of equipment we gave them.

They have no desire to fight the Taliban.

The Taliban are Afghans. Moreover, they are the largest ethic group in Afghanistan.

Why are the Taliban America's enemy? Why did Bush attack the Taliban?

Because the Taliban gave safe haven to al Qaeda, the terrorist group that attacked us on 9/11.

Does anyone think the soldiers and officers of the Afghan army give a rat's ass about that twenty years later?

Essentially, we trained and equipped the Afghan army to fight Afghans. Also, members of the Afghan army have more in common with the Taliban than they do with Americans.

That is why America failed in Afghanistan. The twenty-year debacle should be treated as a lesson learned.

Never again.
Trump was pulling out of afghanistan...
He was pulling out for four years, just as he had been vociferously advocating should be done since 2011 if not before.

If the American electorate had not fired the Cry Baby Loser at their first opportunity, would he now be repealing 'ObamaCare' and replacing it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!"? Would he be building a "big, beautiful wall!" that he'd be making Mexico pay for? Would he be eagerly sharing his tax returns with the American public? Would he be reviving coal mining? Resurrecting the steel industry? Rebuilding the nation's infrastructure? etc. etc., etc.

You can fantasize if you need to.

Trump approves sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan

One thing I am confident of, if he had not been thrown out on his big, flabby candy ass, he would not be inciting his goons to attack Congress to trash the democratic process.

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 5.10.39 PM.png

After repeatedly calling for withdrawal from Afghanistan over many years...

... the Former Guy criticized the President's target date of September 11. He insisted that it should be sooner, and the President accommodated his wish:

What does this have to do with the topic ?
It looks like it's going to be a freaking mess. Loyal Afghans will be imprisoned and killed and we won't do a thing about it except maybe to apologize for the inconvenience.
It's already happening. Beheadings and mass shootings, galore. Biden's fault.
He was pulling out for four years, just as he had been vociferously advocating should be done since 2011 if not before.

If the American electorate had not fired the Cry Baby Loser at their first opportunity, would he now be repealing 'ObamaCare' and replacing it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!"? Would he be building a "big, beautiful wall!" that he'd be making Mexico pay for? Would he be eagerly sharing his tax returns with the American public? Would he be reviving coal mining? Resurrecting the steel industry? Rebuilding the nation's infrastructure? etc. etc., etc.

You can fantasize if you need to.

Trump approves sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan

One thing I am confident of, if he had not been thrown out on his big, flabby candy ass, he would not be inciting his goons to attack Congress to trash the democratic process.

You are a fool.....congress was attacked because it is corrupt and needs to be protested---and really rioted and overthrown at this point. Most of our congress critters belong in prison.
And Dump didn't get us out of ANYWHERE
Actually, Trump DID get us out of Afghanistan. It was his agreement with the Taliban in February of 2020, that established the framework for the 2021 withdrawl (even though Biden fcked it up, by not following through on the designated date - May 1, 2021)

A whole lot of blood is on Biden's hands now, because of that huge blunder.
He was pulling out for four years, just as he had been vociferously advocating should be done since 2011 if not before.

If the American electorate had not fired the Cry Baby Loser at their first opportunity, would he now be repealing 'ObamaCare' and replacing it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!"? Would he be building a "big, beautiful wall!" that he'd be making Mexico pay for? Would he be eagerly sharing his tax returns with the American public? Would he be reviving coal mining? Resurrecting the steel industry? Rebuilding the nation's infrastructure? etc. etc., etc.

You can fantasize if you need to.

Trump approves sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan

One thing I am confident of, if he had not been thrown out on his big, flabby candy ass, he would not be inciting his goons to attack Congress to trash the democratic process.

Too much idiocy here to spend time responding. Nah!
When Afghanistan's capitol does fall, and the US evac looks like Saigon, is Biden going to be AWOL like Barry was when Benghazi fell & Hussein's former soldiers helped Americans escape?
He already is.

"We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out! "— Trump, November 21, 2013

"We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives!" — Trump, March 1, 2013

"We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money -- rebuild the U.S.!" — Trump, January 14, 2013

"Get out now and re-build U.S.!" -Trump, December 6, 2012

"Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!" —Trump, August 21, 2012

“Afghanistan is a total and complete disaster!” - Trump, March 13, 2012

Let’s get with it, get out of Afghanistan. We’ve wasted billions and billions of dollars, and more importantly, thousands and thousands of lives — not to mention all of these young men and women that come home and they really have problems.” - Trump, March 13, 2012

"It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests." — Trump, February 27, 2012

etc., etc., etc.

Blame? You are confused. After Trump railed for years that the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan, the President cannot fault Trump for the advice he is following just because Trump failed to follow it.

The President even moved up the withdrawal date after Trump said it should be sooner.


View attachment 525237
“I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw
our troops from Afghanistan. For two reasons. First,
we can and should get out earlier!
Nineteen years is enough.
in fact, far too much and way too long!”
APR 18, 2021

[Trump Criticizes Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline]

Moving the withdrawl date (May 1, 2021) is, and will be forever, one of Biden's biggest blunders as POTUS. Thousands of good people are being killed right now, because of his stupidity.

Even the leftist Washington Post bitched him out over it.

Biden’s Saigon. What did the drooling dementia patient expect when he told the world exactly when we were leaving? Now running away instead of answering questions he hasn’t been prepared for.

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