Biden's first 100 days: Has he really acccomplished anything?

Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency

Short answer? NOPE.
Go get em Joe!

Biden’s Plan: Raise Taxes On The Rich, Spend It On Education
The president’s speech to Congress will include proposed tax hikes on wealthy Americans along with free community college and pre-K education.

Before you fall for another one of Biden's scams, sit yourself down, take a deep breath, and think about this:

How little of Biden's coronavirus relief and infrastructure spending actually went to coronavirus relief and infrastructure?

You're being played for a fool and the worst part is, you don't even know it.
View attachment 484834

A trumper telling anyone that they have been played is the height of irony....
All one has to do is look at Trump's tax bill he passed in 2018. It went mostly to corporations and the rich.
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency

Short answer? NOPE.
Go get em Joe!

Biden’s Plan: Raise Taxes On The Rich, Spend It On Education
The president’s speech to Congress will include proposed tax hikes on wealthy Americans along with free community college and pre-K education.

Before you fall for another one of Biden's scams, sit yourself down, take a deep breath, and think about this:

How little of Biden's coronavirus relief and infrastructure spending actually went to coronavirus relief and infrastructure?

You're being played for a fool and the worst part is, you don't even know it.
This reminds me of what you guys said about Obama's stimulus. What happened to those shovel ready jobs? Piss off. Nit picker. You nit pick now that Biden is president but you didn't care when Trump was POTUS how much of his bills went to what they were designed for.
Biden cured the Rona in 100 days.
Biden showed you that government can function properly. Trump showed us with the virus that he was in way over his head.

Trump put Pence in charge of the virus.

In naming Pence, Trump defied calls to appoint an outside expert to coordinate the response.

The White House had been weighing the appointment of a coronavirus czar in the lead up of the announcement as it faced criticism over its inconsistent messaging during the emerging crisis.

Don't forget Trump's handling of Corona is a big reason he lost. We all know if not for corona he probably would have been re elected.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.
And yet you can't post without using his name.

The only time now in my life Trump comes up is here. Not on tv, not on the radio. My friends and family no longer bring him up. It's like he's dead.
Getting rid of Trump was the biggest and most important example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of American politics.

The rest, Biden can take his time on, and I'll wish him the best whether I agree with him on an individual issue or not.
Oh yeah, I'm sure you view the border wide open with illegal aliens pouring in by the hundreds of thousands as just AWESOME.

You're a pathetic anti American piece of shit to be such a HACK that DESTROYING America looks good to you just because it's being done by someone that isn't the person you HATE. What a freakin' jerk off.
Isn't that what you guys did for 4 years? Trump broke the laws and got caught several times and it didn't matter to you or Mitch McConnell.

Isn't it funny after Mitch didn't impeach Trump he came out and said someone needs to try that son of a bitch and put him in jail? What a coward. He used the excuse that "Trump isn't president anymore so can't be impeached" but McConnell admitted Trump is guilty as fuck. Explain that.
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency

Short answer? NOPE.
Go get em Joe!

Biden’s Plan: Raise Taxes On The Rich, Spend It On Education
The president’s speech to Congress will include proposed tax hikes on wealthy Americans along with free community college and pre-K education.

Before you fall for another one of Biden's scams, sit yourself down, take a deep breath, and think about this:

How little of Biden's coronavirus relief and infrastructure spending actually went to coronavirus relief and infrastructure?

You're being played for a fool and the worst part is, you don't even know it.
View attachment 484834

A trumper telling anyone that they have been played is the height of irony....

Read between the lines on those pie slices. $424 billion in $1400 checks that were spent on cheap Chinese-made stereos and televisions from Walmart, as well as guns and ammunition.

$350 billion spent on state and local services, for people who never lost their jobs during the pandemic anyway.

$246 billion to keep people on unemployment, instead of applying for the jobs that are available.

$178 billion for school unions, who's members don't want to go back to work anyway.

$176 billion for vaccines, which Trump would have done anyway.

And what do farmers, small businesses, other industries, restaurants, bars, home owners, landlords, and veterans get? They get dick.
Getting rid of Trump was the biggest and most important example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of American politics.

The rest, Biden can take his time on, and I'll wish him the best whether I agree with him on an individual issue or not.
Oh yeah, I'm sure you view the border wide open with illegal aliens pouring in by the hundreds of thousands as just AWESOME.

You're a pathetic anti American piece of shit to be such a HACK that DESTROYING America looks good to you just because it's being done by someone that isn't the person you HATE. What a freakin' jerk off.

Vice President Kamala Harris finds herself navigating strained relations with the leaders of Central American countries that have produced a surge of migrants to the U.S., vastly complicating her assignment to curb a growing humanitarian crisis on the southwest border.

Most would-be immigrants are from the so-called Northern Triangle –- Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador -– and their economies are tied to billions of dollars of annual remittances from their citizens working in the U.S.

Of course, the U.S. is hardly blameless. Over many decades, it’s engaged in whiplash-quality shifts in welcoming and rejecting its southern neighbors, enjoying the benefits of vulnerable low-wage workers at the ready. Previous administrations have backed coup attempts and supported strongmen who carried out abuses against their citizens. Salvadoran gangs originated in Los Angeles prisons; their leaders were deported south where they’ve taken over whole parts of the country, spreading murder and mayhem.

Some 172,000 migrants were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border in March, the most in two decades. The problem is both push and pull: residents are driven out by hurricanes, crop failure, crime and corruption; they are drawn to the U.S. by family ties, work and stability in an economy expected to explode with post-pandemic opportunities, and an administration promising more humane treatment after the harsher Donald Trump years.

Although immigration may prove to be the Democrats’ biggest political challenge, Harris has few quick fixes, given the politics on both sides, a reality she acknowledges. At a meeting with foundation leaders last week, she said, “If it were easy, it would have been solved a long time ago.”

Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency

Short answer? NOPE.
Go get em Joe!

Biden’s Plan: Raise Taxes On The Rich, Spend It On Education
The president’s speech to Congress will include proposed tax hikes on wealthy Americans along with free community college and pre-K education.

Before you fall for another one of Biden's scams, sit yourself down, take a deep breath, and think about this:

How little of Biden's coronavirus relief and infrastructure spending actually went to coronavirus relief and infrastructure?

You're being played for a fool and the worst part is, you don't even know it.
View attachment 484834

A trumper telling anyone that they have been played is the height of irony....

Read between the lines on those pie slices. $424 billion in $1400 checks that were spent on cheap Chinese-made stereos and televisions from Walmart, as well as guns and ammunition.

$350 billion spent on state and local services, for people who never lost their jobs during the pandemic anyway.

$246 billion to keep people on unemployment, instead of applying for the jobs that are available.

$178 billion for school unions, who's members don't want to go back to work anyway.

$176 billion for vaccines, which Trump would have done anyway.

And what do farmers, small businesses, other industries, restaurants, bars, home owners, landlords, and veterans get? They get dick.
Don't forget alcohol and pot. My buddy sells weed. Because of those stimulus checks a pound of weed went from $1600 to $2500 and most unemployed Americans blew their stimulus on weed and booze. Sad huh?

But hey, the money was designed to stimulate the economy not for people to pay off their debt. What good does that do us?
Getting rid of Trump was the biggest and most important example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of American politics.

The rest, Biden can take his time on, and I'll wish him the best whether I agree with him on an individual issue or not.

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it"
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.

Here is something to cheer you up.......

Biden's approval rating after his first 100 days is lower than Obama's and even Bush.......but.......

He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.

Here is something to cheer you up.......

Biden's approval rating after his first 100 days is lower than Obama's and even Bush.......but.......

In other news the Chocolate Ration has been increased from 50 grams to 25 grams.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.

Here is something to cheer you up.......

Biden's approval rating after his first 100 days is lower than Obama's and even Bush.......but.......

In other news the Chocolate Ration has been increased from 50 grams to 25 grams.
At the weed store?
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency

Short answer? NOPE.
Go get em Joe!

Biden’s Plan: Raise Taxes On The Rich, Spend It On Education
The president’s speech to Congress will include proposed tax hikes on wealthy Americans along with free community college and pre-K education.

Indeed. Hundreds of billions on "Education". Each and every election cycle that's all we hear - SPEND MORE ON EDUCATION!!!!!

Tell me - what the hell have we gotten for that? I mean seriously? How much MORE have we gotten from the continual flow of tax payer dollars we have "lost" while "teachers" still tell us that they have no materials to teach with? Absolute bullshit from the word go.
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency
How do you folks continue to be bipolar this way??

You folks both claim Biden is single-handedly destroying America while at the same time saying he didn't accomplish anything....

Yall are acting like catty little bitches right now....
He didn't accomplish anything positive.

Joe Biden Will Call For Drug Price Legislation In His Address To Congress

If he doesn't accomplish it it'll because of Republicans and Lobbyists.

Now you can cry socialism.
Wait til they find out about free pre-school for kids 3 and 4 years old....

I am sure there are some pedophile conspiracies the right wing can cook up to distract from the fact that under his plan, working families will save 13,000 dollars a year
You mean raised taxes. Right?
Raised taxes on capital gains and the top 1% ......but don't won't be as high as in, ummm..what do you Trumpers call it....oh yea...the good old days....

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Makes you wonder...with top marginal tax rates that high, how could those ever be considered the good old days....
Nobody ever paid those rates due to deductions and right offs, Dummy.
So since you acknowledge there is a difference between the stated tax rate and effective tax rate -- why whine about raising the top tax rate then?

My God the way you folks get on your knees for oligarchs is amazing
Because I believe the Fed Govt has plenty of revenue to pay for what they are authorized to do.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.
And yet you can't post without using his name.

The only time now in my life Trump comes up is here. Not on tv, not on the radio. My friends and family no longer bring him up. It's like he's dead.
See. You just can't post without whining about Trump.

Thanks for proving my post was 100% spot on.
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency
How do you folks continue to be bipolar this way??

You folks both claim Biden is single-handedly destroying America while at the same time saying he didn't accomplish anything....

Yall are acting like catty little bitches right now....
He didn't accomplish anything positive.

Joe Biden Will Call For Drug Price Legislation In His Address To Congress

If he doesn't accomplish it it'll because of Republicans and Lobbyists.

Now you can cry socialism.
Wait til they find out about free pre-school for kids 3 and 4 years old....

I am sure there are some pedophile conspiracies the right wing can cook up to distract from the fact that under his plan, working families will save 13,000 dollars a year
You mean raised taxes. Right?
Raised taxes on capital gains and the top 1% ......but don't won't be as high as in, ummm..what do you Trumpers call it....oh yea...the good old days....

View attachment 484815

Makes you wonder...with top marginal tax rates that high, how could those ever be considered the good old days....
Nobody ever paid those rates due to deductions and right offs, Dummy.
So since you acknowledge there is a difference between the stated tax rate and effective tax rate -- why whine about raising the top tax rate then?

My God the way you folks get on your knees for oligarchs is amazing
Because I believe the Fed Govt has plenty of revenue to pay for what they are authorized to do.
So how is it the govt can have both plenty revenue and at the same time be broke??

Or according to what you folks say whenever a policy is targeted towards helping people who are not in the top 10% -- yall say "but but we can't afford it"

We have plenty of revenue to afford it......

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