Biden's "grand prize" voting strategy, analysis and conclusion.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It is difficult to understand how the Biden administration could convince about half the US population that baiting new voting citizens with guaranteed federal lottery wins of $450,000 is a promising idea for the future of America; migrating families with children could get millions. Imagine if the governments of Caribbean-island vacation destinations were to put out the word that Americans could get permanent citizenship and millions in spending money to go there and live on white sands and beaches, never having to work again. You do not have to be a genius to figure out that mobs of US citizens would beat a path to those choice vacation spots as fast as they could pack. The only requirement would be that those new arrivals would vote for the current governments in the Caribbean that offered them the deal.

Obviously, this could never happen because such a bizarre event would negatively alter the nations that invited the freeloading interlopers and destroy those countries as sovereign entities. All the rational nations of the world have laws in place to protect their citizens from foreign invasions of the world’s underclass. But in the US, something strange is going on. We know that Washington spent four years lowering the national IQ with a concocted Russian hoax to remove Donald Trump and finished off the effort with rigged mail-in voting and election fraud. When a free country uses national security agencies to smear a leader Stasi-fashion and then imposes a puppet regime, that raises eyebrows across the globe.

What made the 2016 presidential election in America so dangerous to Washington was that it threatened to expose the long-term corruption of professional politicians selling out average citizens to corporate interests that have switched their allegiance from the American people to a global aristocracy. Keeping Washington in control of the people is so important that nothing is off the table. So, offering certain grand prizes as a magnet for foreign replacement voters is as predictable as seven truckloads of discovered mail-in cemetery votes to swing a close election.

Washington has used propaganda to dumb down half the population to believe in the righteousness of their truth over the facts. But it is not working as we see in Virginia and New Jersey. Screeching dog whistles of equity and inclusion will not be enough stop the coming tsunami of common sense that will ultimately rescue the people from bad government.
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Was this profound or has everyone left the site that can read more then two sentences?
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What are people so afraid of?
Dems will never learn

"The White House is expected to turn up the salesmanship of its plans, arguing that the results in Virginia and New Jersey, where things remained too close to call, are in part a reflection that voters want to see Congress get things done, a person close to the White House said."
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Dems will never learn

"The White House is expected to turn up the salesmanship of its plans, arguing that the results in Virginia and New Jersey, where things remained too close to call, are in part a reflection that voters want to see Congress get things done, a person close to the White House said."
Everyone is afraid to speak, afraid to hear, afraid to see. Washington is as dysfunctional as it has ever been. These politicians are not going to learn from the will of the people. They are going to double down on the destruction of America because they see it as the only way to preserve their insane worldview. Hopefully the people can put the brakes on this corrupt psychosis. Virginia is a start.


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