Biden’s Halt to Border Wall Construction to Cost About 5,000 Jobs, Billions of Dollars

SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

The Biden presidency is a steep, stark loss for all walks of human life everywhere. Tip of the iceberg this, and it will all only snowball downhill from here. Thousands of jobs lost. Hundreds of children dragged by their hair across the Rio Grande by coyotes. Millions of undocumented rapists, murderers, plague bearers and narco-terrorists amassing to flood like dark tides over our southern border. All in the name of Woke-ness, that good old new religion Pope Biden now overseas from the new Holy See in the White House.
There is NOTHING good to come out of this insanity.

Whatever happened to the "pandemic"?

The insane left supports masses of humanity crossing into this country and being made U.S. citizens.

There is only one reason to do this and that is to secure power for the Commie USA Party for all eternity.

The Demonrat Party has ALWAYS been the enemy of the People
SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.
Your sympathy and concern for the Americans Biden is putting out of work is underwhelming...but not at all surprising.
There is NOTHING good to come out of this insanity.

Whatever happened to the "pandemic"?

The insane left supports masses of humanity crossing into this country and being made U.S. citizens.

There is only one reason to do this and that is to secure power for the Commie USA Party for all eternity.

The Demonrat Party has ALWAYS been the enemy of the People

Yes . . . and the democrats have always portrayed themselves as heroes and saviors of the "little" people. Insidiousness incarnate. The democrats' idea of helping someone is to save them to death.
SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.
Your sympathy and concern for the Americans Biden is putting out of work is underwhelming...but not at all surprising.
Progs love misery. Its in the DNA of the individual. Throughout history they are part and parcel of much of the nasty events that humans have shamefully had.
SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.

Why do lefties want unsecured borders?

Why do lefties want people unemployed?
SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.
Of course you are you are . You are an anti-American piece of shit.
SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.

Why do lefties want unsecured borders?

Why do lefties want people unemployed?
Lefties want people utterly dependent on the people can be under complete control.

Leftists are would-be totalitarians. They can't be trusted with power. Every time, they abuse it.
SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.

Why do lefties want unsecured borders?

Why do lefties want people unemployed?
Lefties want people utterly dependent on the people can be under complete control.

Leftists are would-be totalitarians. They can't be trusted with power. Every time, they abuse it.
You have some imagination.... The rightists love failure. Trump was all huge deficits, giant socialist bailouts, socialist tariffs, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths...

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