Biden's Lies About His Life are Multifold: Someday he will claim he haveApollo 11 and Gave Neil Armstrong the Idea for "One Small Step Statement...'

I cannot believe thatany sensible human being would mention Biden and Obama even calling Pres. Obama a "serial liar", and somehow skip Trump when referring to Presidents and lying.

This, folks, is what a cult looks like. Or just a really stupid motherfucker.
Whatever Trump's "lies" were pale in comparison to the significant lies told by Obama.
Is that the new standard?
If so, you have to reach 30,000 (or enough to fill the NYC phone book, whichever comes first) to even have standing to demand any accountability, since that's the threshold you have for ignoring lies by Trump.
You TDS wasted days of journalism reporting on dumb shit like "Trump gets two scoops of ice cream when everyone else gets one" rather than focus on a 48 year career Washington DC insider and his lies.
"The first mention of Trump in an NYMA baseball story came during his sophomore year in 1962. “Don Trump made some fine fielding plays for Coach Ralph Petrillo’s NYMA club,” the final line of the story reads. In a 4–1 loss to Cheshire, Trump played first base, hit sixth, and went 0 for 3. I found three total box scores from his sophomore year. In those games, he went 1 for 10 at the plate."
If Trump lied, it's ok with me if all of our elected officials lie to us constantly.


Leftist Hack
You've built up an immunity to Trumps lies, just like the guy who got snake bit so many times, the poison no longer effects him.
Drumpf lies so much someone wrote a book about it. Its called "The Art of the LIe"

If you want to talk about Trumps lies about his personal life, I immediately recalled Stormy Daniels, which he told as president.

If you want to go back 48 years, that covers all his lies Trump told his first wife, while committing adultery with his second wife. Trumps lies to his second wife while committing adultery with his third wife. And Trumps lies to his third wife, while committing adultery with Stormy Daniels.

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