Biden's Looking Great after this Debt Deal !!

Congratulations, you're more full of shit than anyone else on this entire message board.

And that's positively fuckin' remarkable.
Here's to ya, asswipe- :fu: What's more remarkable? You're fucking stupidity, Beavis.
The deal is devastating to Democrats.

Need proof?

It witholds any new IRS hirings for the next year, it forces immediate repayment of Federal Student Loans, it caps Federal spending to the lowest in years, it integrates "work requirements" into Welfare qualification standards.

The truth? Given what we've been dealing with lately, this bill is a major force for good. And the Dems let their octogenarian Chinese puppet mediate the situation, and are suffering a massive "L" as a direct result.

Rather portentious for '24.
Hey jerkoff, thanks for applauding funding cuts for those IRS agents which will RAISE the defecit.

Keep em coming, genius.
Republicans will continue to lose elections because voters realize they are weak and will cave in to Democrats.
Republicans will continue to lose elections because voters realize they are weak and will cave in to Democrats.

Your new avatar is making you black pilled.

Or maybe it's a chicken and the egg type o' deal.

Either way, drink beer - be merry. ;)

Bannon is out of his mind.

At least on this one.

McCarthy got a good deal.

Just the fact that the taxpayers will be saving 5 billion a month with student loans entering repayment, is alone worth the price of admission.

And there are plenty of other goodies.

It's mostly a win.
Bannon is out of his mind.

At least on this one.

McCarthy got a good deal.

Just the fact that the taxpayers will be saving 5 billion a month with student loans entering repayment, is alone worth the price of admission.

And there are plenty of other goodies.

It's mostly a win.
It could have been a better deal.
He does?
  • Republicans reached a deal saving the global economy from disaster.
  • Republicans cut federal spending.
  • Caps spending.
  • Repeals unused relief funds.
  • Cuts funding to the IRS.
  • Adds further requirements for lazy ass shiftless welfare recipients.
  • And it still needs voted on to pass.
Steve Bannon wanted a scorched earth all or nothing solution but his goals have have been unrealistic.

Why do you think this makes Biden look good when this deal takes away the democrat's hope to lay all the blame for a default on the GOP?

Looks more like another Biden failure to me.
Biden and Dems will claim credit for all of that in the years ahead. Just like they have stolen valor from the GOP under Reagan and Clinton for balancing the budget.
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Do you think it ever occurs to them how lucky they are that he's a billion years old?
He bitch slaps them so regularly now they're actually looking for opportunities to get slapped.
And Joe is willing to oblige.
He's just better at this than them
Imagine if he were 35 years younger.

He wouldn't be dying of dementia...and he is
Well yeah, but we have a divided government.

The sad truth?

This is a better Debt Ceiling deal than the one we got when Republicans had all three branches in 2017/18.

Pondering it in those terms tends to lend some clarity, methinks.
The House controls the purse.
The House controls the purse.

Yes, to a degree - but the debt limit is legislative, not administrative.

So, without the Senate - no deal.

Add to that a merely 5 seat GOP majority, and I consider McCarthy a fuckin' Houdini.
Yes, to a degree - but the debt limit is legislative, not administrative.

So, without the Senate - no deal.

Add to that a merely 5 seat GOP majority, and I consider McCarthy a fuckin' Houdini.

Also: This bill introduces pay/go to the Executive Branch - meaning any spending on Biden fiat policies is now severely constrained.

Again, another win.
Well yeah, but we have a divided government.

The sad truth?

This is a better Debt Ceiling deal than the one we got when Republicans had all three branches in 2017/18.

Pondering it in those terms tends to lend some clarity, methinks.
Let's be honest, the last time Republicans got total control they spent like drunken sailors I don't trust them anymore than I trust the pure scum Dems. All this GOP talk of cutting spending and balanced budgets is 100% BS until proven otherwise.
I don't trust them anymore than I trust the pure scum Dems.

You must have forgotten about the tax cut that you still enjoy to this day - and McCarthy made sure to preserve in this deal even though the "Progressives" wanted to repeal this largely middle class benefit.

So sayeth the CBO.
Time for Biden to take a Victory lap after his Big Win !!

Maybe some MAGA wackos will not vote for this, but it seems they will and in the end Biden held the line and McCarthy had to bend the knee.

What the MAGA republicans on this website don't even remotely understand is that most Americans understand Trump and Bush were absolutely terrible on the deficit so Republicans can't play the deficit card anymore. Republicans had little leverage in this fight because if the US defaulted on its debt, the Republicans would take some serious shit after causing $Trillions in debt.

Biden is doing great and the economy is going to boom again in 2024, just like it did in 2021.

Steve Bannon is pissed so it must be a good thibng

Biden could murder someone on 5th Ave and you would be making a thread on how great he is.

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