Biden's Maga speech

Will it? We've seen a president encouraging the worst kind of political violence, from Charlottesville to January 6th, and frankly, you people are kind of scary.
Yeah really?

We're scary?

I'm a family man. A parent. A homeowner. I have a job. I even own a business.

You think I'm scary?

THOUSANDS of you screaming leftist assholes were looting, burning, even killing - for MONTHS - and you think "I'm" scary?

I can BE scary, if the situation requires it, but I've been trying very hard not to be.

You leftards are making it damn near impossible though
Pedo Joe, everything he touches turns to shit.
Last night, the president called the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump traitors to the nation. We have a rising Hitler on our hands.
No he didn't. He called out the lunatic fringe of the republican party that thinks violent threats against this country is acceptable political discourse. All your talk of civil war and mass murder fantasies against political opponents has earned a response from the president and it's about goddamned time.
Yet you have no problem with the FACT that the government totally went rogue with the FBI and the rest of the Bureaucat Swamp undermining a duly elected president throughout his FOUR YEAR term.
Even going biological warfare with GoF viruses!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are SICK!
What a load of crap.
Yet you have no problem with the FACT that the government totally went rogue with the FBI and the rest of the Bureaucat Swamp undermining a duly elected president throughout his FOUR YEAR term.

Uh, guy, nearly every president has been investigated for SOMETHING since Nixon. Most of them have the good sense to cooperate and clear the matters up. Reagan had Iran Contra, Clinton had the whole slew of investigations related to various accusations, and Bush jr. had the Plame affair. Trump is the guy who decided to obstruct a very legitimate investigation into whether or not the Russians had infiltrated his campaign.

Even going biological warfare with GoF viruses!!!

Oh, I'm sorry, you are a crazy person. So let me get this straight. The Chinese develop a virus with Fauci help with a convoluted plan to release it on their own people hoping that Trump would incompetently respond to it. That's like fucking Wile E. Coyote logic.

The ironic thing is that Covid could have been Trump's moment to be presidential, and he failed miserably.

You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are SICK!

The only sick thing is how you guys have joined the Trump Cult.

Riddle me this, Batman, do you think that Biden would have made this speech if he didn't know the FBI didn't have the goods on Trump?

The smart thing for the GOP to do at this point is to marginalize MAGA.
eah really?

We're scary?

I'm a family man. A parent. A homeowner. I have a job. I even own a business.

You think I'm scary?

Yes, I think you are scarier than shit. No matter how badly Trump fucks things up, not matter what crooked ass, treasonous thing he is caught doing, you guys love him all the more.

THOUSANDS of you screaming leftist assholes were looting, burning, even killing - for MONTHS - and you think "I'm" scary?

Uh, most of those demonstrations were peaceful. Most of those killed were killed by the cops OR right wing nutjobs like Rittenhouse.

I can BE scary, if the situation requires it, but I've been trying very hard not to be.

You leftards are making it damn near impossible though

Wow, Really? Frankly, we have record low unemployment right now, we have peace, prosperity, maybe inflation is a tad too high...
No he didn't. He called out the lunatic fringe of the republican party that thinks violent threats against this country is acceptable political discourse. All your talk of civil war and mass murder fantasies against political opponents has earned a response from the president and it's about goddamned time.
The response is "you need F-15's to fight me"?

No, fucktard, we don't.

We start by just ignoring your silly ass, but for some reason you keep getting in our face.

You're obsessive and compulsive this way, with the need to get in someone's face. Sitting on freeways, camping out on Supreme Court Justice's front lawns... WTF is up with you weirdos? Your pedo president even wanted to get in his own daughter's face. WTF is up with that?
True that. See below.

True that. See below.

For example:


So, to scroll back up to the top of this long post we find the following.....which seems truer and truer the more we all read this thread:
You and Mac are honored members of Team China. Make sure they get your T-Shirt sizes correct.
The response is "you need F-15's to fight me"?

No, fucktard, we don't.

We start by just ignoring your silly ass, but for some reason you keep getting in our face.

You're obsessive and compulsive this way, with the need to get in someone's face. Sitting on freeways, camping out on Supreme Court Justice's front lawns... WTF is up with you weirdos? Your pedo president even wanted to get in his own daughter's face. WTF is up with that?
Getting in the faces of bad people is the American way.
Yes, I think you are scarier than shit. No matter how badly Trump fucks things up, not matter what crooked ass, treasonous thing he is caught doing, you guys love him all the more.

You are mistaken.

However if you're going to lump me in with the Trump crowd, then I'm going to lump you in with the far left loot and burn crowd.

I'm going to hold you PERSONALLY responsible for that.

You are a far left extremist

Uh, most of those demonstrations were peaceful. Most of those killed were killed by the cops OR right wing nutjobs like Rittenhouse.


You're also a liar.

Wow, Really? Frankly, we have record low unemployment right now, we have peace, prosperity, maybe inflation is a tad too high...

Go re-read Alinsky, you missed lesson 6.
Trump called everyone who opposed him socialists and commies and nazis and any other scary shit he could dream up. He accused people of having the most terrible goals and made it clear they were coming for whatever it is you happen to value. Shit worked on you. So why is Biden out of line again?
/-------/ "Trump called everyone who opposed him socialists and commies and nazis."
Link? TIA
If you feel threatened by Biden's speech you need to reexamine your values.
Keep your values to your own damn self

No one wants your idiotic leftist values

Screwing crack whores and then calling the rest of us dangerous?

Get outta here with that stupid crap

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