Biden's Maga speech

All traitors shut up and cower in fear. The FBI is coming traitors.
The FBI is supposed to be unbiased yet you portray them as the "boogeyman" coming to GET conservatives? That pretty much sums up the State of the FBI at the moment...doesn't it? You on the left have weaponized the FBI against your political opponents while you rant about others being a "danger" to the country! There is a Party that is a danger to the Constitution right now but it sure as hell isn't the GOP! We're not the ones who threaten Supreme Court Justices. We're not the ones who use the IRS against the political opposition. We're not the ones who want to pack the Supreme Court. We're not the ones who smeared an opposing Presidential candidate with fake dossiers paid for by your candidate and the DNC!

You might want to cower in fear yourself, Zinc! The midterms are coming and the people are pissed!
Good lord. The fearmongers really got into your head didn't they?
With all due respect, Occupied? That speech last night was the epitome of "fear mongering"! Biden and the Democrats can't run on their political agenda because everything they've done since taking office has made the country worse they have no choice but to scare people with how EVIL the opposition is!
With all due respect, Occupied? That speech last night was the epitome of "fear mongering"! Biden and the Democrats can't run on their political agenda because everything they've done since taking office has made the country worse they have no choice but to scare people with how EVIL the opposition is!
The people he was talking about are evil. As evil as any other authoritarian movement that has ever existed. If you feel included in his harsh criticism of the fringe right that's a problem with you. For years we laughed off all the civil war 2.0 talk as mindless bluster. Then 1/6 happened. Now it's being taken seriously. You did want to be taken seriously didn't you?
With all due respect, Occupied? That speech last night was the epitome of "fear mongering"! Biden and the Democrats can't run on their political agenda because everything they've done since taking office has made the country worse they have no choice but to scare people with how EVIL the opposition is!

Yeah the lights coming up on the marines as he talks about maga Republicans trying to destroy our country was a nice tactic. So was the red lighting.

It was quite well done because it served as a show of force and intimidation to anyone who opposes him. And it also said "we the people need to join me in my America".

This was purely a dictator style presentation intended to scare his enemies and to scare his supporters against his enemies.
The people he was talking about are evil. As evil as any other authoritarian movement that has ever existed. If you feel included in his harsh criticism of the fringe right that's a problem with you. For years we laughed off all the civil war 2.0 talk as mindless bluster. Then 1/6 happened. Now it's being taken seriously. You did want to be taken seriously didn't you?
A protest that didn't last 24 hours by unarmed people is a "civil war"? What would you call the violent protests that lasted months, destroyed millions of dollars in property and killed dozens, Occupied? Explain why one is "evil" while the other is not!
You go Joe. Finally America has a president who tells it like it is. And while most of the chatter online here is from the Trump cult members, serious history and political readers please check out books below.

"Democracy is in decline. Over half of the world's population now lives under some form of authoritarian rule. Wherever democracy deteriorates, so does support for transparency and accountability. Disinformation about current events thrives, as do versions of history that cover up authoritarian crimes."

'Strongmen Mussolini to the Present' 'What modern authoritarian leaders have in common (and how they can be stopped).'

"Polarisation is normal. Skepticism about liberal democracy is also normal. And the appeal of authoritarianism is eternal."
'Twilight Of Democracy' The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism' Anne Applebaum

'The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America' Timothy Snyder
Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country...
The evidence certainly confirms it:

Given the Cry Baby Loser's reckless contempt for national security and consequent threats to law enforcement, and besides his contriving an electoral vote scam that makes a mockery of democracy after the People had spoken, his goon attack on Congress in which extremists such as Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and Q-anon nut jobs (whom he loves and promises to pardon) played a prominent role in savaging outnumbered police, Americans who support law and order and government of, by, and for the People must protect our national heritage against the privations of his weird worshipers, and re-establish and safeguard our national tranquility.

Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 5.12.43 PM.png
A protest that didn't last 24 hours by unarmed people is a "civil war"? What would you call the violent protests that lasted months, destroyed millions of dollars in property and killed dozens, Occupied? Explain why one is "evil" while the other is not!
The usual diversion? Get some new material. The George Floyd protests are long over and no one tried to overturn an election. For those who value democracy the moment in history where Trump supporters stormed the capital stands alone. There is no equivalency to be found anywhere in the run of the mill civil disorder that has often occurred throughout our history.
The people he was talking about are evil. As evil as any other authoritarian movement that has ever existed. If you feel included in his harsh criticism of the fringe right that's a problem with you. For years we laughed off all the civil war 2.0 talk as mindless bluster. Then 1/6 happened. Now it's being taken seriously. You did want to be taken seriously didn't you?
Hey numbnuts, J6 happened because 50% of the country no longer has confidence in the electoral process.

Lie or no lie, doesn't matter. 50 million people had their noses glued to the TV set when those voting glitches happened. The nation lost confidence RIGHT THEN AND THERE. All the verbiage afterwards doesn't matter. It's like the video of Chauvin's knee on George Floyd's neck, a picture is worth a thousand words. That video is undeniable. Can't be denied, and has to be explained

And YOU leftist extremist Democrats really screwed the pooch on that one, you badly mishandled the whole situation and you're STILL mishandling it, to the point where your dimwitted president has to threaten half the country on video.
Hey numbnuts, J6 happened because 50% of the country no longer has confidence in the electoral process.

Lie or no lie, doesn't matter. 50 million people had their noses glued to the TV set when those voting glitches happened. The nation lost confidence RIGHT THEN AND THERE. All the verbiage afterwards doesn't matter. It's like the video of Chauvin's knee on George Floyd's neck, a picture is worth a thousand words. That video is undeniable. Can't be denied, and has to be explained

And YOU leftist extremist Democrats really screwed the pooch on that one, you badly mishandled the whole situation and you're STILL mishandling it, to the point where your dimwitted president has to threaten half the country on video.
The Big Lie is actually the Big Excuse. In the minds of the fringe right it excuses all sorts of horrible things up to and including another civil war. Complaining elections are rigged only when your candidates lose is stupid.
We Republicans haven't changed. We're true to the Constitution our God-fearing forefathers bequested to their descendants and assylum seekers for US citizenship as well. Indeed, God will win by providing his defense in our behalf from all who would wrong us.

Of course MAGAts changed. They live in an upside down world where they're guided through life by fake news. Where there's no winning and losing anymore, just winning or being cheated. Normal GOPers aren't like that. MAGAts are. Biden was spot on last night in regard to calling out the threat to democracy they pose.

And no, you're not true to the Constitution. Where in the Constitution does it say a vice president can give himself 4 more years in office if America votes him out? That's something MAGAts support and there is no bigger threat to our democracy than shit like that.
Of course MAGAts changed. They live in an upside down world where they're guided through life by fake news. Where there's no winning and losing anymore, just winning or being cheated.
Nothing but DELUSIONAL PROJECTION from you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies!!!!
You fucking brainwashed assholes are responsible for any unrest that you are looking for....
The Big Lie is actually the Big Excuse. In the minds of the fringe right it excuses all sorts of horrible things up to and including another civil war. Complaining elections are rigged only when your candidates lose is stupid.
Like I said, you're badly mishandling the entire situation.

Your post proves my point.

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