Biden's Maga speech

Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor in the Oval Office and the MAGA movement.
'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared at the top of his remarks before Philadelphia's Independence Hall.
He called out Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump.
'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said to great applause from his supporters.

This baseless hate mongering will probably backfire on Biden and the Dems.
What in the wild wild world of sports

The meat of the speech was no better than Biden’s health. He kept repeating the term “MAGA,” painting those who voted for Donald Trump as evil fascists that pose a direct threat to the very well-being of the nation. That’s ludicrous, and as I’ve shared before, it’s also incredibly dangerous. When you begin attack tens of millions of Americans as scum, suggesting they are going to destroy “our democracy,” that justifies just about anything in response, doesn’t it? Someone is going to get hurt based on his incitement.

It seems he is trying to get somebody (he hopes a Trump supporter) to do something extreme. It also appears to be a dog whistle for the Dems favorite rioters (BLM and Antifa) to go after Trump supporters to try to get a violent reaction. That old saying about being careful what you wish for applies here.
Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor in the Oval Office and the MAGA movement.
'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared at the top of his remarks before Philadelphia's Independence Hall.
He called out Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump.
'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said to great applause from his supporters.

This baseless hate mongering will probably backfire on Biden and the Dems.
Greetings, earthlings.

Scruffy is back in the house.

And boy is he mad.

This thread is so rich I had to chime in.

I'm fresh off battling the LA County people over George Gascon. THAT is an absolutely provable case of Democratic cheating, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I'll explain it all in another thread.

Let's talk about Biden and his speech.

(Imagine that - I said Biden and speech in the same sentence - that's almost like saying W and speech in the same sentence). :p
Well maybe 10 million.
These ^ are the trump idiots.
the other 64 Million that voted for trump, just down ballot voters.
President Donald Trump beat out 16 other Republicans in the primary, for the nomination. That doesn't sound like down ballot voting to me.

However I'll grant you that a lot of those people would have have voted for a dogcatcher over Hillary Clinton.
Nope it's the people like you who apparently want a king. The hardcore zealots who preach the gospel of Trumpism and cover their world in Trump bumper stickers and flags. Those people just brought the run of the mill republicans along for the ride.
This is TDS insanity. ^^^

This person is heavily afflicted.
Wow it must have really stung for you to find it personally insulting.
You just proved that Donald Trump was right.

It's US you hate. He's just in the way.

You have picked a fight you can not win.

No combination of speeches and lawfare will give you a victory on this one.
I believe this kind of rhetoric and galvanization of his shock troopers could be pretext for political pogroms against a great many average Americans who possess very specific beliefs. As we speak the ATF is going door to door confiscating certain once legal firearm components and entrapping law abiding citizen for purchasing certain cylindrical metallic items. Further, the ATF is now classifying useless hunks of metal as complete firearms—doing these things even as gun violence explodes throughout the streets of ALL our major cities; violence committed with guns no possible law could ever remove or prevent from criminal hands. ALL of Biden's new gun laws are overtly aimed at either disarming good, upstanding American citizens or making it nearly impossible for people to own guns or carry them outside their homes.

ALL of the above is set to the backdrop of food and fuel and natural energy crises blowing up parts of America, depriving people of basic needs of existence, and raising food prices and causing specific food shortages. On top of all of that, the democrat politicians at the highest level, and many republicans as well, fully support degenerate, violent, morally depraved policies which harm children and women. They even go so far as to label CHRISTIAN, LAW ABIDING, MORALLY SOUND Americans as extremists for labelling their perversions as outrageous and unheard of in the history of our nation, which any sane American would agree with.

Something wicked this way comes, my fellow Americans. Democrat and republican politicians across the country are either directly defying recent Supreme Court decisions or turning a blind eye to new rules and regulations that defy them. Millions of military age male immigrants are streaming across the border, and vital weapon and transportation systems are being pulled from our own frontline military units and shipped off to the Ukraine.

Someone, somewhere needs to take control of this near apocalyptic situation and stop the bleeding but we all probably share the same suspicion it's already to late to save our civilization. Oh well . . . America had a good run.
The Democrats need to be caught red handed cheating in a national election.

That ought to be very easy.

Considering that it happens all the time.
Biden finally went all Enter The Dragon on the orange bastard. It's about time.
No. Biden the asinine PUBLIC SERVANT just insulted half the people he SERVES.

That is very, very stupid politics.
Arrests every day now. You should be afraid. Your Leader is next.
These are ACTS OF WAR.

You do realize you're deliberately and willfully picking a fight, right?

Hey - word to the wise - (unless you're totally brain dead, in which case good luck) -

You can not win this fight.

You can not.

No amount of lawfare will win you this fight.

All you're doing is generating lots of hatred, which WILL come back and bite you in the ass.

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