Biden's Maga speech

Biden calls out the MAGAts, and true to form, they turn Godwin.
We Republicans haven't changed. We're true to the Constitution our God-fearing forefathers bequested to their descendants and assylum seekers for US citizenship as well. Indeed, God will win by providing his defense in our behalf from all who would wrong us.
What is not true here?

the left is supporting....

corrupt democrats,

killing babies,

insulting Democrat opposition,

harming the economy,

open borders,

protecting taliban against 911 victims,

sending our money to ukraine,

rising crime,

high energy prices that will surely hurt americans this winter,

weaponizing irs,doj,fib,cia against opposition.

energy dependence,

illconceived electric vehicles and green energy,

supporting mental illnesses and putting them in positions of power over normal sane americans,

threatening our rights 1st, 2nd, 4th amendments and more,

threatening americans who do not comply,

all this is wrong.......that is what you support and you are wrong.


It is not enough to throw God out of schools, homes, business, government but the left wants to impose the religion of secularism, trangenderism, greenism, humanism, Statism, environmentalism, SATANISM, wicca, feminism, evolution, and whatever other godless religion they can come up with.
Idiot and corrupt is him POS.....his handlers....all the idiotic, corrupt criminal demonRats that work for him.....evil like him....

Anyone notice that the more power Joe acquires through constant subversion
of our government, the crazier a look he gets in his eyes? Like a madman
drunk with power. A crazy, glazed stare kinda like Adam Schiff.
Exactly how Hitler's Nazi Movement begun.

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I said it before but I'll say it again

You scratch a progressive demonRat and you find a Nazi.

sad but true.
We have proof that a number of the swing states had severe voting anomalies, the least of which was one that had fewer precinct population than votes for Biden. That's known in third world country as problematic. Here it is called voter fraud.
Bullshit. Nothing more than the normal tiny amounts of issues occured. If it did, you would have credible proof of it. You don't.
"I don't have to provide you with anything."
You can't or you won't back up your own word.
We get it.
Those who can----do.
Those who cannot ---don't.

Hey, it's the internet CJ, no real harm, no real foul.
And besides you are posting anonymously while using a fake the fact that your avatar cannot back up his own statements, well, really doesn't reflect on you, now does it?

Although, as you will no doubt makes your avatar look silly, shallow, and immature,

But, it is the internet.
And you can be you on the internet.
If that is the you wanna be. Silly and shallow?
That speech didn't seem to stop at shaming to me. And really....what right do you have to shame another american into compiance. It's called tyranny bud.
Trump and his suporters brought the shame on themselves. Joe just pointed it out.
You can't or you won't back up your own word.
We get it.
Those who can----do.
Those who cannot ---don't.

Hey, it's the internet CJ, no real harm, no real foul.
And besides you are posting anonymously while using a fake the fact that your avatar cannot back up his own statements, well, really doesn't reflect on you, now does it?

Although, as you will no doubt makes your avatar look silly, shallow, and immature,

But, it is the internet.
And you can be you on the internet.
If that is the you wanna be. Silly and shallow?
Or — and here me out — he simply doesn’t owe you diddly dog, you preening, prancing poseur.
Brandon is sending out his talking pointless for the Dims.

“Come on, man. It’s about our democracy. And only Democrats care about our democracy!” Mark my words. That’s the thrust of the babbling bullshit we will be getting from the usual suspects for a while.

Meanwhile, what we really have is not a democracy, anyway. It is a Constitutional republic. Thankfully. And it is beyond tragic that our own President doesn’t recognize that fact.
Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor in the Oval Office and the MAGA movement.
'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared at the top of his remarks before Philadelphia's Independence Hall.
He called out Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump.
'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said to great applause from his supporters.

This baseless hate mongering will probably backfire on Biden and the Dems.
What I find most amusing about Biden and the Democrats ranting about the danger of MAGA Americans is that they just spent millions of dollars to get MAGA candidates nominated in races all over the country! So you talk about how dangerously extreme MAGA people are but then you do everything you can to make sure that more moderate Republicans don't get nominated?

Here's a radical concept, Democrats! Run on your policies.
We're ready for you traitors now. Arrests are being made. If you start shit you'll regret it you whining pussies. Fuck around and find out.

Ready to start rounding up all of the dissenters, eh? Fuck the 1st Amendment, right? Shades of Beijing China and the Soviet Union. All started by the democrat party foisting that ridiculous illegal 2020 election that no one believes then banning anyone from even questioning or discussing it. Did you just threaten the membership here Zinc? Sounds like you are making a not so veiled threat. Shame on you being a mod. Seems like you take yourself far too seriously. Hope that arm band isn't cutting off your circulation.

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