Biden's Maga speech

President Biden holds up mirror to MAGA -GOP, they lose their shitte.

looks to me just the opposite. All you're doing is following through on Joseph Stolen's attacks on the opposition. aren't you proud of him. His speeches, his executive orders? his mumbling bumblings? his fallling up the stairs and off his bike?
Nobody in the world likes a divider like Joe Biden who shames more than half the voters in America for not voting for him.
The ones that refuse to accept the results of a fair election should be shamed.
Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor in the Oval Office and the MAGA movement.
'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared at the top of his remarks before Philadelphia's Independence Hall.
He called out Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump.
'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said to great applause from his supporters.

This baseless hate mongering will probably backfire on Biden and the Dems.

All xiden needed was a few fake medals on his chest and a hat with scrambled eggs on it and he'd had all the trappings of every other tin horn dictator giving their enemy of the state speeches.

The ones that refuse to accept the results of a fair election should be shamed.
We have proof that a number of the swing states had severe voting anomalies, the least of which was one that had fewer precinct population than votes for Biden. That's known in third world country as problematic. Here it is called voter fraud.
Are you a moron? I said I want to be left alone to lead my life and that's your response? Idiot.

only thing is they won't leave us alone. Look what they did to the country since 2020. and tonite...if you don't go along with them.... ...... visits from this or that agency....more taxes, limit your food buying, can't buy seeds, fertilizer, heating oil, gasoline, food, can't hunt for food, can't fish. Gov't, both sides, have fixed it so we're not free to live free. and now Joe has the blood background and military power standing around him as he threatens us.
The ones that refuse to accept the results of a fair election should be shamed.
That speech didn't seem to stop at shaming to me. And really....what right do you have to shame another american into compiance. It's called tyranny bud.
Biden calls out the MAGAts, and true to form, they turn Godwin.
Nah...Jan 6 was nothing and we all know that.
It's going to be much worse.
I heard it through the grapevine that there will be a number of Democrats, using the criminality of false witness, calumny and fake impeachment, will be wearing orange jumpsuits in the near future. I don't think anyone will be all that shocked except those who counted on not getting caught.
"..... the left is supporting....corrupt democrats, killing babies....... weaponizing irs,doj,fib,cia against opposition. energy dependence, ill conceived electric vehicles and green energy, supporting mental illnesses and putting them in positions of power over normal sane americans, threatening our rights 1st, 2nd, 4th amendments and more, threatening americans who do not comply, is wrong.......that is what you support......."

Prove it CJ.
Show or go.
Lest folks here think you are just another Chicken Little screaming that your particular section of the sky happens to be falling just on you.
So saddle up, Skippy. So the forum can have confidence that you know whereof you speak.
Give us credible, informed, vetted sourcing of that laundry list of histrionic hysteria you shrill about above.

Show us that you can be responsible, reliable, and believable.

Good luck.
Prove it CJ.
Show or go.
Lest folks here think you are just another Chicken Little screaming that your particular section of the sky happens to be falling just on you.
So saddle up, Skippy. So the forum can have confidence that you know whereof you speak.
Give us credible, informed, vetted sourcing of that laundry list of histrionic hysteria you shrill about above.

Show us that you can be responsible, reliable, and believable.

Good luck.

I provide links all the time bud. And really....all you gotta do is look at the news. Or listen to that little Karine J Pierre. She admits whati've posted as your platform...the media admits all this Dem Platform/Biden policies and try to portray it in the best light possible. I don't have to provide you with anything. You don't provide anything. You just buy what the media feeds you....hook line and sinker. They treat you like a mushroom. Feed you shit and keep you in the dark.

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