Biden's net job approval drops 12 points among black voters since he announced federal vaccine mandate


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

WTF? C'Mon, Man!

"Did Mandate Joe consider that a rule requiring vax-skeptical African-Americans to get jabbed might not work out for him?

The rollout of Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate didn't hurt him with the overall electorate but it DID spur a weakening of his standing among Black voters– especially the comparatively large share who are unvaccinated.

To which the White House would presumably say, “They’ll come around."

Don't bet on it. This past week BLM joined in defending Blacks who got into a scuffle with a restaurant staff who demanded to see proof of vaccination. The Biden administration has also been working on developing a vaccine passport, which BLM calls a 'racist tool' to 'keep blacks out of places.'

Biden is just one 'C'Mon, Man - You ain't black unless you get vaccinated' away from losing a significant number of more black voters support.

I'm kind of sick of hearing about what blacks think all of the time, as if they're some specially designated group to set the standard by.

His approval is dropping across the electoral board.

The pollsters are saying he's in the 40 percent range, but he's probably down in the 20% range more realistically.
View attachment 542651
WTF? C'Mon, Man!

"Did Mandate Joe consider that a rule requiring vax-skeptical African-Americans to get jabbed might not work out for him?

The rollout of Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate didn't hurt him with the overall electorate but it DID spur a weakening of his standing among Black voters– especially the comparatively large share who are unvaccinated.

To which the White House would presumably say, “They’ll come around."

Don't bet on it. This past week BLM joined in defending Blacks who got into a scuffle with a restaurant staff who demanded to see proof of vaccination. The Biden administration has also been working on developing a vaccine passport, which BLM calls a 'racist tool' to 'keep blacks out of places.'

Biden is just one 'C'Mon, Man - You ain't black unless you get vaccinated' away from losing a significant number of more black voters support.

Imagine, all those people who "ain't black" anymore. What will they do now?
View attachment 542651
WTF? C'Mon, Man!

"Did Mandate Joe consider that a rule requiring vax-skeptical African-Americans to get jabbed might not work out for him?

The rollout of Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate didn't hurt him with the overall electorate but it DID spur a weakening of his standing among Black voters– especially the comparatively large share who are unvaccinated.

To which the White House would presumably say, “They’ll come around."

Don't bet on it. This past week BLM joined in defending Blacks who got into a scuffle with a restaurant staff who demanded to see proof of vaccination. The Biden administration has also been working on developing a vaccine passport, which BLM calls a 'racist tool' to 'keep blacks out of places.'

Biden is just one 'C'Mon, Man - You ain't black unless you get vaccinated' away from losing a significant number of more black voters support.

Still better than Donald’s ever was, Sergei. The trump treason party is bleeding people


After Altercation at Restaurant, Black Lives Matter Claims NYC Vaccine Mandate Is Being Weaponized

‘Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising,’ BLM NYC co-founder says at Monday protest.

The Democrats 'weaponized' the Quarantines.
The Democrats 'weaponized' the Mask Mandates.
The Democrats 'weaponized' the Vaccines.
They will 'weaponize' the Vaccine Passports.
Blacks need to know, Democrats are loosing patients with you and you'll end up in the same boat as Trump supporters when their patients runs out.
I saw a black woman GO OFF at Walmart because staff confronted her about not wearing a mask, about three weeks ago. She was hot as balls too, dressed up nice,, what an ass on her, and a mouth, you could hear throughout the store :auiqs.jpg:

She lost the battle but is winning the war. Less irony, cooler heads are prevailing around here most places, including Walmart, more people every day are saying fuck you too Sisolak
Biden's approval has always been what the Democrat Press dictates, question now is why are the Democrats turning on their own.

Conservatives have predicted this, could this be the beginning of the end of Biden?
Hmm, did the poll directly ask black people about vaccine mandates?

The poll also showed divisions along racial lines. Seventy-three percent of Black workers — who are more likely than white workers to work in frontline jobs — support mask mandates at their workplaces, compared with 59% of Hispanic workers and 42% of white workers. In addition, 53% of Black and Hispanic workers support vaccine mandates at their workplaces, as do 44% of white workers.

Gee, I wonder who a majority of the 66% of Whites who don't like vaccine mandates are. I bet if we put together a Venn diagram of anti-vaxxers, wingnuts and people who believe Steven Segal's hairline we'd have a lot of cross over.

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