Biden's Own WH Officials Are HORRIFIED Biden Left Americans Behind: "We FAILED!"

Our troops on the last 5 planes out said the scene in Kabul was like a zombie apocalypse. There's Biden's legacy, he cowardly ran for the exit leaving Americans and Afghani's to die at the hands of the Taliban.

Ummmm, OK folks. You be you.
There is that video of Major General Chris Donahue.

And in sort of a curious pairing.....poster 'eastyt65' asserted that "no Americans" were on any of the last 5 planes out?

And yet, there is the honorable Major General Donahue.

Now, far be it from my poor avatar to call poster 'easyt65' a "liar".

Rather, he simply shoots from the lip with no vetting.
Hey, it happens to all of us.

'easyt65' and his doppelganger 'Rancid' their credibility no favors when their assertions are so easily disproven.

It's a ding on them
But sort of a slyboots tickle for the rest of us. :thup:

Just sayin'.

What on Earth are you babbling about?
"You do know I was talking US citizens, snowflake.........You're a special kind of stupid..."
"You are so stupid it’s pathetic."

Well, folks, I ain't gonna go full Defcon 4 on defending against that 'stupidity' charge on that damn independent avatar I use; however, my avatar may probably be one of the few here who thought that a Major General of the United States of America's Army would be.....hold for it......a "U.S. citizen".

But, it seems, posters 'easyt65' and his Pancho, 'lantern' seemingly think Major Generals can't also be citizens.

Who knew?
Our troops on the last 5 planes out said the scene in Kabul was like a zombie apocalypse. There's Biden's legacy, he cowardly ran for the exit leaving Americans and Afghani's to die at the hands of the Taliban.
so sad

Well, folks, I ain't gonna go full Defcon 4 on defending against that 'stupidity' charge on that damn independent avatar I use; however, my avatar may probably be one of the few here who thought that a Major General of the United States of America's Army would be.....hold for it......a "U.S. citizen".

But, it seems, posters 'easyt65' and his Pancho, 'lantern' seemingly think Major Generals can't also be citizens.

Who knew?
I'm sorry, I was wrong. You're not a special kind of stupid - you're an EXTRAORDINARY kind of stupid, one who actually believes everyone else will believe his kindergarten-level bullshit.

Thank you for admitting that the last 5 planes that left the airport in Kabul did not have any US American citizen evacuatees on board.

Attempting to claim a military general counts as a US citizen being evacuated is 'epic stupid', a pathetic attempt to save face - FAIL!

THE MILITARY was there to execute the failed mission of getting US citizens out of Afghanistan. They weren't the ones being evacuated. You're a liar...and a desperate one at that.

Well, folks, I ain't gonna go full Defcon 4 on defending against that 'stupidity' charge on that damn independent avatar I use; however, my avatar may probably be one of the few here who thought that a Major General of the United States of America's Army would be.....hold for it......a "U.S. citizen".

But, it seems, posters 'easyt65' and his Pancho, 'lantern' seemingly think Major Generals can't also be citizens.

Who knew?
Now proving you’re stupid. Where did I mention any general? Show it now. Running away from the fact that Americans have been left stranded in Afghanistan and have told people it is because, wait for it......they can’t get to the ONE airport due to Taliban stopping them.
Now proving you’re stupid. Where did I mention any general? Show it now. Running away from the fact that Americans have been left stranded in Afghanistan and have told people it is because, wait for it......they can’t get to the ONE airport due to Taliban stopping them.
That is the all-important bottom line:

Despite promising he would not leave Afghanistan until every US citizen was evacuated, Biden abandoned - lied to, betrayed, and left behind - hundreds of Americans.
That is the all-important bottom line:

Despite promising he would not leave Afghanistan until every US citizen was evacuated, Biden abandoned - lied to, betrayed, and left behind - hundreds of Americans.
And the families and friends of those left behind will not let Biden or any of his administration forget it. Likely the voters won’t forgive Dems for it come November 2022.
They couldn't have been too horrified, since none of them resigned. Liberals have no morality.

Snowflakes seem to be the only ones defending him - his own staff is ripping him for doing the 'unthinkable' -- Promising not to leave until ALL Americans are out then breaking that Promise by leaving Americans behind!

From the article...

A White House official said...

From easyt65 ...

'Un-named sources' = 'made up BS / lies"....always.

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