Biden's Renewable Energy Rush Is Making Gas Prices Skyrocket

I see the leftists here are busting out the oil company straw man again.

I see you are still schilling misinformation of the truth for Trump and the GOP

He just wants to force people to praise him for being green and expecting applause for making America renewable. And to get that money that's changing hands behind the scenes. He isn't trying to wreck the country as his only goal. He just will allow America to be wrecked to get to his goals because he doesn't care about america or Americans because our problems don't effect him. America could be buried under a tidal wave of shit and long as it's nice in his backyard he wouldn't care.

But anyone with a brain knows you can't magically and instantly make renewable energy happen over night. It will take decades of transition. And not only that but it will require new energy sources. You can't just force everyone to electric stuff because the strain of supplying it will be too great. The electricity has to come from somewhere.
The US still leads the world in oil and natural gas production, I don't see the green energy market suffering from that fact.
Unless something happened overnight that I'm not aware of we are still buying Russian oil as hard as we can.

Who is we cowboy? Do you think our president buys oil? Which one? Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden?

None of the Above. For 25 years not a single president bought Russian oil on the Global Market.

Saul Biden's Fault.
Recovery from ?????
The rapid deceleration in the demand for oil. Shutting down production is much easier than ramping up production. The oil industry took 10 years and 2 presidents to achieve 13mbd output. They dropped that 3 million barrels a day back the spring of 2020. Remember that?
He's doing a terrible job. Production is up but wasn't expected to break any records, but with higher prices you never know.
it's still below the peak in 2019. That's what made it difficult for Putin to invade his neighbors. No he can do whatever he wants because he has the Western countries by the balls.

You can never take a thing the left says at face value.
What did Biden do that created this rise... Maybe it was the Trump described genius that caused this?

Russia is one of the biggest suppliers of Gas in the world... Gas is a global commodity... Having a war, Gas prices are going to rise...

Fuck sake did ye need this explained to ye...
Europe has enough gas reserves to supply itself. It doesn't do that because it's infested with environmental wackos like you.
It's like they didn't notice a war happening with an OPEC member it's all about Joe is all they can retain.

I seem to recall prices being high prior to Russia invading Ukraine.
Enough. You are a real idiot who knows nothing about the oil business in the US or anywhere else. Presidents don't control the oil industry. We're still in recovery and the market is very volatile.
You are right! Presidents don't control the oil prices.
What they can do as Biden has demonstrated AFFECT the price of gas.
Almost 2 years ago, 4/1/20 under Trump ave gas price was $1.938
Today 3/3/22 gas price/gal.... $3.73 or over 91% increase in price!
Based on the average gas consumed per day in the USA of 338 million gallons at price increase of $1.775...means
Americans are spending nearly $600 million more per day than 2 years ago!
But read what the experts are telling you why you are paying nearly 100% more for gas today!

One of the most significant and unintended outcomes of the ruling is the government’s pause on new oil and gas leases and permits to drill on federal lands and waters.
Lease sales in states across the U.S. West, including Montana and Wyoming, are now delayed.
“Agencies are experiencing significant delays and wastes of resources as they scramble to rehash economic and environmental analyses prepared in connection with a broad array of government actions,” the Department of Justice wrote in a legal filing on Saturday.
“Work surrounding public-facing rules, grants, leases, permits, and other projects has been delayed or stopped altogether so that agencies can assess whether and how they can proceed,” the department wrote.


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it's still below the peak in 2019. That's what made it difficult for Putin to invade his neighbors. No he can do whatever he wants because he has the Western countries by the balls.

You can never take a thing the left says at face value.
It took a long time to climb the mountain the first time, and it will take time to climb it again.

It's like what that Japanese Admiral said after Pearl Harbor.

Regardless, the claim against renewables is as laughable as when that fool Governor of Texas tried to blame the States freeze failure on them.
Another day, same old bullshit in a new wrapper.

There has been no plausable connection between administration policy change and oil pricing thus far. Nothing this politico tripe article talks about would deliver oil to market for years and even then pricing difference would be quite small.

Meanwhile we've had BLATANTLY OBVIOUS reasons for inflation that don't require implausable bullshit to understand.
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You are right! Presidents don't control the oil prices.
What they can do as Biden has demonstrated AFFECT the price of gas.
Almost 2 years ago, 4/1/20 under Trump ave gas price was $1.938
Today 3/3/22 gas price/gal.... $3.73 or over 91% increase in price!
Based on the average gas consumed per day in the USA of 338 million gallons at price increase of $1.775...means
Americans are spending nearly $600 million more per day than 2 years ago!
But read what the experts are telling you why you are paying nearly 100% more for gas today!

One of the most significant and unintended outcomes of the ruling is the government’s pause on new oil and gas leases and permits to drill on federal lands and waters.
Lease sales in states across the U.S. West, including Montana and Wyoming, are now delayed.
“Agencies are experiencing significant delays and wastes of resources as they scramble to rehash economic and environmental analyses prepared in connection with a broad array of government actions,” the Department of Justice wrote in a legal filing on Saturday.
“Work surrounding public-facing rules, grants, leases, permits, and other projects has been delayed or stopped altogether so that agencies can assess whether and how they can proceed,” the department wrote.
Yeah, let's kill production again, pay people to stay at home again just so you can have cheap gasoline.

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