Biden's Renewable Energy Rush Is Making Gas Prices Skyrocket

Many power plants are powered by natural gas. Biden is choking that off as well. So first he forces utilities to convert to natural gas, then he chokes off the supply. This is the lunacy that Dims call "environmental policy."

Don't forget the steel mills and all similar manufacturing requiring large quantities of heat.

If Trump was a "dangerous incompetent" then Biden is so 10 raised to the googelplex power.

And the only republicans I see angry at all are the ones the democrats call "crazy."
Windmills require 70.64 acres per megawatt. Solar requires 43.50 acres per megawatt. Renewables would require 23% of Earth's land mass to be cleared of trees, and fauna. Nuclear, gas and coal require 12.71, 12.41 & 12.21 acres per megawatt. 'Greenies' are ignorant fools and they are being led by an incompetent fool.......Biden.

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Because of stupid Covid 'scamdemic' shut down policies that powerful Democrats foisted on the world.
A half million Americans died from COVID. Look at the history of epidemics in the US. If you broke the yellow fever line they would shoot you. There are people like you and me who didn't get sick, but I do care about the health of my countrymen. Do you?
Where are your links? YOUR facts. All you did was state your personal, uninformed subjective opinion!
Give me facts ok? So easy to do if you know how to use the Internet!
NOW for the FACTS Dummy!
2019 12.29 million a day
2020 11.18 million per day and yes we had COVID!
2021 11.85 million per day
... AND now we have a dummy president who thinks we produce too much CO2...hence
exploration on land that produces 24% of oil/gas is eliminated!

Which one is bigger? :slap:
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Which one is bigger? :slap:
Which number is bigger: 12.29 million barrels per day in 2019 OR
11.85 million barrels in 2021?
In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.
Presidents control federal land use and Biden stopped leases on government land, he also killed the Keystone pipeline. Trump had opened up drilling and fracking through his EOs, Biden killed those EOs with his own EOs.
The increase in our production was not because of any EO's Trump signed. It was discoveries in the Permian Basin. Biden implemented the same EPA restrictions as Obama. Those so called restrictions allowed the industry to expand and almost double it's production in Obama's 8 years.
The increase in our production was not because of any EO's Trump signed. It was discoveries in the Permian Basin. Biden implemented the same EPA restrictions as Obama. Those so called restrictions allowed the industry to expand and almost double it's production in Obama's 8 years.
FACTS... NONE! Why can't you provide links as I'm doing that SHOWS Obama reduced oil exploration leases which Trump had to increase just make up! FACTS!!!
NOTE: Source
NOTE: Obama had ONE year where more leases granted than the year before OUT of 8 years
NOTE: Trump was increasing leases yearly until COVID.. then fewer leases than year before!

The increase in our production was not because of any EO's Trump signed. It was discoveries in the Permian Basin. Biden implemented the same EPA restrictions as Obama. Those so called restrictions allowed the industry to expand and almost double it's production in Obama's 8 years.
OIl men discovered the Permian basin decades ago. It was fracking in the Permian basin, which Trump removed all the regulator obstacles to, that made it a productive field. The prog theory that people take great risk and undertake great exertions no matter how many obstacles the government throws in front of them is pure fantasy.
More fabricated hate from an ignorant fool.
What's making the price of grain rise at the same time? Is that Biden's policy on renewable energy also?
For a country totally reliable on oil, you certainly know nothing about the subject.
Because gasoline and diesel fuel are used to harvest and process the
A half million Americans died from COVID. Look at the history of epidemics in the US. If you broke the yellow fever line they would shoot you. There are people like you and me who didn't get sick, but I do care about the health of my countrymen. Do you?
There is no proof that shutting down the country did anything other than cause more pain and misery.
OIl men discovered the Permian basin decades ago. It was fracking in the Permian basin, which Trump removed all the regulator obstacles to, that made it a productive field. The prog theory that people take great risk and undertake great exertions no matter how many obstacles the government throws in front of them is pure fantasy.
They've been fracking in Texas since before I was born. Horizontal drilling and they found more oil deeper.
More fabricated hate from an ignorant fool.
What's making the price of grain rise at the same time? Is that Biden's policy on renewable energy also?
For a country totally reliable on oil, you certainly know nothing about the subject.
You told us year after year...."We know better you deplorable bastards". You are lying frauds and the sadness about it is you still have the real cult backing their agendas. You control the narrative with the media. You even have polls stating Americans want to pay more for the Ukranians. Oh, the Ukrainians! Let's pay 10 bucks a gallon...wheee! bwhahha..

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