Biden's Renewable Energy Rush Is Making Gas Prices Skyrocket

You are right! Presidents don't control the oil prices.
What they can do as Biden has demonstrated AFFECT the price of gas.
Almost 2 years ago, 4/1/20 under Trump ave gas price was $1.938
Today 3/3/22 gas price/gal.... $3.73 or over 91% increase in price!
Based on the average gas consumed per day in the USA of 338 million gallons at price increase of $1.775...means
Americans are spending nearly $600 million more per day than 2 years ago!
But read what the experts are telling you why you are paying nearly 100% more for gas today!

One of the most significant and unintended outcomes of the ruling is the government’s pause on new oil and gas leases and permits to drill on federal lands and waters.
Lease sales in states across the U.S. West, including Montana and Wyoming, are now delayed.
“Agencies are experiencing significant delays and wastes of resources as they scramble to rehash economic and environmental analyses prepared in connection with a broad array of government actions,” the Department of Justice wrote in a legal filing on Saturday.
“Work surrounding public-facing rules, grants, leases, permits, and other projects has been delayed or stopped altogether so that agencies can assess whether and how they can proceed,” the department wrote.
Why don't you read about oil instead of guessing? Russian exports are way down. Iraq has shut down 2 oilfields. Brent and West Texas intermediate are thru the roof. Expanded capacity is six months away for OPEC and US producers. There's a shortage of oil workers and sand for US producers. It's a perfect storm of uncertainty.
So the poor economy in 2020 wasn't Trump's fault then, right?

Let us put this debate to bed and follow the facts--------------->

In 2019, the world used 99.7 (average) million of barrels of oil a day! Ummm, how much was gasoline, or even a barrel of oil then!

In 2021, the world used 96.5 (average) million barrels of oil a day, and the price was going through the roof. No war going on at that time.

Now notice if you all will, that in 2021, the world actually used LESS oil per day than in 2019! Gee, wonder what changed that would cause the price to spike so high and continue up!

Now, we understand with this war going on today that prices are going to spike like crazy, just because of the Russian oil factor. Everybody gets that. But trying to explain away 2021 is a little hard for a Leftist, when the world used an average of 3 million barrels less a day, then it did in 19.

No, Joe Biden does NOT control the price of oil perse, but his policies on fossil fuels does affect them massively.

Trying to play the COVID card for the price increase last year is ridiculous, unless of course you want to address blue state oil producers being in permanent lockdown until just recently, and that is on who/whom? Why yes, that would be our good friends, the LEFTISTS!

The United Staes has more fossil fuels under our feet, then the House of Saud and Russia combined! Don't believe me? Check it out! So do not try this is NOT the fault of Leftist energy policy, it 100% is!
Let us put this debate to bed and follow the facts--------------->

In 2019, the world used 99.7 (average) million of barrels of oil a day! Ummm, how much was gasoline, or even a barrel of oil then!

In 2021, the world used 96.5 (average) million barrels of oil a day, and the price was going through the roof. No war going on at that time.

Now notice if you all will, that in 2021, the world actually used LESS oil per day than in 2019! Gee, wonder what changed that would cause the price to spike so high and continue up!

Now, we understand with this war going on today that prices are going to spike like crazy, just because of the Russian oil factor. Everybody gets that. But trying to explain away 2021 is a little hard for a Leftist, when the world used an average of 3 million barrels less a day, then it did in 19.

No, Joe Biden does NOT control the price of oil perse, but his policies on fossil fuels does affect them massively.

Trying to play the COVID card for the price increase last year is ridiculous, unless of course you want to address blue state oil producers being in permanent lockdown until just recently, and that is on who/whom? Why yes, that would be our good friends, the LEFTISTS!

The United Staes has more fossil fuels under our feet, then the House of Saud and Russia combined! Don't believe me? Check it out! So do not try this is NOT the fault of Leftist energy policy, it 100% is!
Say, looks like you left out the events for an entire year. Why did you do that? You skipped the economic slow down that cause such a glut in oil that it sold at one point for a negative dollar amount. That caused the oil producer to cut production in 2020. Long before Biden was president.
Say, looks like you left out the events for an entire year. Why did you do that? You skipped the economic slow down that cause such a glut in oil that it sold at one point for a negative dollar amount. That caused the oil producer to cut production in 2020. Long before Biden was president.

LOL, so you are suggesting that they capped the wells permanently? Ummm, when do you make more money on oil? Would it be at 50 dollars a barrel, or 85, 95, or 105?

Those wells are still there! Why aren't they pumping the liquid gold at this price?

Will we see a change? Depends, you following the SC case on the EPA? If they change the rules, your Leftist anti fossil fuel group is el-cooked! I won't explain it to you, because if nothing happens, it will do nothing. But, if they do, if your an enviro freak who loves the EPA while hating fossil fuels, you are going to be one sorry individual!
Why don't you read about oil instead of guessing? Russian exports are way down. Iraq has shut down 2 oilfields. Brent and West Texas intermediate are thru the roof. Expanded capacity is six months away for OPEC and US producers. There's a shortage of oil workers and sand for US producers. It's a perfect storm of uncertainty.
So then if YOU are such an expert....WHY shut down the exploration on land that provides 25% of the oil/gas the USA uses per day?
FACT (which you don't provide by the way!!!)
Q2: How will this affect U.S. oil and gas production?
A2: Federal land accounts for about 24 percent of oil and gas production in the United States, mainly in the offshore Gulf of Mexico.

Again... you show all the reasons for shortages... so then WHY stop exploration on Federal Lands???
LOL, so you are suggesting that they capped the wells permanently? Ummm, when do you make more money on oil? Would it be at 50 dollars a barrel, or 85, 95, or 105?

Those wells are still there! Why aren't they pumping the liquid gold at this price?

Will we see a change? Depends, you following the SC case on the EPA? If they change the rules, your Leftist anti fossil fuel group is el-cooked! I won't explain it to you, because if nothing happens, it will do nothing. But, if they do, if your an enviro freak who loves the EPA while hating fossil fuels, you are going to be one sorry individual!
Closing down a producing well is not easy but reopening it is harder.

"To restart production, it is necessary to bring a new rig, drill the cement plug, and pump the sludge blocking the well head. The hope is that oil will start to flow again. If this fails, you have to drill a new well, inject chemicals or even perform hydraulic fracturation (fracking). These steps are costly and labour intensive. If all oil companies try to resume operations at the same time, there aren’t enough work teams around to handle the workload. At the end of the last similar crisis, some restoration work had to wait up to two years."

Say, looks like you left out the events for an entire year. Why did you do that? You skipped the economic slow down that cause such a glut in oil that it sold at one point for a negative dollar amount. That caused the oil producer to cut production in 2020. Long before Biden was president.
So why would Biden then cut exploration on federal lands? Supply and demand drive prices.
If Biden was truly cognizant of the market system he wouldn't stop leasing on federal lands... because of climate?
Let us put this debate to bed and follow the facts--------------->

In 2019, the world used 99.7 (average) million of barrels of oil a day! Ummm, how much was gasoline, or even a barrel of oil then!

In 2021, the world used 96.5 (average) million barrels of oil a day, and the price was going through the roof. No war going on at that time.

Now notice if you all will, that in 2021, the world actually used LESS oil per day than in 2019! Gee, wonder what changed that would cause the price to spike so high and continue up!

Now, we understand with this war going on today that prices are going to spike like crazy, just because of the Russian oil factor. Everybody gets that. But trying to explain away 2021 is a little hard for a Leftist, when the world used an average of 3 million barrels less a day, then it did in 19.

No, Joe Biden does NOT control the price of oil perse, but his policies on fossil fuels does affect them massively.

Trying to play the COVID card for the price increase last year is ridiculous, unless of course you want to address blue state oil producers being in permanent lockdown until just recently, and that is on who/whom? Why yes, that would be our good friends, the LEFTISTS!

The United Staes has more fossil fuels under our feet, then the House of Saud and Russia combined! Don't believe me? Check it out! So do not try this is NOT the fault of Leftist energy policy, it 100% is!
Facts... U.S. Holds Most Recoverable Oil Reserves
264 billion barrels greatest amount!
Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 4.27.02 PM.png
So with 264 billion barrels in known oil in the USA..
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
338,000,000 gallons a day...means using oil converted to gas means a 117 year supply!

Thnx for the table Health, and you didn't even go into natural gas which we are blessed with up the wazoo. As you and I have contended, this is all about LEFTIST POLICY!

I am also under the impression, but do not quote me as accurate-------->when a lease on federal land is handed out, it is a requirement that X amount of the extraction must be made available for domestic use.

People like you and I, do not understand what Leftists are thinking, or why they even think it. From Jimmy Carter forward, all we heard was we need to be energy independent, so we didn't have to rely on the Middle East, and be dragged into foreign wars needlessly. To this day, 3/4 of the Leftists on here will proclaim that GW went to war in Iraq over oil, because he was an oil man.

The Left has created a circular firing squad for America. We have the ability to need nobody for our energy needs, put pressure on energy prices either UP, or DOWN anytime we so choose, but instead, we want to deal with Putin.

Does Putin have an EPA? No he does NOT! So it would far cleaner extraction here than there, and as the Leftists like to say----->we are one world! So where would it be extracted with less impact on the planets enviro system? Here of course!

In reality, they have no logical leg to stand on, they just don't; unless they can talk everyone else into not using fossil fuels. They refuse to do that, instead trying to screw us because of our political system. The fact is---------->while the Left tries to insist we love Putin, it is they who through energy policy, are supporting him. That is a fact, and we can prove it!
He just wants to force people to praise him for being green and expecting applause for making America renewable. And to get that money that's changing hands behind the scenes. He isn't trying to wreck the country as his only goal. He just will allow America to be wrecked to get to his goals because he doesn't care about america or Americans because our problems don't effect him. America could be buried under a tidal wave of shit and long as it's nice in his backyard he wouldn't care.

But anyone with a brain knows you can't magically and instantly make renewable energy happen over night. It will take decades of transition. And not only that but it will require new energy sources. You can't just force everyone to electric stuff because the strain of supplying it will be too great. The electricity has to come from somewhere.
Not to mention the batteries that enable electric vehicles are made from "rare earth" (lithium) which must be mined and is limited in supply, just like fossil fuels. Furthermore anyone who's ever owned a laptop knows those rare earth batteries don't hold a charge forever. Nobody ever replaces the batteries in electric vehicles as they cost almost as much as the car, they just dump the vehicle. Have you seen the electric vehicle graveyards in Europe?
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KEY statement "IF HIGHER prices HOLD"!!! HOLD?
4/1/20 lowest price $1.908
3/6/22 $4.060.
Difference: $2.122
Increase from 4/1/20 to 36/22 109.49%
View attachment 611799
Yes dumbass, when travel shuts down due to deadly pandemic, gasoline is cheap.

The statement was made that US oil production was cut under Biden. That is a counterfactual. Oil production plummeted in 2020 and then grew from there.

Nothing you've said refutes that.
Yes dumbass, when travel shuts down due to deadly pandemic, gasoline is cheap.

The statement was made that US oil production was cut under Biden. That is a counterfactual. Oil production plummeted in 2020 and then grew from there.

Nothing you've said refutes that.
Where are your links? YOUR facts. All you did was state your personal, uninformed subjective opinion!
Give me facts ok? So easy to do if you know how to use the Internet!
NOW for the FACTS Dummy!

In 2019, the U.S. produced 12.29 million barrels of crude oil per day, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
That figure was 11.28 million in 2020
and is estimated to be 11.18 million in 2021 and
11.85 million in 2022.
AND now we had a dummy like you voted for BAN exploration leases on Federal land that produced 24%!
GEEZ what is so hard to comprehend!
2019 12.29 million a day
2020 11.18 million per day and yes we had COVID!
2021 11.85 million per day... AND now we have a dummy president who thinks we produce too much CO2...hence
exploration on land that produces 24% of oil/gas is eliminated!
Enough. You are a real idiot who knows nothing about the oil business in the US or anywhere else. Presidents don't control the oil industry. We're still in recovery and the market is very volatile.
Presidents control federal land use and Biden stopped leases on government land, he also killed the Keystone pipeline. Trump had opened up drilling and fracking through his EOs, Biden killed those EOs with his own EOs.

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