Biden's Results have been Truly Remarkable and Incredible

Lol…always with the false narratives eh? Look, Putin is a ruthless killer, and I don’t give a damn what some back bench freshman says. You clearly by your divisive lies support communist ideals like that of your hero Putin, that is clear.
SO now you just ignore what Marjorie Greene said, after supporting her every move??

trump openly praised Putin days ago...
Trump has openly supported and enabled Putin for years
All the Trumpers have supported and rooted for Putin for years, even saying they hope Putin wins days ago, before this blew up in your face.
Marjorie Greene has openly supported Putin.

russia love.jpg
I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

Yep.....gas from 2.49 to over 4 dollars heading to record time...

Allowing putin to invade ukraine while he continues to buy Russian oil.....anyone know where hunter is and whether the "big guy," is getting his 10% from those oil sales?

violent crime up through the roof, in particular in black neighborhoods in democrat party controlled cities

and the booming economy? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You mean the jobs that people are now going back to instead of jobs actually created... are power drinking that democrat party should slow down, they need you to be able to vote over and over again in the next two elections..
SO now you just ignore what Marjorie Greene said, after supporting her every move??

Show me where I have supported MTG at any time....I'll wait...But of course you'll just lie with nothing to back up your claims...It's what progressives do...

trump openly praised Putin days ago...


"ORLANDO, Fla., Feb 26 (Reuters) - Former President Donald Trump condemned on Saturday Russia's invasion of Ukraine and said he was praying for Ukrainians..."

"Trump expressed empathy for Ukrainians and this time praised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, calling him "brave" as he stays in Kyiv, the capital.

"The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling. We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all," Trump said."

That doesn't sound like praise for Putin to me....

Trump has openly supported and enabled Putin for years

Wrong again....Do you ever not lie?

All the Trumpers have supported and rooted for Putin for years, even saying they hope Putin wins days ago, before this blew up in your face.

Wrong again....and just plain stupid to as "All" of any group...Further, who is this "they?" Sounds like you are making shit up as usual...

Marjorie Greene has openly supported Putin.

Again, who cares about a freshman congresswoman, or what she says? In fact the only reason you idiots have zeroed in on her is because of your lazy desire to distort anything that doesn't fall in line with your stupid assertions....

As usual, all you have here are lies...
Show me where I have supported MTG at any time....I'll wait...But of course you'll just lie with nothing to back up your claims...It's what progressives do...


"ORLANDO, Fla., Feb 26 (Reuters) - Former President Donald Trump condemned on Saturday Russia's invasion of Ukraine and said he was praying for Ukrainians..."

"Trump expressed empathy for Ukrainians and this time praised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, calling him "brave" as he stays in Kyiv, the capital.

"The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling. We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all," Trump said."

That doesn't sound like praise for Putin to me....

Wrong again....Do you ever not lie?

Wrong again....and just plain stupid to as "All" of any group...Further, who is this "they?" Sounds like you are making shit up as usual...

Again, who cares about a freshman congresswoman, or what she says? In fact the only reason you idiots have zeroed in on her is because of your lazy desire to distort anything that doesn't fall in line with your stupid assertions....

As usual, all you have here are lies...
You have openly defended marjorie Greene despite all her repeated trash comments
Trump has openly praised Putin repeatedly, you choose to ignore this because you are a total sheep and reality is too harsh for you to accept.
Trump has openly buddied up to Putin.

Everything you post is spin.
You post empty words

You can try to spin this anyway you want, but the reality Trump has fully praised and supported Russia/Putin, repeatedly. AND the evidence is all right there, massive amounts of evidence... maybe you should do some HW.
Trump supporters have fully praised and supported Russia/Putin repeatedly.
You can cherry pick a few statements where Trump might criticize Putin, but it doesn't change tha fact that trump has a long long long long history of supporting and praising Putin every step of the way, including days ago.
Marjorie greene has supported Putin even speaking at disgusting racist rallies in full support of Putin. None of you have come out against Marjorie Greene, you all support and defend her. This isn't the first time she has done this either.

You make repeated excuses for the despicable actions of trump and trump supporters.
Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow.
There is no accountability in the GOP at all.
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I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

Funny stuff, none true but you should apply for a position at the onion or babylon bee.
Funny stuff, none true but you should apply for a position at the onion or babylon bee.
Its so funny how the facts i post make you squirm

All I do is post facts. All you do is say "its not true"

Pathetic response

GDP in 2019: +2.13% weak and terrible. That Trump's numbers. Weak and terrible
GDP in 2021: +5.7% BOOOMMMM!!!!!!

I can go on and on and on. Biden has destroyed Trump and Biden's economy is booming while trump had a mediocre economy with low growth and massive deficits.

The facts are kryptonite to you.
All I do is post facts over an dover, and watch you trash squirm and flail at the facts I post

Wrong again....I posted back up for my claims...and from liberal sources, so I am laughing at your silliness....

You have openly defended marjorie Greene despite all her repeated trash comments

I am still waiting for you to post where I have done that....You can't so you lie...

Trump has openly praised Putin repeatedly, you choose to ignore this because you are a total sheep and reality is too harsh for you to accept.
Trump has openly buddied up to Putin.

Wrong...Trump has rebuked them, and placed the toughest sanctions on them that Biden removed on day 1....What you are posting are ridiculous lies that have been debunked over and over....But you continue to repeat them like the good little lemming you are...

Everything you post is spin.
You post empty words

Clinical projection.

You can try to spin this anyway you want, but the reality Trump has fully praised and supported Russia/Putin, repeatedly.
Trump supporters have fully praised and supported Russia/Putin repeatedly.

You're crazy....and trolling won't help your lies....

You can cherry pick a few statements where Trump might criticize Putin, but it doesn't change tha fact that trump has a long long long long history of supporting and praising Putin every step of the way, including days ago.

So you admit that Trump rebuked Putin...

Marjorie greene has supported Putin even speaking at disgusting racist rallies in full support of Putin. None of you have come out against Marjorie Greene, you all support and defend her. This isn't the first time she has done this either.

Man, you are stuck on the back bencher aren't you? Again show me? Back up your assertions....

You make repeated excuses for the despicable actions of trump and trump supporters.

I do? where?

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow.

Wow! You need a mirror...

There is no accountability in the GOP at all.

We don't account to the likes of you traitor....
Its so funny how the facts i post make you squirm

All I do is post facts. All you do is say "its not true"

Pathetic response

GDP in 2019: +2.13% weak and terrible. That Trump's numbers. Weak and terrible
GDP in 2021: +5.7% BOOOMMMM!!!!!!

I can go on and on and on. Biden has destroyed Trump and Biden's economy is booming while trump had a mediocre economy with low growth and massive deficits.

The facts are kryptonite to you.
All I do is post facts over an dover, and watch you trash squirm and flail at the facts I post

No, your posts are full of lies, propaganda, feelings, and emotions. There is no substance or truth in them. Therefore, they are to be ignored. Only an ultra partisan hack says things like biden, bush, obama were/are the greatest leaders of the modern era.

he destroyed jobs yet he has the best job hiring rate in US history

Biden just gave us +678k jobs, a booming number. On top of that Biden's booming economy is growing GDP at an incredible clip.
+7% in Q4.
Trump had a pathetic weak little +2.13% in 2019. See the difference between Trump's trash economy and Biden's booming economy??

Biden's economy is just getting started and will continue to rip all year

Enjoy !!
Please, wake up. You are trying to claim Biden has created 678K jobs when in fact all of those jobs are being filled by those that lost their jobs in the first place. NO NEW JOBS! Biden is just a waste of space and you can't make a purse out of a pig's ear.
I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

Record employment? Looks like record number of people not working to me for the civilian workforce with some jobs returning following the massive covid lay offs---and you don't understand our record debt and inflation...

Wrong again....I posted back up for my claims...and from liberal sources, so I am laughing at your silliness....

I am still waiting for you to post where I have done that....You can't so you lie...

Wrong...Trump has rebuked them, and placed the toughest sanctions on them that Biden removed on day 1....What you are posting are ridiculous lies that have been debunked over and over....But you continue to repeat them like the good little lemming you are...

Clinical projection.

You're crazy....and trolling won't help your lies....

So you admit that Trump rebuked Putin...

Man, you are stuck on the back bencher aren't you? Again show me? Back up your assertions....

I do? where?

Wow! You need a mirror...

We don't account to the likes of you traitor....
Funny watching you flail here.
Trump's number 1 world ally and buddy was putin.

Trump's repeated praise and alliance with Putin has blown up in his face, just like his fake claims of election fraud that never happened.
Just like when Trump called putin smart days ago.

Now you are left to defend Trump yet again for his failures and terrible decisions. Trump fucks up over and over again and you always defend his every fuck up. Just like you defend Bush's failed presidency. You people have absolutely no accountability. No accountability at all.

Can you even admit Trump lost the election?
Because if you can't admit Trump lost the election then you have no credibility at all...
I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

Congress approving $4.5 trillion during the pandemic, the results are going to be good, opening up the economy after the pandemic shutdown we better be seeing growth. Wages increased 4.7% in 2021 and inflation rose 7% in 2021 another net loss for the middle class

Top it off with higher interest rates, $4 plus a gallon for gas and it continuing in the coming year. I’m not sure it is all that great. He is doing well in the Ukraine crisis, too bad he can’t see the crisis’ in this country
No, your posts are full of lies, propaganda, feelings, and emotions. There is no substance or truth in them. Therefore, they are to be ignored. Only an ultra partisan hack says things like biden, bush, obama were/are the greatest leaders of the modern era.
All I post is facts. You just can't handle the facts.

Here are the facts:
GDP in 2019: +2.13% weak and terrible. That Trump's numbers. Weak and terrible
GDP in 2021: +5.7% BOOOMMMM!!!!!!

Deal with it.
I can post more facts and numbers if you'd like...
Trump's economy was weak.
Biden's economy is booming, and is much much better than Trump's because the numbers prove this.
Funny watching you flail here.
Trump's number 1 world ally and buddy was putin.

Trump's repeated praise and alliance with Putin has blown up in his face, just like his fake claims of election fraud that never happened.
Just like when Trump called putin smart days ago.

Now you are left to defend Trump yet again for his failures and terrible decisions. Trump fucks up over and over again and you always defend his every fuck up. Just like you defend Bush's failed presidency. You people have absolutely no accountability. No accountability at all.

Can you even admit Trump lost the election?
Because if you can't admit Trump lost the election then you have no credibility at all...
LOL...You are a Carachure. What a buffoon you are.....
LOL...You are a Carachure. What a buffoon you are.....
Funny watching you implode over the facts I post

All i do is post facts.

Trump has praised Putin repeatedly including days ago. its a fact
Trump supporters have repeatedly praised Putin and rooted for him. its a fact
Trump had weak low GDP growth, much weaker than Biden and Clinton. its a fact
trumo had mega massive deficits both before and after covid. its a fact

You can't handle these facts. These facts destroy you. These facts make you flail
I can post more facts.
And make you cry...

GDP in 2019: +2.13% weak and terrible. That Trump's numbers. Weak and terrible
GDP in 2021: +5.7% BOOOMMMM!!!!!!
Biden just gave us +678k jobs !!! boom
SO now you just ignore what Marjorie Greene said, after supporting her every move??

trump openly praised Putin days ago...
Trump has openly supported and enabled Putin for years
All the Trumpers have supported and rooted for Putin for years, even saying they hope Putin wins days ago, before this blew up in your face.
Marjorie Greene has openly supported Putin.

View attachment 611109
Saying nice things to idiots that you want to behave is not a sign of affection for the idiot---it is simply a basic technique to get people to do what you want. Trump didn't want PUTIN attacking others, so Trump was kind in his words, while letting Putin know that he carried a big stick and would be using it on PUTIN if he got out of line.

To bad Biden and his stupid supporters can't grasp this simple technique.
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Funny watching you implode over the facts I post

All i do is post facts.

Trump has praised Putin repeatedly including days ago. its a fact
Trump supporters have repeatedly praised Putin and rooted for him. its a fact
Trump had weak low GDP growth, much weaker than Biden and Clinton. its a fact
trumo had mega massive deficits both before and after covid. its a fact

You can't handle these facts. These facts destroy you. These facts make you flail
I can post more facts.
And make you cry...

GDP in 2019: +2.13% weak and terrible. That Trump's numbers. Weak and terrible
GDP in 2021: +5.7% BOOOMMMM!!!!!!
Biden just gave us +678k jobs !!! boom
Lol...Whatever you tell yourself....
the russian invasion of Ukraine has raised gas prices a lot.
I get it, you are jealous that Biden is better than trump with better results and a better economy, but don't blame Biden for Putin's doing.
That is why you don't root for and support Putin

"He's my Czar"
"I'm rooting for Putin"
Blaming inflation and gas prices on Russia is just one more lie that idiots like the OP try to pass of as truth. The country turned into shit before this Russia crap even started.
Make no mistake. Joe Biden is 100% responsible for gas prices. Putin wouldn’t be invading Ukraine if Biden hadn’t made us dependent on foreign oil, including Russian oil. If that idiot hadn’t ended our energy independence, whatever Putin did wouldn’t effect us.

Trump would have simply increased our production, sent it to Europe and other countries and completely cut off the Russians. Putin knew that and it’s why he didn’t do anything while Trump was in office.

Biden has destroyed everything he has touched. The only reason jobs are increasing is because CoVid is ending. It had nothing at all to do with Sleepy Joe.
Biden needs to call Putin’s bluff. Putin threatens a nuclear war which would result in mutual destruction. Putin may even call for such a strike, but I can assure you, Putin’s military would not comply.


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