Biden's Results have been Truly Remarkable and Incredible

So now the apologists for Sleepy joe's utter failure are now saying we should like being overly taxed. How stupid do these elites really think we are.
Hey dumbass, you do realize Sleepy joe is letting Russia invade Ukraine this very moment on his watch.

I think all of these morons are acolytes of Baghdad Bob!

Bacon is $14 a pound
Gas is on its way to $6 a gallon
Crab legs are $ 55 a pound.

The economy is booming for the rich, the democrats, for wall st.
Excuse me... Very Rich people are both Democrat & republican plus a few odd balls thrown in. They all run or influence both Wall Street And all political party's. Don't confuse greed & personal power with any real concern for the average American.
Excuse me... Very Rich people are both Democrat & republican plus a few odd balls thrown in. They all run or influence both Wall Street And all political party's. Don't confuse greed & personal power with any real concern for the average American.
yes, I wont confuse greed and personal power with real concern?

It is a shame we must suffer the stupidity of democrat policies which have resulted in this current economy.
What an ignorant fuck you are. Biden has nothing to do with it, and your five word retarded explanation doesn't fix your argument. Stop arguing like you're in the second fucking grade. Man up pussy. Is there an ounce of intelligence in that vegetable head of yours?
weird how you think you can blame Trump for things that happened on his watch he had nothing to do with then get pissy when YOUR standard us applied to your Vegetable Messiah.

Fuck off, Dipshit.
I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

Seek help before it is too late.

Biden has done nothing, jobs that were lost because of the stupid lockdowns that are now coming back have nothing to do with any Biden policies.

The huge inflation numbers are on Biden

The rising prices for energy are on Biden and a handful of jackass Blue States that refuse new powerlines and pipelines for NG.

We went from a net exporter of oil to once again importing large quantities and that includes record amounts from Russia.

We have the most dangerous international situation since the Cuban Missile Criss in Ukraine. Thanks to Biden placating Putin on Nord Stream 2, killing our own energy development by shutting Keystone XL and barring drilling on federal lands, then putting the kibosh on an NG pipeline from the Mideast to Europe which when up and running would have reduced Europe's dependence on Russian NG.

The little fat man in North Korea is once again shooting off longer-range rockets while Biden is capitulating to Iran as he is made a mockery of and a fool of by Iran and Russia (using Russian help to negotiate the "deal").

All this and so much more which Biden has done to hurt America, Americans. and the world.

The world is a far more dangerous place now than when President Trump left office and was replaced by Resident Biden.
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Since the old toast Xiden stole the election everything is going wrong the result it is more like hell on earth .
I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

Joe Biden is "winning" like a chimpanzee is a real society gentleman when he's dressed in a little tuxedo
and given a cigar to smoke and a monocle.
Some people find it amazing and funny but the facsimile is nothing like the real thing.

And the people that believe a chimp is a dressed up gentleman
are profoundly retarded ass smoochers.
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I'm sorry but you are impossible to take seriously, you are simply "that guy" who infests internet forum sites and always stands self out from the crowd by adopting the most ridiculous and stupid of positions, no matter fucking what! You don't earn yourself a 35% presidential approval rating with the American people, if your results are awesomely magnificent, you get 35% approval when you are irrefutably King Mud as opposed to King Midas! :fu:
More like Joe Biden is like king, my ass! Joe Biden's approval rating over handling of Ukraine war flounders


trump was the one who buddied up to Putin repeatedly. trump even called Putin smart a few days ago...
Marjhorie Greene supports Putin and attends rallies with people openly rooting for Putin. "He's my Czar"

You posts are all fake news. You are too stupid to even realize what the trash GOP and trash trump say and support. You don't even know what the people you sheepishly support say and do...

Trump, Trumpers, and the trash GOP have openly supported Putin for years, even calling him smart and openly rooting for him. "He's my czar" "I'm rooting for Putin"

You are delusional trash, your delusional post proves this...
Who said "I'm rooting for Putin"? And you don't have to admire Putin to admit he's clever even if ruthless
and maniacal.

Whatever Trump did to keep Putin out of Ukraine Joe Depends should try some of that.!

Clearly that baboon's ass of a president, Biden, isn't deterring Putin from attacking Ukraine.
Yep.....gas from 2.49 to over 4 dollars heading to record time...

Allowing putin to invade ukraine while he continues to buy Russian oil.....anyone know where hunter is and whether the "big guy," is getting his 10% from those oil sales?

violent crime up through the roof, in particular in black neighborhoods in democrat party controlled cities

and the booming economy? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You mean the jobs that people are now going back to instead of jobs actually created... are power drinking that democrat party should slow down, they need you to be able to vote over and over again in the next two elections..
He drinks Fool Aid! By the gallon!
Funny watching you flail here.
Trump's number 1 world ally and buddy was putin.
Where are your "facts" here? Any idiot can hurl insults and make baseless accusations.
You know Robert Mueller conducted a two year investigation and spent millions digging for the truth
of Trump and Russia.
None of your allegations against Trump were made by Mueller! You're a blustering asshole! Face it!

Trump's repeated praise and alliance with Putin has blown up in his face, just like his fake claims of election fraud that never happened.
Just like when Trump called putin smart days ago.
Here Are The Facts. Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links | Sharyl Attkisson
Putin IS smart by the way. That doesn't stop him from being an evil megalomaniac.
Same with Napoleon or Stalin. Someone can be smart and not a good person.
Have you ever heard that before?
Now you are left to defend Trump yet again for his failures and terrible decisions. Trump fucks up over and over again and you always defend his every fuck up. Just like you defend Bush's failed presidency. You people have absolutely no accountability. No accountability at all.
You're a blathering moron! I defend Trump when he is right (which was often). And not
when he has been wrong. Should I automatically praise Trump the way you lick Joe Biden's
boots without any discretion at all such as you do just like Baghdad Bob?
You're a stooge so fuck off!
Can you even admit Trump lost the election?
Because if you can't admit Trump lost the election then you have no credibility at all...
Wow! You impugning my credibility is like some porn slut claiming Kim Kardashian has no morals.
I don't think I need to dignify your comments since they are so absurd.

There is enough anomalous information about the 2020 election which should cause any
thinking rational person to withhold judgement on the covid election and all the laws that
were violated to get Joe Biden in office. Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links | Sharyl Attkisson
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I love how you hate the Patriots and hate Biden's success and booming economy.

6 Superbowls !!!

Mac Jones is an obvious winner and the best QB drafted. The coaches suck, its all BB. BB will win another superbowl with Mac Jones for sure.

The Patriots are the best team in NFL history because they always win. Biden is one of the best presidents in US history because he always wins.
The economy is zooming and booming and Biden's foreign policy is fixing all the Trump fuck ups per usual.
I only care about the results.
And Biden is winning like the NE Patriots, a dynasty of winning.

The big numbers Biden is putting up are incredible, truly remarkable

Booming zooming economy with the best job creation in US history and incredibly low unemployment and wages ripping, running, and exploding !
Foreign policy Grand Slams, uniting the world, uniting NATO, making Putin look stupid, making Trump and the GOP that have endorsed/allied with Putin look STUPID ("he's my czar")!

Biden has the best results of any president of the modern era

Super Mega Booming economy, booming GDP and growth, booming jobs and wages
Foreign policy wins, and a united world, united behind Biden.
Biden is the clear leader of the world right now. Biden is leading the world as we speak.

dementia joe is an idiot

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