Biden's Speech On Russian Energy Sanctions A Knife In American Families' Backs!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Joseph Biden in his speech today banning the purchase in America of Russian oil, natural gas and coal provided another example how he is a slick talking, half-truths peddler to the American people. His ducking the issue of the administration doing its part to responsibly increase domestic production of these energy sources gets one sick how he is throwing the American consumer under the bus because they are going to pay dramatically more to fill their family's cars with gasoline, heat their homes, provide electricity for their residences and deal with overall inflation. President Biden says that the U.S. oil and gas companies already have nine-thousand outstanding drilling permits approved these companies can drill if they want to there is no need for dramatic action by his administration. Olde Joe forgets to add that the production fields of these companies only have a ten to twenty year life span left in them if they increase production like the country needs them to they will have little oil and natural gas production in five to seven years, how are they to maintain their earnings and maintain their stock price. The President Joseph Biden administration upon coming into office began to launch and continues a campaign to kill the domestic oil and natural gas production industry, why would the U.S. domestic fuel industry use their reserves when the administration is blocking them from getting and using additional reserves are their CEO's suicidal are they stupid? Absolutely Not! President Joseph Biden if you want to be responsible on this issue roll back your seven times increase rating of the environmental and related economic damage of this type of energy production and guarantee this roll back for fifteen years by enacting it into a Congressional law. President Biden unless you do an action like this all your smooth talking is just that smooth talking which will leave a lot of American families under severe economic hardship!
Joe is lying about the available leases for drilling...many are held up in court and not worth the cost of pursuing.... Joe knows this because that's their plan to reduce drilling.... make it too expensive with litigation from environmental groups....
So he is knowingly lying about drilling... this disaster at the pump is all on Biden and his cabinet full of Ivy league tree huggers....
Joe is lying about the available leases for drilling...many are held up in court and not worth the cost of pursuing.... Joe knows this because that's their plan to reduce drilling.... make it too expensive with litigation from environmental groups....
So he is knowingly lying about drilling... this disaster at the pump is all on Biden and his cabinet full of Ivy league tree huggers....
Lying Biden failed to mention his EPA war on oil, jacking up the royalties to the point those leases are economically unviable and all the other anti oil scheming these puke Dems are engaged in. Well now Biden and Dems are caught with their pants down. Banning drilling on some of our best reserves. Canceling pipelines. All in support of their alternative energy money schemes which are doomed to failure unless Dems can jack the price of gas up through the roof.
Remember when Obama said they can open coal plants but he will make sure that it will cost them too much to do so.... well Joe is doing that with oil and natural gas.... and that's why gasoline is over $4 nationally.... it has less to do with the war.... it has more to do with an anti-fossil fuel USA policy....
Most REAL Americans are willing to suffer for a while in an effort to stop the 21st century Hitler from his quest to reconstitute the old USSR. Those who are not are either unpatriotic or Putin lovers.

Sorry Comrade,
this move is supported by 80% of Americans and has strong bi-partisan support. It is going to cause some short term pain, but is it small compared to the damage that the murderer Putin is causing.
You are such a putz. Of course now that Poopeypants has funded Putin's war and shut down American oil production, Americans are going to want to stop funding Putin. But they also want US oil production back to Trump levels. Idiot.

Sorry Comrade, this move is supported by 80% of Americans and has strong bi-partisan support. It is going to cause some short term pain, but is it small compared to the damage that the murderer Putin is causing.
"Bipartisan"....Fucking rube...

Most REAL Americans are willing to suffer for a while in an effort to stop the 21st century Hitler from his quest to reconstitute the old USSR. Those who are not are either unpatriotic or Putin lovers.
No we arent because we don't need to. Most Americans still work and have to drive a lot. Dimmers like you should thank us for funding your SNAP bennies. Idiot.
President Joseph Biden in his speech today banning the purchase in America of Russian oil, natural gas and coal provided another example how he is a slick talking, half-truths peddler to the American people. His ducking the issue of the administration doing its part to responsibly increase domestic production of these energy sources gets one sick how he is throwing the American consumer under the bus because they are going to pay dramatically more to fill their family's cars with gasoline, heat their homes, provide electricity for their residences and deal with overall inflation. President Biden says that the U.S. oil and gas companies already have nine-thousand outstanding drilling permits approved these companies can drill if they want to there is no need for dramatic action by his administration. Olde Joe forgets to add that the production fields of these companies only have a ten to twenty year life span left in them if they increase production like the country needs them to they will have little oil and natural gas production in five to seven years, how are they to maintain their earnings and maintain their stock price. The President Joseph Biden administration upon coming into office began to launch and continues a campaign to kill the domestic oil and natural gas production industry, why would the U.S. domestic fuel industry use their reserves when the administration is blocking them from getting and using additional reserves are their CEO's suicidal are they stupid? Absolutely Not! President Joseph Biden if you want to be responsible on this issue roll back your seven times increase rating of the environmental and related economic damage of this type of energy production and guarantee this roll back for fifteen years by enacting it into a Congressional law. President Biden unless you do an action like this all your smooth talking is just that smooth talking which will leave a lot of American families under severe economic hardship!
Pro Putin, eh?
I didn't watch that asshole spew his bullshit lies.

I found cleaning three litter boxes to be more enjoyable.

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