Biden's Starting To Get An Idea

9:21 a.m.: Dana Bash to Mark Meadows

What is Trump doing to pence ?!!

2:12 p.m.: Jim Acosta to Mark Meadows

Will potus say something to tamp things down?

2:14 p.m.: Kristen Welker to Mark Meadows

Reaction to protester?

2:28 p.m.: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home.

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

This is hurting all of us

2:33 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

He is destroying his legacy and playing into every stereotype … we lose all credibility against the BLM/Antifa crowd if things go South

2:34 p.m.: Carlton Huffman to Mark Meadows

You’ve earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you’re the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that

2:34 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

You can tell him I said this

2:35 p.m.: Mick Mulvaney to Mark Meadows

Mark: he needs to stop this, now
. Can I do anything to help?

2:38 p.m.: Michael Shear to Mark Meadows

Hey mark. Protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

It’s really bad up here on the hill.

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

They have breached the Capitol.

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We are under siege in the cpaitol

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

There’s an armed standoff at the house chamber door

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We’re all helpless

2:46 p.m.: Rep. Will Timmons to Mark Meadows

The president needs to stop this ASAP

2:47 p.m.: Mario Parker to Mark Meadows

Is Potus going to take the podium to quell this unrest?

Trump chose to jerk off for three hours while people were dying and cops were getting mauled. Rather than try to calm the mob, he sicced them on Pence.

I must make a correction to a statement I said earlier. I said only the President and VP can call out the Guard.

In fact, only the President and the Secretary of Defense can call out the Guard. Pence was not authorized to call out the Gard.

Trump jerked off for three hours rather than give the order or to call on his insurrectionists to stop, despite his family, his staff, and his media and congressional lickspittles begging him to act.

Upon being informed of the insurrection, the SecDef IMMEDIATELY called out the Guard.
Before Trump jerked off he specifically encouraged the protesters to be peaceful. But, it's good to know that you now believe Trump was jerking off instead of telling his followers to be insurrectionists. You're actually making a little progress toward the truth.
Yes, that is really how I feel. The White House is just a building, just like we were told about the Capital Building a couple years ago.

The American Flag is the symbol of our country, it represents our country. The White House does not.
The White House is held in high esteem by most Americans. It's the home of the President and family. When you visit people's home do you have an attitude that It's just a building and you can act in a disrespectful rude manner?
The White House is held in high esteem by most Americans. It's the home of the President and family. When you visit people's home do you have an attitude that It's just a building and you can act in a disrespectful rude manner?
Gator thinks there is no behavior that is unacceptable.
Before Trump jerked off he specifically encouraged the protesters to be peaceful. But, it's good to know that you now believe Trump was jerking off instead of telling his followers to be insurrectionists. You're actually making a little progress toward the truth.
All those people dying and cops being brutalized and our democracy almost falling made Trump rock hard.
The White House is held in high esteem by most Americans. It's the home of the President and family.

Do you hold the current occupant of the White House in high esteem?

When you visit people's home do you have an attitude that It's just a building and you can act in a disrespectful rude manner?

No, as I have respect for the people whose homes I would enter, I have not had any such respect for the occupant of the White House in 40 years or more.
Do you hold the current occupant of the White House in high esteem?

No, as I have respect for the people whose homes I would enter, I have not had any such respect for the occupant of the White House in 40 years or more.
Ok, but can you understand the millions of other Americans who do expect manners at the White House regardless of who the President is?
Yeah, the freaks were so respectable at the White House, huh. They were respected and honored, then acted like freaks always do. Ever hear the old saying "A leopard can't change its spots".
Seems to be all about one podcaster activist and respectable operation in a way not what you have been led to believe at all, Super Duper.
Ok, but can you understand the millions of other Americans who do expect manners at the White House regardless of who the President is?

And we used to expect manners towards the POTUS, regardless of who the POTUS was.

That ship has sailed, so why should their house still get it?
You still mad, fake libertarian?

Why is it you defend Biden, trannies, queers... virtually every leftist agenda?

I know why. Now shush, you will never influence me.

Of course I can never influence you, you are a cult member and beyond any influence but those of your leaders.

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