Biden's Starting To Get An Idea

"It is written". Jesus is the Word. Every time Jesus spoke in the Old Testament He was establishing the Word of God. Jesus is the Word. Keep going, you're digging quite a hole.
Kinda forgetting a little history thar Bub.
The role of Moses.Establishing your outright ignorance of
The Role of God and of course the Torah which is the
" authorship from heaven ".Handed to Moses.
Way before Jesus.
Kinda forgetting a little history thar Bub.
The role of Moses.Establishing your outright ignorance of
The Role of God and of course the Torah which is the
" authorship from heaven ".Handed to Moses.
Way before Jesus.
Jesus was the one who spoke it to Moses and wrote it on the tablets. Jesus is The Word. The Creator. Yahweh.
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From your link...

The inflation rate slowed because the Federal Reserve took drastic action to slow it.

The inflation rate slowed under his watch. So even your own link proves I'm right!

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