Biden's support for Israel, will cost him the Presidency!

Nope. Merely acknowledging the Reality that War is an ugly business, and that civilians die in War.

Especially when the enemy hides behind the burqa-skirts of women - and children - like the chicken-$hits they are.

That's because the Western Allies stop the Israelis from exacting a righteous and frightful price for Muslim-Arab barbarism.

Not THIS time.

Then the Israelis are just going to have to kill enough Hamas and their supporters to make them afraid to try it again.

And lying-down and baring your throats to those savages is a surefire recipe for suicide.

Of the two, in their shoes, I'd risk blindness, rather than baring my throat.

No one has suggested you capitulate to these terrorists. But you will never defeat them by being just as barbarous as they are. You’ll destroy yourselves instead.

Fighting them on their terms has never worked for you. But you keep doing it.
No one has suggested you capitulate to these terrorists.
Not you, but a great many others suggest just that.
But you will never defeat them by being just as barbarous as they are.
One fights fire with fire. They don't understand anything else. They are too filled with hate and they will never change.
You’ll destroy yourselves instead.
Then at least they'll go down, standing-up, like Men, rather than cattle like their grandfathers who walked into the gas chmbers.
Fighting them on their terms has never worked for you. But you keep doing it.
Nothing to do with me. I'm a German-Irish Roman Catholic (lapsed) born-and-bred in northeastern Illinois.

Islam is a bullying-religion and they always have to have it their way or they kill you. The Jews told them to shove it.

After 1,900 years of baring their throats to the savages of the world it's about goddamned time they started fighting back.

I am proud of them and wish them success in their fight against the barbarians at their gate.
Not if he turns on Israel Like a Pit Bull ( By demanding Sanctions and and Divestment prior to the Fall of Gaza City )
So the super left want another Don John presidency huh?

Cutting off their nose to spite their face?
Do you have a link to support your feeliings on this issue?????

Israel has squandered the world's sympathy over the October 7th assault on their innocents, by murdering 5 times as many Palestinians in retaliation. Biden appears to be the ONLY thing preventing them from does worse.

As a child, I cheered for the success of the Israeli nation, because of the Holocaust,

Israel has lost the world's sympathy by bombing hospitals, and housing projects. They killed 700 Palestinians, hundreds of them children, to kill one Hamas leader.

Trump is also supporting Israel in this so I don't see how there's any difference between the two. Trump inflamed Palestinians, resulting in dozens of deaths, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
Here you go...

Biden’s Israel-Palestine Policy Could Cost Him the Election

Good post, BTW.
God, I hate what you said!
I think when push comes to shove, this is an empty threat. Progressives will still vote for Biden.

For the same reason I held my nose and voted for Romney and McCain.

Better half a loaf than no bread at all.
I think when push comes to shove, this is an empty threat. Progressives will still vote for Biden.

For the same reason I held my nose and voted for Romney and McCain.

Better half a loaf than no bread at all.
I hate to say it, but I probably will vote for Biden again.
Did they break into the capitol and threaten the vice president's life yet?
Did they break into the capitol and threaten the vice president's life yet?
Protestors were let into the Capitol. Why do you keep forgetting that?

You think they will prosecute any of them?

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