Big Brother Is Doing More than just Watching You...

Are you comfortable with the rise of the surveillance state in your country?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
It's not the "protecting us" part that is so vexsom, Tony.

It's the potential harm done to our civil liberties and quality of life if the wrong kind of people get their hands on the machinery of the security apparatus.
I am not saying that I am comfortable with the idea but we need to protect ourselves. The 9-11 terrorists were able to obtain fake VA drivers lic because no one was checking to make sure who they where.
Tony, I think that as long as the potential for a small number of people doing great harm increases, that the nature response of every government is to curtail freedom and invade the privacy of its citizens.

I'm not saying I like it, I'm not even saying it is necessary at this time, but that does seem to be the way society progresses.

When a man had to commit mayhem with an edged weapon, we ddin't need a lot of advance notice about what people were doing.

But now that a couple people can destroy whole towns with things like NBC weapons, the need to have PROACTIVE security increases. And that by necessity depands invading our privacy.

I don't think it matters what kind of government we have this is coming from the reality of weapons development
“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” BF
I am not saying that I am comfortable with the idea but we need to protect ourselves. The 9-11 terrorists were able to obtain fake VA drivers lic because no one was checking to make sure who they where.

Biggest road-block to fighting terrorism in this country is Political Correctness.

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